[complete] once more into the fray, fairies. - Printable Version

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once more into the fray, fairies. - vulgaris - 06-05-2019

<link href="|Crimson+Text&display=swap" rel="stylesheet">
<div style="margin:auto;width:610px;background:linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(125,127,114,0)200px, rgba(125,127,114,1)450px), url('')top no-repeat;background-size:650px auto;padding:400px 20px 0px 20px;border:1px solid #000;color:#000;box-shadow:0px 0px 20px #000;">
<div style="transform:rotate(35deg);margin:-20px -200px 0px 350px;font:36px cinzel decorative, sans serif;">V u l g a r i S</div>
<div style="border:3px double #000;border-radius:35%/35px;border-right:0px;border-left:0px;padding:20px 10px;font:16px crimson text;background:rgba(0,0,0,.1);">He can vaguely recall the last time he journeyed to the top of the mountain – his meeting with Carnage, the agony of remembering anything at all. If he said he wasn’t nervous to return it would be a bold-faced lie. But the fear is quickly consumed by the memory of not being there to save Linnea, of being unable to heal anyone still injured from the war he caused. He owes it to them to make this pilgrimage once more, he supposes, and so he gives himself a curt nod as he takes that first step along the incline.

The path along the mountain is worn from travelers before him and so it’s easy to find his footing up the slope. He occasionally glances toward the horizon, measuring the sun’s distance since he began. Time seems to pass differently here as it did in the afterlife but he assumes it may just be his nerves.

Instead of focusing on the trip toward the mountain’s peak, he focuses instead on what his goal is here. Vulgaris is certain that he wants to live as Leliana had asked him to, for at least as long as she does. To spend an eternity at her side would suit him just fine after their hearts had become intertwined once more. The thought of her and their children keeps him warm as the air grows thinner and the ground becomes covered in a thin blanket of snow. Still, he keeps a smile on his face as he carries on.

He wonders if the fairies here will be able to make him strong enough to pluck his loved ones from danger. Little white puffs of air mark his breaths as he begins to shiver, nearing the top. This is close enough, he supposes, and so he comes to a stop with little snowflakes peppering his mane and body.

“<I>I’ve been reborn and learned the mistakes of my old life. Instead of causing destruction and ruining lives, I want to do the opposite now. I want to help others.</i>”

And then, he waits, searching the air for any sign that someone’s listening.</div>
<div style="font:10px cinzel Decorative;text-align:center;">In this shook-up, twisted world, I'm gradually growing transparent and vanishing
Don’t look for me; don't look at me</div></div>

Vulgaris is here to petition the mountain for Phoenix Shifting. He's got no traits as a result of being resurrected.
<a href="">These posts</a> show his reasoning, which is to serve as the champion of Leliana and Tephra. He wants to be strong for them and keep them safe.
<a href="">These posts</a> are also part of the reasoning, as his rebirth involves realizing he can't protect his family in his current state.
<a href="">These posts</a> just help me meet the 10 post requirement.

RE: once more into the fray, fairies. - Wysteria Fairy - 06-07-2019

Vulgaris has rolled a 1 and will not receive a quest. You can try again in one month.