[open] Bring on the rain | Birthing | Amet | Any - Printable Version

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Bring on the rain | Birthing | Amet | Any - Jah-Lilah - 03-30-2019

and her memory is all that is left for you now
If you leap awake in the mirror of a bad dream, don’t for a fraction of a second forget where and who you are.

The clouds had gathered all day, ominous and drab, threatening to burst forth with rain at any moment. It was the arrival of the first thunderstorm of spring that alerted Jah-Lilah that something was coming. The red magicker had looked everywhere except at her own bloated belly, carrying a child who was three days overdue. She’d blame her naivete on pregnancy brain for all the rest of her immortal years. When the thunder begins it’s deep growling after sunset, she’s already pacing anxiously around her den, eyes showing their whites, unable to focus on anything for more than a millisecond.

The storm will usher her mate to her, this she knows, but she calls out for him anyway. Sweat already coats her body, and a terrible knotting is underway inside of her abdomen. And now she knows the foal is coming. The realization smacks her like a ton of bricks, and she attempts to collect her frantic thoughts. Pausing her incessant pacing for only a moment, she brings a hoof to her belly, longing for some relief. Nostrils wide as she tries to catch her breath, she waddles over to where her herbs are stashed, grunting through gritted teeth. Nosing through the various plant parts, she sniffs out her catnip and proceeds to down two servings, desperately seeking alleviation from the cramps. My red mare has barely swallowed the remedy when a pain so sharp it almost forces her to her knees rocks her body.

This labor is nothing like the cakewalk that was Gypsy.

In the same instant, as if rehearsed, Jah-Lilah below and the clouds above both burst. A torrential downpour is upon Beqanna tonight, and the crimson woman is in labor. Lightning tears through the sky out of nowhere, and for a moment it is so bright it could be daytime. Now that her water has broke, the foal seems to be wasting no time trying to claw his way out of her womb. Did he actually give her a damn half-dragon colt?! The outburst of thunder that trails the lightning spooks her already unstable frame, and this time she cannot keep steady. The mare goes down, fall cushioned by the nest she had so carefully been crafting since her arrival.

Sides heaving, she lie there, bellowing for her mate again, dragging her head across the earth. The organic treatment has at last started making it’s way through her system, and she settles noticeably. Blinded by the drizzle and the darkness, she concedes to the wave of exhaustion that washes over her and closes her eyes. Fidgeting and restless, she struggles to find a comfortable position, so she allows her limbs to do whatever they want. Another contraction now and she endures almost silently. Willing her mind and body to stave off the necessary discomfort, again her jaw is clamped together and she blows hard from her nostrils. Lightning strikes again, the flash bright even behind her eyelids.

Desperate to not allow her other half to miss yet another birthing, she sends out a mental message, hoping the invisible tether that seems to bind them together (no matter the distance) will pull him to her once more.

Just open your window and follow your memory upstream to the meadow in the mountain where we counted every falling star.
i have no fear, i have only love

@[Amet] Come on Daddy Dragon! <3

RE: Bring on the rain | Birthing | Amet | Any - Amet - 03-30-2019

Thunder rolls overhead.

He can feel its power in his belly, in the marrow of his bones, in his soul that still yearns for rain because it means he is no longer in the Dunes despite years and years away from it. He stands beside the lake, his reptilian head raised skyward to greet the springtime precipitation as it falls upon the world. The sound of its heavy drops is loud against the once-calm surface of the crystalline lake, against the leafy boughs of the trees that surround the clearing. It's a dull thud against the already-moist earth.

The thunder growls again, reverberating in his narrow chest. It threatens Hyaline as lightning cracks suddenly through the dark sky, illuminating the darkness. It makes him think of his red soothsayer, of the lightning that crackles within her, as well. She is reminiscent of a thunderstorm ─ a powerful force of nature, egged on by the atmosphere of the earth-mother, never bridled or deterred.

How fitting that their child be born in the midst of one of nature's most impressive displays of power. The electricity in the air alludes to more, as if his lover's soul reaches for his. Amet knows never to disregard these feelings; they are born of the same star, he and Jah, and this intuition between them is never wrong.

As if on cue, her call for him rings through the air, split only by fierce thunder and the torrential downpour. Immediately he is running for her, his crescent-shaped hooves confident and sturdy despite the muddy earth as he gallops his desert-blooded body for her den.

By the time he arrives, she is on her side. Her chest heaves and he cannot tell what is sweat and what is rain. "I'm here," he says frantically as he rounds her prone body as carefully as possible before lowering himself to his knees by her head, wuffing gently into her ear and across her cheek. "You can do this, love," he whispers gently into her ear as his bright amber eyes gaze into her widened green ones. Another bout of thunder cracks overhead, sending a shiver down his spine, and he smiles comfortingly to his lover. "If this is any indication of what his personality will be..." he trails off, nipping lovingly at her mane, offering himself to her in anyway that he can support her.

─ don't get cut on my edges
@[Jah-Lilah] ♥

RE: Bring on the rain | Birthing | Amet | Any - Jah-Lilah - 04-06-2019

drowning in the sea of love
I believe the light that shines on you will shine on you forever.

As she lie outstretched in the den she had made for her family, a sense of calm washes over her suddenly. The body does wondrous things when under extreme duress, and the endorphins her brain has flooded her system with are kicking in nicely. They blend well with her adrenaline, and although her insides are screaming as they continue to work her foal out into the world, she can barely hear them over the pounding of the rain as it comes crashing down upon her.

The thunder masks his undoubtedly frantic entrance, and she fails to notice him until he is upon her.

The primitive instincts within her that have kept her alive and well for so many lifetimes are in overdrive, and for a moment she fails to recognize her scaled consort. His aroma smothered by water and cast aside by the gales, she felt almost helpless. Made blind by the weather and crippled by labor, she had nothing left but the ancient beast who had protected her for so long. Ears glued to her neck by pain and by water, she jerks her head around sharply towards the sudden sensation on her cheek. Blunt teeth bared wide and mouth snapping, she immediately changes gears into preservation mode. A shockwave runs from her nose to her tail, using valuable energy reserves to activate her powers, but she could care less. Jah-Lilah will do whatever it takes to protect her unborn, no matter the cost. Then she feels him upon her, his spiritual pressure entwining with her own, and she relents.

When he strokes her, she collapses back down into the warm embrace of the saturated earth, thankful for the opportunity to rest. Whining quietly, the mare allows the Dragon-King to touch her, caress her, soothe her. It does little for her physically, but mentally and spiritually it means everything to her. The foal has started to crown, and as the urge to push consumes her, she gladly obliges. His words are lost on her, garbled gibberish, but she welcomes the tone of his voice and succumbs to his spell. Several hard-fought pushes later, a new life is welcomed into the world. Trembling, she finds the strength within to raise up, muzzle twitching and sniffling as she greets their child.

It is a colt, the color of flame with dark mane and tail. Laughing quietly, she realizes he is her twin, but in color only. Glancing up at her king, she places a few choices nuzzles on him before initiating the process of cleaning the afterbirth from her newborn. It is then she realizes he is covered in a thick layer of scales. She has indeed birthed a dragon.

As she runs her pale pink tongue along his body, she is pricked several times by low-voltage shocks, but she chalks it up to exhaustion and her ability misfiring. Little does she know, her son will wield the same electricity as she one day. Snuggled warmly against the form of her golden lover, euphoria overtakes her, and soon she is smiling so hard her face hurts. The drizzle continues, and lightning strikes all around them, illuminating the night all around them. It is both fearsome and breathtaking. When the foal is spotless and tasting his first sip of mother’s milk, she tucks herself into the Dragon-King, lips moving quietly as she whispers to him a secret for only the two of them.

”And in the dark of the night, Lightning-Crashes was all we could see.”

I’m gonna stand guard, I’ll never leave until I leave you with a sweet dream in your head.
when you build your house, please call me home

@[Amet] <3 I hope it's ok!