[open] woke up in the morning like this - Printable Version

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woke up in the morning like this - cosmos - 03-09-2019

Upon the shore of the River she waits. Tentacles writhe and stretch around her face, sucking at her bizarre kraken skin. The sensations are strange, the fearful looks even stranger, but Cosmos finds this dip into her mentor’s body ever enlightening. She thinks she may learn a few things that the kraken cannot teach.

The fairies had pronounced her quest and sent her on her way. If only Cosmos knew how to seek the company of a stranger out. Most of her life is a surprise or a coincidence, rarely does she go seeking what may not ever come to her. This quest, much like the one she disappeared from months before, feels futile in its trials. The pink pegasus may understand many things, but raging against the erosion of life she does not. She smiles to herself, thinking her guilty of just that for desiring a quest such as this.

And so, she hovers in the water, finding the kraken inside of her is ever drawn to its depths. Her only company is the crashing of the water as it rages, the beginnings of snowmelt strengthening its pulse. Her mismatched gaze lingers amongst the trees just up the opposite bank, willing in a bit of an awkward fashion for someone open minded to encounter her.
devil in the details

open to any!! she looks exactly like Yidhra, u can find a ref on Yidhra’s profile

RE: woke up in the morning like this - Eva - 03-10-2019

breaking like the waves down on the coastline
breaking like the wine-stained glass that held my drink

The waters have always been hers, just as she has always been the waters.

She knew nothing else besides the water. It took her in when she had nothing. Molding her and crafting her into something beautiful, but dangerous.

However, she knows nothing of being dangerous. All she knows is the call of the sea and the deepest of treasures and secrets that lay beneath the crashing of waves on the surfaces. The eye watching from the surface truly knows nothing of what the waters know and hold.

But she does.

Eva is simple and naïve of the world, but in her world, she is the daughter of the sea. She is peaceful and calm, but wild and dangerous as a strong ocean storm.

Her curiosity only makes her admirable. And she wishes to explore it all—the world. In the very depths of the ocean and the dryland that stretches beyond the familiarity of the waters.

But today her curiosity has taken her to a familiar place. Back to the open mouth of the river, where once upon a time she followed the voice of the ocean fairy at the mountain. She had once taken the chance to save the dryland folks of their plague (a thing she still does not understand), but only to return to the waters. Thankfully, her attempt to help the dryland people did not go unnoticed. The nereid-shifter had been given shells, and she adorns them proudly on her mane and tail.

Eva moves closer to the shore of the dryland, where the river’s mouth opens wide into the deeper parts of the sea. With ease, she pushes herself forward, feeling the waters move at her will, sending her closer. Her orange-gold eyes light up curiously as they scan the horizon of the shores and catch sight of something strange yet enticing.

When she gets closer, she stops suddenly. Noticing the tentacles that cling to the strange-water mare. There was something familiar about the mare’s tentacles, something dangerous and dark she had encountered near the Island Resort when she accepted the task of the fairies in the mountain. Eva snorts, feeling irritated at the reminder of the creature that tried to take her down.

Never before had she encountered such a creature of the waters until then. Now it was back to get her! Feeling more overwhelmed with her annoyance, Eva moves without a thought and sends a giant wave to the tentacle mare.

“Get out of here!” She yells.


character info: here | character reference: here


RE: woke up in the morning like this - cosmos - 04-15-2019

The purple woman is aggressive when she notices Cosmos. The pink woman, having forgotten she looks starkly different from the pale thing she usually is, is startled by other’s sudden arrival. A god’s view of the scene would be comical, a young woman realizing the hardships and oddities of one that has become an idol in her eyes.

The only tells that the pegasus is herself are her eyes. One lavender, one molten gold - both glimmering supernaturally against the too-dark of a kraken hide. When Eva yells, they  widen in surprise, then laughter - bewilderment followed by absolute wonderment. Is this what Yidhra faces daily? Well, she no longer faces anything daily: the kraken resides deep beneath the dark depths of the sea. Cosmos cannot help but think she is keeping a little spark of her teacher alive by appearing as her today.

A wave large that it comes up to her neck knocks her a few steps backward. Cosmos braces herself in the damp sand, but finds that the water is only soothing to her skin. She cocks her head to the right, concerned for the frightened girl but mostly fascinated.

“I am not going to hurt you,” she calls, standing her ground while offering the purple girl her space. The smile on her face is sweet, curious. “Can I ask you a question?” Cosmos does not initially enquire, hesitant as if just speaking will frighten the nereid more. She dips her head in vulnerability, tentacles closing around her face.

“Why are you so frightened?” 
devil in the details

@[Eva] no worries on a speedy reply < 3

RE: woke up in the morning like this - Eva - 04-16-2019

breaking like the waves down on the coastline
breaking like the wine-stained glass that held my drink

The blood beneath the water horse continues to boil. She can feel the irritation rising in her as she watches the giant wave, she sent towards the tentacled-mare. However, she lets out an annoyed huff as the giant wave becomes smaller and smaller as it reaches the kraken mare on the shore.

Her intention to cause the other sea creature to flee does not work. It only laughs at her. Sending Eva even further annoyed with the whole situation. Why did this tentacled-mare have to come back and ruin her day again?

The other sea horse looks towards her with the most fascinated expression ever, as if the water girl was some sort of astounding attraction. Eva swims forward, ready to send a even bigger wave back to the mare on the shore to make her point clear that she doesn’t care to see the kraken-mare near her.

But the kraken-mare has other ideas. Even the audacity to speak to Eva! The kraken-mare says she won’t hurt Eva, but for a moment she doesn’t believe the words or the sweet smile that appears on the mare’s face. The attack by the Island Resort was something she could not forgive.

The other mare continues, her ears flick forward as the conversation continues while Eva still wears an irritated expression across her finely shaped Arabian head. The mare’s voice is kind, and she can hear the curiosity of why she is frightened. Does she really think I am that naïve? She thinks to herself.

Eva pushes herself closer to the shore. If the kraken-mare wanted answers, she would give it to her face to face. “Well,” Eva says starting off with a stern tone, “I wouldn’t be so frightened if you hadn’t attacked me by the Island Resort sometime ago!” The nereid mare doesn’t say more than that. Clearly, the kraken-mare would remember.


character info: here | character reference: here


RE: woke up in the morning like this - cosmos - 04-24-2019

The irritated nereid begins to lessen the distance between the two. Cosmos thinks she is so beautiful, the way the water wraps such blue arms around her. She is truly a creature belonging to ebb and flow, glimmering and violet beneath the river’s surface.

Instead of taking a concerned step back like most would do in the face of such agitation, the faux-kraken remains steadfast in her tread. Her dual-colored eyes are as calm as the eyes of one who just awoke from a beautiful dream. Cos wishes for the ability to understand, to crawl inside the nereid’s brain and comb through every passing thought - every memory that led her to his moment. For a moment, she realizes how strange she is: how she never feels fear, or anger - how sometimes in the dead of night she feels entirely numb, how she cannot make a personal connection.

Introspection and rambling come to the pink woman far too easily: she is consumed for too long and nearly misses Eva’s rebuttal. She blinks in surprise, a lapse of the calm face typically keeps.

“I think you’ve got the wrong kraken,” she murmurs, gentle mirth crinkling the edges of her gaze. A frown quickly steals that laughter. Cosmos thinks it might have been Yidhra who attacked this mare. Is that really what she is spending her time doing? Abandoning beloved Pangea to attack innocent passerby?

“I’m sorry you were attacked,” is her soft afterthought as she forces puzzle pieces together that do not necessarily belong. The tentacles across her face squeeze tighter just as the ones around her body wrap around her barrel. “Perhaps I can make up for it - some kind of favor?”
Quote Goes Here


RE: woke up in the morning like this - Eva - 04-27-2019

breaking like the waves down on the coastline
breaking like the wine-stained glass that held my drink

Eva had been so caught up in her frustration at meeting the kraken-mare again, that she finally notices how calm the other sea creature remains during her entire ordeal. Not one moment did the kraken-mare ever lash out in anger at her, but remained completely in control of her own emotions.

The girl huffs softly at her realization. She peers at the kraken-mare angrily but silently as her orange-gold eyes peer at her curiously. Eva cannot understand how someone could be so calm in the moment where she is boiling with frustration at meeting the kraken who previously attacked her. Is she really that stupid? She thinks with annoyance. But the kraken-mare is completely at peace, calming looking at her. It was the way Eva would look at the ocean and the serenity she felt within the very waters itself.

The kraken-mare blinks in surprise suddenly. Was she missing something here? Evan couldn’t quite tell. Her ears perk slightly at the soft voice that finally holds the answer to her previous statement. The sea creature frowns, but then there is an obvious laughter tossing the frown away from the kraken-mare’s lips. It seemed the mare had finally come to some sort of realization.

“The wrong kraken?” She rolls her eyes at learning there is more of them. “There are more of you. Great!” She shakes her small finely shaped head in annoyance. It was just what she needed to hear now.

Eva couldn’t handle knowing there were dangerous within the waters now. If one kraken attacked her, what would the others do? Would she always have to look behind her to ensure her won safety within her home? She didn’t like that feeling at all.

The kraken-mare apologizes for what happened to Eva. There is sincerity in the mare’s voice. “It’s okay. I didn’t know there was more of you krakens,” she says softly. The kraken-mare even offers to make up for what happened to her by another kraken. “A favor?” She peers at the other seahorse curiously. The previous anger within her slowly fades as she wonders why kind of favor the kraken could promise her. “I don’t know what kind of favor you could give me.” She couldn’t know possibly what to ask from a sea creature like a kraken.


character info: here | character reference: here


RE: woke up in the morning like this - cosmos - 05-02-2019

There are more of you. Great!

Cosmos wants to huff out of irritation - an emotion she rarely feels - but she regrounds herself when the noise of the nereid’s shaking head reaches her ears. There is always more to know, to understand, to see: this she knows, this she relaxes in. No matter if she is incapable of true love or connection - no matter at all. Here, in this moment, finding understanding of one that would hate her, is enough.

Her smile is soft, perhaps sad, when she addresses the purple maiden. In another life, maybe, they can be friends; luckily for cosmos, she has another life, in another body.

“If you ever think of something you may want or need, come to Pangea. Ask for Cosmos. I will aid in any way I can.”
Quote Goes Here

@[Eva] sorry this is so short, i was think we could close it up here! if you ever want, eva really can come find her and ask for a favor, it'd be fun <3