Lost in the deep end // Kharon, Any - Printable Version

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Lost in the deep end // Kharon, Any - Tyr - 11-20-2018

It was close to home. Not far, but far enough to feel like he'd done something for himself. It was timed well, with the tides he'd grown up with guiding his path. Father and mother wrapped themselves in the currents of home, and more prepared to let him wander as he grew and their family prepared to welcome another. He had been born without the familial affinity for their island home. Water would not welcome him as it did his mother and sister, and he hadn't his father's knack for spending long moments beneath the surf. 

Maybe that's why he wandered now. Always, he had stood apart from his kin, though they never let him feel it too sharply. Blood and salt water mixed in all their blood, and so he would always call the beach home. It was where he walked without stumbling, and knew where food and freshwater lay without thinking about it. Traveling away from the cove he'd been in was an adventure in itself in that regard, but he pushed on. Hard beaten paths let him out across the island, and the tide opened the way out. A brief sand bar, and then he was off. 

Stumbling through with the cold water on his heels, the golden boy forged ahead, thinking himself heading to the mainland. Freedom made him giddy and he kicked his heels into the air freely as dry grit stuck to his damp hooves. He was off island! Ears twisted frenetically as the new area made itself known. No parrot screamed, but other birds gave their own cries in the warm air. For a moment he wondered if he hadn't just gone in a circle. 

The breeze ruffled palm fronds in lush stands before him, much like they did on Ischia. The air held more salt than vegetation in it, suggesting that it held less jungle than his homeland. Water would be a good thing to find. Food too. May as well make this a pleasant trip. 


RE: Lost in the deep end // Kharon, Any - Kharon - 11-23-2018


oh baby, I have not been kind

Aw, baby, look. He turned his head to nudge her gently, tucked away as a cute little bat in his hair. His neck arched tightly to reach her, brushing that soft tiny body with his velvet nose and a warm breath. 

You wanna make a new friend today? He seems nice, huh? Kind of gold-like like Amet?

He faced forward again and walked them closer, his brilliant silver necklace hanging loosely about his neck and over his teenage chest. His body was lean, his lavender and white spectacular, of course. Their family was so beautiful, thanks to Dad. So impossibly attractive. He kept his wings tucked loosely about his sides, feeling a little hopeful about today despite all the trauma their family had been through. Kali, and Kylin. They'd all had a rough time.

"Hey, there," he called to the guy, friendly but not quite not as cheerful as he once would have been. Maybe he'll get it back one day. His mild delight fell and his heart sank as he got nearer, seeing those eyes that were so very unseeing. Well, hell. He had no idea how gorgeous they were. That was unfortunate for him. They were incredible. But it was alright, they were beautiful on the inside too, despite the dark history in his name. So his smile returned easily.

"You came all the way here on your own?? How'd you do that? Was that scary?" He surveyed the boy's body, checking for damage. They had healers around, that was the big purpose of this place. Healing the sick and the wounded, of course. Not that he had that sort of magic, no. He wasn't of much help, honestly. But he was damn good to look at, they all were. And they were good at putting smiles on sweet faces.

Kali, I don't think he can see anything. Come look.

She still wasn't speaking yet, traumatized and so young. Way too young to have to go through everything she's been through. They all sorta were. So damn much. So the boy may not realize his baby sister was with him. That was alright, though. Kharon would convey anything if she wished it. He wouldn't suggest just jumping on the kid for cuddles or anything, but she wasn't about to do that anyway.

"How far did you have to go to get here? Did you get sick or hurt? You need a healer? Oh, I'm sorry. Sometimes I talk too much before waiting. Carry on. I'll wait. Sorry." He was completely unfazed by his ways though. He and Dad could find it easy to talk to just about anyone, really. Didn't bother them none. So he waited with an easy smile.

I wish I could scrape away the dirt that's on my mind

RE: Lost in the deep end // Kharon, Any - Kali - 11-24-2018

Kali snuck the tiniest little kiss to the end of her Khari’s nose, just brushing her itty bitty bat lips against his velvety softness as he nuzzled her. She didn’t bother to look other than the quickest peek, just long enough to see he was a little goldish in color but not shiny or scaly like Amet. Oh. Her face fell a little and she wondered not for the first time since they’d come down from the mountain how her friend was doing. What had happened to him in the six years they’d been gone. The just a week, for them.

Sure, she thought softly, more because he sounded so soft and hopeful than because she actually wanted to make a new friend. What was the point? They all disappeared anyhow. She sighed softly and snuggled deeper into his mane, letting him do all the talking.

It was good to hear him sounding happy and friendly and kinda cheery again. Not as big or as smiley as he used to be, but she was hardly one to fault him for being bummed out or at least not actively chipper. His words flowed out like honey though, and she listened to them dripping from his lips with a cozy little sigh. She loved his voice so, so much, had since the very first time she’d heard it. And it had only gotten better.

It was especially nice when he was chatting with a stranger, coaxing someone new toward easy comfort with him. He was such a bright, sparkly person, with such a perfect smile. It was good to hear it again in his voice, even dimmed a little. Love you, Khari, she thought softly, with even a little smile in her mind.

When he told her he didn’t think the other boy could see, she tilted her head and perked up a little, curious. Then how’d he get there? Where’d he come from? It had to be awful hard to get to an island without being able to see it! She peeked out to look at him, but didn’t make a sound, didn’t make her presence known at all, just studied him quietly with big brown eyes.

RE: Lost in the deep end // Kharon, Any - Tyr - 11-29-2018

Tyr paused as sounds reached his twisting ears. Sand muffled most things, but he'd grown up on a shoreline, with a father who taught him to see without sight. Dull steps approached, his head tracing the creature who drew near. A voice cut through his focus, flicking the natural upward curve of his lips into a fuller smile. 

"Hi. I walked. Is this the mainland? That's where I was aiming for. It was... exciting." He decided in the moment. He had been a gawky colt but slowly his father's Spanish blood was making itself known. Another year or so and the toned muscles already showed where they'd fill out his frame. The pair who'd come across him were not the only ones gifted with familial glamour. 

The boy spoke again, while the sunshine youth tilted his head interestedly, letting his mane fall in a pearly sheet. He was close enough to catch threads of odor, briny like the scents of his own family. Maybe a little less saturated. A male, he couldn't be any older than the sightless boy. Healthy, marked with the island breezes that twined between them. And maybe... almost identical, but there was one thread that seemed more alike to his own sister's perfume. 

"You're fine. I don't mind being the listener. My father says I have a talent for it." He shrugged good naturedly, unbothered. Adria usually talked enough for the whole family when she was around, and most of the time he wandered the island alone. He was content with quiet. "It wasn't too far. I'm not hurt. I don't think I'm sick? I'm called Tyr, by the way. Who are you guys?" It was strange to not know someone's name. He'd never had to introduce himself to his family, so this was a new kind of interaction. A cool sensation pushed at his heels. The tide was coming back in, so he was here until the next day at least. 

@[Kharon] @[Kali]

RE: Lost in the deep end // Kharon, Any - Kharon - 12-02-2018


oh baby, I have not been kind

The golden guy hadn't been scared, that was cool! Exciting, he said.

"Man, that's so awesome. The mainland? Nah, this is the Island Resort. I think most of us are from Ischia or various forests, possibly. My family is from Ischia, nice and beachy. That's where we were born and really the only place we've ever lived. We wanna go back but, you know, the plague and all. Can't be getting sick."

Tyr, though. That was a neat name.

"I'm Kharon. My baby sis is Kali, but she's not ready to talk yet. She's been through a lot." His voice softened and he twisted to nuzzle her tenderly again, breathe a gentle breath over her. She'd get better. She'd talk again. There wasn't any rush.

"You wanna hang out with us for a while? Or I could help you across to the mainland if you want?" The idea wasn't the most thrilling, honestly. This was an island after all and he now knew just about everyone on it by meeting them or hearing all their thoughts. It was nice to have a new person around to talk to and listen to and chill with.

"Or we could, um.." Well, he wasn't really sure. He hadn't yet found super entertaining things to do on the island. Mostly he'd just made sure the family was safe and content and help out however he could. Oh, hey!

"Hey! By the way. We're not sure how our uncle is doing and we're all pretty worried about him, but we can't leave here without getting sick.. So we can't check on him. Have you heard anything about him? Ruan? He was the head honcho of the Taiga before the apoc--" Oh, hell, he probably shouldn't have brought that up. That was the beginning of Kali's trauma. Damn. He reached to snuggle her, leave soft kisses over her, comfort her. Sorry, baby..

"Anyway, we're just worried about him. Kali loves her Uncle Roo." Maybe it would help her to see him again, if they could find him.

I wish I could scrape away the dirt that's on my mind

RE: Lost in the deep end // Kharon, Any - Kali - 12-05-2018

The boys’ idle chatter was soothing, and Kali closed her eyes, letting her big bat ears swivel to catch the sounds of their quiet conversation. She wasn’t exactly listening, per se, just letting the sounds of their voices wash over her and ease the racing of her heart, help keep her calm and quiet. Until introductions were being made, and then she perked up for the sake of politeness, just long enough to catch his name.

And that plural. You guys. She squeaked softly and ducked her head back into her Khari’s mane. He saw me! Softly startled, with just a hint of suspicion. But Khari wouldn’t try and trick her, so maybe Tyr was extra sneaky. Maybe he could see without his eyes, or had some kinda magic that let him know she was there. Khari turned to nuzzle her, and her eyes closed on a soft little hum as he introduced her. She pressed her tiny nose to his and nuzzled him back, basking in the warmth of his breath and the softness of his touch.

Her Khari would keep her safe.

He asked about Uncle Ru, and she started to peek out again, to watch Tyr’s face to look for any sign of recognition. She froze for a heartbeat though when Khari slipped and mentioned Taiga, the unspoken rest of the word apocalypse washing over her and leaving a shudder in its wake. Another flash of molten lavabeasts giving chase, of the water rising up and trying to steal the breath from her lungs, and just like that she was caught all over again.

She struggled to draw quick, shallow, frantic little gasps, pulling back and scrambling deeper into Khari’s mane, burrowing and burying herself in the silken lavender and white strands until she was pressed right up against his neck and shaking, curled into a tight ball and clutching herself tight, wings wrapped around her like a cocoon. She jolted at his touch, caught in the memory, almost lashed out with frightened little claws, but his gentle apology broke through the way his mind voice always did. Tears spilled from her eyes clenched shut tight, and she sucked in a desperate breath and clung to him with sharp little claws.

((Oops. :\ Sorry.))

RE: Lost in the deep end // Kharon, Any - Tyr - 12-12-2018

A wave of disappointment washed over him when he heard that his direction had been wrong, ending up on another island instead of the mainland. Still, he was someplace new, with at least one new horse. Maybe two, he wasn't sure yet. Even more interesting though was the place they apparently both called home. His face illuminated joyfully at the knowledge. "Ki jan bél! That is where I come from as well. Though I do not know any Ruan, I'm sorry." 

Mercurial as a sea storm, the boy's face flowed from excitement to sorrow, then back to its typical lightheartedness. Raised as he had been, he had no concept of guile or deception, or any kind of masking of his emotions. They rolled across him openly, with no expectations. Inhaling again, the golden fronds of his ears rotated easily. It was no substitute for sight, but for a boy who didn't know any better, his ears and nose created a good enough map of his world and the things that filled it. Like this boy, Kharon. And his sister as well, though he still wasn't confident of her presence. All he'd caught of her was a whisp of girlish scent, no hoof beats or breath patterns, no whispered words... but that didn't mean she wasn't there. Trust your senses, that's what his father always said. Trust yourself.  

Smiling in their general direction, if maybe a bit to the left, Tyr nodded in greeting. "Happy to meet you Kharon, and you, Miss Kali. My kin are those that keep to themselves, elsewise we may have met sooner. My folk hardly come up to the surface most days, and I kept close to their cove, till now. Didn't get mamman's gift for the sea like my sister, though Da says he didn't get his gift until my age or a bit older. There's hope." He shrugged, unbothered. While he wished he could follow his sister beneath the waves, the surface still held many secrets from him. Secrets that had brought him here today. 

Stepping to the side with a light motion, he lifted his muzzle into the light breeze. Other equids, not nearby. Salty, pungent beach grass, date palms. He nodded again. "I'd like to hang out? This is not the mainland, but still a new place to me. I'd like to learn about it, and... zanmi. To make friends." Warmth rose in his skin at the admission, vague embarrassment at the admission. He had no friends to which he was not related to. There was a vague memory of a girl, when he was very young. But she had not come by again. This was a chance that he could not forgo. 

@[Kharon] @[Kali]

RE: Lost in the deep end // Kharon, Any - Kharon - 12-25-2018


oh baby, I have not been kind

Aw, damn. He nuzzled her and cuddled her in close. I'm so sorry, Kali. I didn't mean to bring it up. She was so tore up over what happened, and over the doubt that Uncle Ruan was still alive. Had he even been able to survive it? They hoped so. He hoped so. For her.

Their new friend had an odd way of speaking and he glanced at him with a smiling frown, brows gently furrowed. His dad Reilly was the only one he'd ever crossed that had an accent. The bold Irishman was hard to miss anywhere he went. This kid had more than an accent, though. Different phrases thrown in from a different language or something. He tried to guess at the underlying meaning of them, at least, nodding as he listened.

Kharon smiled. "Nice. We'd like to hang out a bit too. We haven't really met anyone else our age yet. So I guess we don't really have friends either, just each other." He gave his sister a little nuzzle because just each other was just about all they needed. Each other and their family. They were a tight-knit family full of love and affection, and they'd been through so much together.

"What do you think, beautiful?" he asked her gently. "Our new friend wants to hang out. What do you wanna do first?"

I wish I could scrape away the dirt that's on my mind