[open] Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery. Any! - Printable Version

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Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery. Any! - Anninux - 11-11-2018

Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery

There are those who are strong and bold leaders, or those who shy away from leadership and stick to the back, in the middle there lies a dark figure named Anninux, still searching to assert herself in a spot of her own, somewhere, anywhere. The black lady gently made her way over the terrain, her ribs showing more than ever as she moved her frame softly, she was hungry and cold, lazily sliding her hooves across the ground, creating soft creases in the dirt as she moved around aimlessly.

"Hello?" her voice was meagre as it moved through the almost derelict landscape, passing all the shallow trees and silencing the formless whispers of the crows. The hope for a reply was now truncated as she tried to rise into a trot, her body scantily holding her in position as she raised her long legs and began to increase in speed, the mare snorted, steam erupting from her nostrils as she looked around, a meagre hope still lit within her as she slowed down, a heaving sigh almost escaping her chest. The onyx mare peered at all the trees, joy lighting within her for a second every time she was able to spot any animal at all, she felt her need to be here quite pointless now, loneliness was perhaps her only hope for now, as it has been for a very long time. 


RE: Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery. Any! - Ilma - 11-11-2018

And there's a lesson waiting to be learned
the firestarters always get the burns
and the good guys never get the girl

It's like she told Magnus - she can't stay away from the field and meadow for long.

Her sunlight wings have carried her a great distance before, but today less greatly so. The weather seems to be against her, and she diverts to the southern areas of the common lands so as not to be caught in a winter rain; and well, she can just about land in the meadow then. Knowing she'll come here more often to seek out homeless souls in need of guidance, she could not hope to avoid the infection, and so, she refuses to behave as if it might scare her.

Today, there aren't a whole lot of horses in the meadow. But there's a mare up ahead; a little taller and skinnier than Ilma is, similar in form and build to Kagerus; and with a black coat that should have been shiny. Instead, it's much of an opposite to the white andalusian mare herself.

That will not do.

She approaches quickly, in a light trot. She doesn't seem sick, only a little underfed from the harsh winter, no doubt on her own - so Ilma offers a kind smile and a warm tone to her voice. "Good day to you. I hope I'm not disturbing."

and shooting stars cannot fix the world


RE: Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery. Any! - Anninux - 11-11-2018

Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery

The mare's eyes lit up instantly as a pearly figure approached her, the lust to seek for attention and comfort driving to reply, the mare stood up and balanced herself "No not at all!" she hastily replied looking over and studying the almost stoic stature, lowering herself submisevely and waiting for the mare's next words.

She wondered as to the origin of the mare's presence, why was she here and why was she speaking to her, she stood still and silent, her black coat standing out against the grey sludge that she stood on, her mane all tangled and twisted fluttering gently as a soft wind passed between the two, carrying scents and information that was tempting to follow. The mare diverted her attention toward the trees as they began to rustle with increasing strength, although her attention was not diverted for long, she quickly resumed looking toward the white figure, still standing like she had frozen over.



RE: Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery. Any! - Ilma - 11-11-2018

And there's a lesson waiting to be learned
the firestarters always get the burns
and the good guys never get the girl

The black mare, like she had expected, reacts cheery yet submissive - yup, she definitely needs a change of scenery. The white mare folds her sunlight wings back, and inclines her head to the other when she is within a normal talking range. Funny, that little star on her black head. It reminds her of her daughter, although the girl has a tendency to grey out a little, like her father (but honestly the process never really seems to be completed, with that strange immortality trait the girl likes to perhaps misuse). "My name is Ilma. I'm the ambassador of Hyaline. Or, perhaps, Silver Cove, or, the Sanctuary of the East. I honestly am starting to confuse the names a little." she chuckles a bit to herself, shaking her head.

"I meant no offence but, you seemed a little lonely. And I figured... perhaps some company would do you good." Or a home, even if just temporary to survive winter season. She doesn't say that aloud but, for a good listener, this offer is to be expected to follow up shortly. But the mare seems a little scared still, and Ilma doesn't want to scare her away just yet.

and shooting stars cannot fix the world


RE: Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery. Any! - Anninux - 11-11-2018

Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery

The mare curiously observed the figure's wings which now announced herself to be named as Ilma, the mare blinked a few times before replying "My name's Anninux, I'm glad that you've taken the time to accompany me" She paused with a soft smile, her voice gently easing back into the cold air "I've been alone for quite a while, lots of travelling too. It's nice to meet you" she bowed ever so slightly as she sturdied herself, Hylanine? The name seemed to sound familiar yet still Alien to her "I'm not familiar with the area I'm afraid" she lowered her tone as she looked at the mare.

Maybe now she would be able to have company, a warm soul to stand by for the meantime, the white mare's warmth only grew, filling the general vicinity and making it feel comfortable, the cold air almost pausing as they conversed. On the other hand, the weather seemed to be constantly changing, she couldn't figure out whether she would have to find shelter for the day, although what if she could accompany the mare, possibly find a new place to call home, it all seemed slightly fictional for now, but she still hoped.



RE: Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery. Any! - Ilma - 11-11-2018

And there's a lesson waiting to be learned
the firestarters always get the burns
and the good guys never get the girl

Winter was usually a season the mare could thrive in - not because she wanted to hide away (though one season, she had), but because winter always prompted her to go out more, to go seek out those who might have a hard time getting by. Last winter she had found Aten; she wonders if the Brotherhood of Ischia had stuck, for him. At the very least he had been some place warmer.

But this mare seemed unfamiliar with most of the land surrounding her. Ilma tilted her head at that remark, then smiled. "You're in Beqanna now, Anni, which is what we call our world. It's a world full of strange magic I sometimes still have a hard time to grasp, even after nearly 6 years of living here. But it has also recently shifted lands due to a sickness coming about - the faerie that protect us, have erected safe lands, one of them the Silver Cove, that we as the Sanctuary now inhabit. If you want shelter from the winter's harshness and the sickness, perhaps I can take you there?" she offers then - this mare is in need, but it is a need that Ilma can fullfill - Anninux need only say so. She didn't seem the type to put the sanctuary in danger, not to Ilma.

Or in any case, not in her current condition, so it seems relatively safe to ask her.

and shooting stars cannot fix the world


RE: Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery. Any! - Anninux - 11-11-2018

Those who have courage and faith shall never perish in misery

Anninux "Beqanna..." she whispered as she listened closely, it all seemed so familiar yet so far fetched for just having heard it, as the sickness was brought up Anninux tensed up for a moment, having dealt with it quite a few times in the past, whether having dealt with it herself or someone else she still knew the destructive nature, but this was all put to rest by the mention of a home; a sanctuary, a shelter that she could inhabit, at least for now. The mare raised her head almost instantly "That would be very kind, I would be glad to, and thank you greatly" she replied quietly with a gentle bow, her words radiating as the cold clenched her crisp lips, the mare now perked her ears and relaxed her frame.

For now, her loneliness was not perhaps cured but soothed, a medicine that that can be a bittersweet pleasure but usually worth all costs, she was ready to travel a good distance, her deprived body rising as she prepared herself for this new world.

