Take Me to the Waters Edge {Ketzia/Any} - Printable Version

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Take Me to the Waters Edge {Ketzia/Any} - Kove - 08-18-2018

Take Me to the Waters Edge

The day they had parted ways, weighed heavily on my heart.  Each day I awaken, hopeing it was merely a dream and that we would be nestled together on Tephra rock once again.  But each day I awake, my lavender spotted sister is not there.  Another is and though mother says this is my sister, I have reservations.  I do not dislike Eifa, but she is not Ketzia.  She is not not my twin.  My other half.

So when my mother tucks us in for the night, I shut my lids, disguising myself as peacefully sleeping.  When I hear the lightened breath of my new sister and mother fast asleep, my lids flutter open.  I had remained standing that eve and with tippy toes I sneak off under the moonlit skies.  Having lived here long enough to know my way, I easily navigate through the dense jungles.  Quiet parrots hardly notice my exit from the island as I find the sandy bridge and cross the shallow pools into the mainlands.

From here I am all but lost.  Dark shadows casted from thick canopies suddenly transform into nightmares.  My young mind playing tricks on me, I step cautiously onwards.  An eerie sound echoes through the dense foliage and I freeze.  Muddy ears twisting to find where it was coming from. "H...Hellooo," I whisper lightly into the night air.  When no answer is given, I hastely move again.  My hooves prancing nervously this way and that.  I can hear a rushing of waters and so I move towards the familiar noise.  Finding slightly less trees and brush here, I look up to the evening skies.  A million twinkling lights shine brightly and for a moment my worries have left me.  


"Auugggghhh..." I yelp in shock but quickly cut off my voice.  How embarrassing.  My lavender-silver eyes dart to the rippling stream to find a tiny creatures leaping in the grasses. Ribbit. It sounds again and I giggle for my silliness. "Oh hello there little froggie," I whisper sweetly.  "I am looking for my sister.  Have you seen her?" I inquire of the amphibian.  Ribbit.  Is all it responds and my face lifts upwards slightly, "Guess that is a no." 

My face twists left and then right as if deciding on a direction to go, but honestly, I have no idea...

@[Ketzia] reunite?? Any other is welcome to assist her as well since she is sortof lost

RE: Take Me to the Waters Edge {Ketzia/Any} - Ketzia - 08-24-2018

And if the stars aligned, would it be you and I?

The night was restless. It was evident in the way that the sky rumbled and rolled. Kept dry by the thick Taigan canopy, Ketzia lay within her bed of pine needles mindlessly counting the soft pattering of raindrops on leaves. Taiga was so unlike Tephra, always thick with moisture and moss. Musty and humid and green - she missed the smog of her birth place. Beside her, Karat breathed heavily, completely comfortable in their strange new habitat. She was a good guardian, protective and attentive while Kromium was away trying to secure and more safe spot for them. He had been gone for quite some time and the young mare had begun to worry, even though Karat did not. She was a good sister, Ketzia relented, even though she was not the one that she truly longed for.

Unable to find sleep, she exhaled and rose to her feet. As she rose, bits of earth fell from her coat. Shaking more free from her mane she quietly snuck away. It was nights such at these, when the sky was alive with could and lightning, that her thoughts turned towards her mother's island.

Across the deep water, Kove was with her. No doubt by now she would have made friends among the other young horses. Beautiful and charismatic, she imagined her younger-by-minutes sister prancing about the flocks of parrots and playing the ocean. The thought sent shockwaves of jealousy through Ketzia's body. With a heavy heart she knew that there was no use pining over the things that she could not change. Some time ago, both fillies had made their choices. There hadnt been a day since that Ketzia didnt curse her cowardice. She had been far too young to make such a decision, and yet their mother had allowed it. Always encouraging them to grow in independence. If only her father had spoken up, disallowed her from taking such a bold step. If he had, she would be with Kove and they would be happy.

Almost without knowing, Ketzia had traveled deeper into the giant redwoods. Weary from her lack of sleep, her eyelids burned with every blinking of her eyes. There was a pull to return to Karat. Sleep would come, eventually. But there was something stopping her, a rustling just beyond the next bend. A voice, as pure as the twinkling of a bell, drifted through the thick night. There was a familiarity to it, though it sounded older - more mature. Her heart beat faster and her pace quickened to see what the forest hid from her.

"Kove?" She called out in disbelief. When a tuft of moonlit lavender did not dissolve to mist, Ketzia catered forward. "KOVE! How...what are you doing here! It's dangerous to travel alone....does mother know?"

Or would you bid me a celestial goodbye?

@[Drax] Let the fun begin. Smile

RE: Take Me to the Waters Edge {Ketzia/Any} - Kove - 08-25-2018

Take Me to the Waters Edge

My indescion is soon decided with the closing of my eyes and quick spin of my body.  Whichever direction my nose was pointed in when I stopped was the direction in which I would head.  The action is swift and just as my self-inflicted dizziness subsides, I begin trapsing through the dank forest.  A thunderstorm began to roll over head and with it came the soft falling of a late season rain.  As it dampens my coat, I give a shake, spraying a fine mist from my chocolate and cream coat.  The lilac fluff of my baby mane has grown considerably long.  Soft tendrils cover my neck in a colorful display of my lineage.  I am proud to be purple afterall...

A few more strides and I again whisper into the shadows, "Ketziaaa."  The last sound dragging as if it was one of their favorite childhood games, hide and seek. "Where are youuuu..." I call out quietly.  Best not to wake the woodland creatures, I decide...  Then suddenly, a shouting voice, calls my name and I nearly lose my skin -jumping straight in the air.  It takes a moment for my limbs to find the forest floor and steady myself enough to hear the familiarity in the tone.  My nose wrinkles in wonder, "Ketzia?"  I see her dark form headed for me(at least I hope it is her) and I call out her name in my most non-whispery of voices, "KETZIA!"  Leaping forwards, I meet her half-way.  Wrapping my neck into hers and happily feeling the warmth of her body. 


My sister though is all worries and questions and so I giggle them away, "Ketzia! I'm here. I am fine. Don't worry about anything else."  I pull away from her slightly and press my muzzle to her cheek, "I have missed you sister."  It is all I say, before reveling in the bliss of the moment in just being together once again. 

@[Ketzia] yay!

RE: Take Me to the Waters Edge {Ketzia/Any} - Drax - 08-27-2018


Morty left Sylva a while back and with it Drax lost interest in the kingdom life, Sylva was just not the same with the low life mare he left in charge. The fire breathing stallion turned to live a nomad life, for now at least, he found himself treading through Taiga on this particular evening, the surroundings were dead and it was rather quiet with a few equines here and there.

On this particular night as he passed through Taiga he heard loud chatter, it was so loud that it disturbed his thoughts and quickly annoyed the short tempered stallion. He decided to check it out, and with it he moved in the direction of the noise. He remained hidden behind some foliage as he spotted two fillies, they were both purple which interesting, they must be related. They both screamed out there names Ketzia and Kove he thought to himself. The one without spots on her blanket, Kove, told Ketzie not to worry because she was here. This only caused Drax to burst out in laughter, I have missed you the words escaped the fillies mouth but it was to late, his hiding spot was lost.

He stepped out from hiding still laughing, he approached the young fillies, they seemed to be similar in age but they also seemed to be still in a child like thought process. Dear fillies, you always have to worry, did you sneak away from mommy and daddy? He creeps closer to the pair That is very dangerous, surely they warned you about doing so. The colts own mother did not want him, and his father was the king of some 'brother' kingdom, something he could care less about. The kingdom was righteous and Drax just wanted to cause Havoc, his own twin brother couldn't hurt a fly if he tried.

Now Ketzia, Kove.... he spoke there names, hoping to light some fear in them Tell me what brings you out to the darkness of Taiga today? Perhaps they could beg to be his sex slaves, he wouldn't mind that after all. His thoughts trailed to Maiven who was just that, but maybe it could be more fun with someone who was willing. If not.....well he could always kill them....or perhaps leave his mark, leaving them without hair permanently. His eyes gazed on them intently, his heart beat fast the thought of the thrill tonight would bring.

Don't Light My Fire

@[Ketzia] @[Kove]