Rip me open. admire the ivory beneath || ANY - Printable Version

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Rip me open. admire the ivory beneath || ANY - Krigare - 01-24-2018

He has not been here for so long. Not since his humiliating defeat on the rudy plains. 

His defeat to a child. 

Granted the ebony boy had been a shifter, one capable of things many were not. But Krigare had been a coward, too afraid to lose his own life to fight back. He had run far away from Beqanna, evading even the rules set by his challenger. Deep scars now marred most of his chest and neck. Their prominent lines were ugly reminders of his own shame. In his wake, he had abandoned Zephyr. Even now he was abandoning her, too afraid to face whatever emotions he had stirred. 

Perhaps she hated him, maybe she missed him, perhaps (what he wished for her most) she moved on. Perhaps she had found someone to make her happy. To stay. 

Krigare had never been good at the family scene, one woman, and a child a horrific reminder of that notion. The thought of his boy brought acid to the back of the bay stag's throat. Hot bubbling pain mixed with anguish resting behind the ivory bones of his chest. 

He pushed the thoughts of the smiling boy out of his mind. For the child had never been his. He had made sure of that the night he abandoned him. The night a stallion more equipped to father him had swooped him into the night. Into a life much happier than anything Krigare could have offered.

Where he stood now felt foreign, the same forest as it had been all those months ago.. but somehow different. Every kingdom he thought he had known was gone. Offspring had moved on to greater things, so had everyone else his age. Krigare could not deny the good they were doing for Beqanna, but he couldn't help but feel lost. 

With hooded eyes he watched the trees sway with the wind, the spring bringing a storm to him. How fitting for the mood.

When the bay stallion was done here he would go to Loess. He would live out his sentence and perhaps make himself at home. For the time being, he felt to haunted to return to Tephra. 

Too frightened. 

If she came to face him first he would not run, but his heart could allow nothing more than cowardice now. 

He only wished to talk to someone before he went. 

To speak with anyone.

(OOC: This rambles so badly BUT basically he is moping and readying himself to go to loess.)

RE: Rip me open. admire the ivory beneath || ANY - Embark - 01-25-2018

Embark has turned into a beautiful young girl.

While she has yet to reach full maturity, her body has grown to the size of an average horse. Her head is slightly dipped (which she could never understand why. Neither Imperial nor Kuma’s face looked like that), her body slender and agile. Her mane is long like her mother’s once was, beautiful ivory tresses that descend in waves along her neck. Crimson eyes glow bright with the promise of a life full of adventure.

She had left her home. Left her beloved sister with a kiss of the cheek. ”I’ll be back soon.” She had said. Her mother had wished her good luck in finding whatever she needed to find, and her father...well, she buried herself beneath his strong embrace and cried for a bit. But this is something she needed to do, a comfort zone she needed to push. The cavern in the mountains would always be home, a place to lay her weary head...but what good was a life of safety? To never push the boundaries of her heart would be a grave disservice.

She moves by daylight (her mother hasn’t been able to stop her fears from taking over her mind, although it is apparent Gryffen is no longer the king of the autumn wood), her family watching carefully as she walked away from them, to the forest of Sylva, until they were but a speck on the horizon. She moves quickly through the forest, nodding at passerbys, but in general keeping to herself. No one seemed interested in her.

A few days passed, and finally the autumn forest ended, and a small stream began. She crossed it with ease, and looked to the path before her. One led towards the forest, the other through a field of thick grass (one she had taken long ago, the last time she had been to the playground). But she is no longer a child, so she descends into the darkness of the woods, weaving between trees and following the paths worn in the ground.

It’s when she comes across a large stallion, eyes lost in thought. She tilts her head curiously, glancing over his thick, dark frame, his scarred bodice. She had only seen her mother’s scars, puckered purple and brown skin where hair had been missing. She walks over quietly, whispering a nearly inaudible “Hello” to him.


RE: Rip me open. admire the ivory beneath || ANY - Krigare - 01-26-2018

He see's her in everything. When the ocean lept and the waves where tipped in white. When the clouds passed silently across the pale morning sky. When children laughed gleefully in the meadow. All he could do was see her, and when the girl approached he couldn't help but see her. 

Couldn't help but see Zephyr


She had approached quietly, but he had heard her. Her voice is timid, as though she is afraid of him... Perhaps she was. She wouldn't be the first. If he choose to yell a bit the chances of her running screaming into the forest were high.


He replies, allowing emerald eyes to meet her own gaze briefly before settling upon the earth once more. The girl was pale but not as pale as his child had been at birth. She was painted with spots that coated a creme bodice. Krigare could almost remember the days when he was that young. Naive and trusting.

"Where do you come from girl? I do not recognize your scent."

For it was true, perhaps he was gone too long.
Yes, that was probably it.

"I am Krigare, and before you ask. If you ask, I come from nowhere."

He fell silent once more.

RE: Rip me open. admire the ivory beneath || ANY - Embark - 02-06-2018


He isn't much different from her own parents. His mannerisms, the broodish way he talks, the light taken from his eyes, look all but too familiar to the filly. She thinks about the past her mother had never talked about, the one that left her scarred in more ways than one. Perhaps he shared the same fate. 

"I come from Loess," She answers him sheepishly, hoof dragging across the ground in a nervous motion. She feels herself grow more nervous as time grows on, and her gift (which she is far from perfecting), causes her hind end to grow transparent. 

"I am Krigare, and before you ask...if you ask, I come from nowhere." His tone is quite snappy, and with a hint of defiance, she scoffs, and her rump returns to its cream color. She considers walking him away, leaving him to his own sadness, but that's not in her nature. With an apologetic sigh, she comes near to his side, reaching her pale muzzle to touch the scarred skin beneath his fur. A gentle, unassuming touch of a girl who has never had interactions with a man besides her father. 

"Well Krigare, I'm Embark. I must say you're being very grumpy!" She teases, backing away from him once more.  

Sugar and Spice


RE: Rip me open. admire the ivory beneath || ANY - Krigare - 02-20-2018

Rip me open

She didnt know the half of it. So he chuckles and shakes his great head, dark tendrils flying over a scar mapped right eye. The green there was less true, less vibrant than it was so long ago. Looking to the pale girl once more Krigare feels the age in his bones, he almost swears he can hear them wheezing in protest as he moves.

"When you get to be my age girl, grumpy is a way of life. Tis no act."
And he means it. Once (long ago) he would have been overjoyed to befriend the painted girl, perhaps he would take her to meet his pale queen. But now he was pissed off and alone, his life was so much different from the girl's. It was clear that after whatever the forest brought for her, she would return to her mommy and daddy and the mean words he spit at her would fade into the dark nothingness of a childhood memory. 

"Why do you stray so far from Loess, and why do you travel alone?"
He thinks to the day he had seen the great beast that ripped its way from Castile's chest in these woods. Was the girl not at all afraid? Was she afraid now? Caught in a conversation with a man she hardly knew? The thought makes his stomach roil and he begins to walk. Part of him knows she will follows.



RE: Rip me open. admire the ivory beneath || ANY - Embark - 02-20-2018

Embark is young, so she doesn’t understand why the stallion is so off putting, or why he treats her as though she is dumb. Her parents kept her sheltered, but they certainly did not treat the golden girl as if she was stupid (because she is most certainly not).

Maybe he thinks she is afraid, maybe he thinks she doesn’t know what pain is. But she has seen her mother’s eyes and listened to her father weep. Their pain might be different, but she is no stranger to it. She isn’t afraid of him. She couldn’t be afraid of him.

No. Fear wasn’t who she was anymore.

He begins to walk away and she tries to stop in front of him. She sets down a hoof in defiance.

”Because like many in Beqanna, I’m looking for something more than a life of sadness,” She states matter of factly. ”maybe you’d be well to do the same.” She shakes her main, turning around and beginning to trot away.
@[Krigare] she’s getting sassy xD

RE: Rip me open. admire the ivory beneath || ANY - Krigare - 03-18-2018

He stops and rolls his eyes as she stands defiantly before him. Who had raised this child? Had she no clue it would take nothing for him to simply... He closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath. He hadn't hurt a damn soul since his encounter with Castile on the battlegrounds, even then he had taken more damage from the painted stallion then he had left his opponent with. Krigare listens to the girl speak her truth, lets her offer him advice before turning to walk away.

"You say you are from Loess!"
He calls after her, suddenly terrified of being alone again. Perhaps the child would offer him some sort of company, no matter how annoying it may be. It's a slow trot that takes him to her side once more, and it is a slow walk that helps him keep pace with the painted girl.

"What is it like then?"
He asks, ignoring the previous quarrel. The stag prays that he hasn't upset her enough to be left here without an answer to his question. Of course, he had been to Loess, but she didn't have to know that. 

"Loess I mean... I suppose you enjoy it."

( OOC: I swear I apologize for short replies everytime I post Krigare.)