Where would I be without you[Diable Rouge, Any] - Printable Version

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Where would I be without you[Diable Rouge, Any] - AuroraElis - 01-01-2018

It had been long. Too long. She thinks as her navy eyes look out across the vast kingdom.  She worries slightly about where he has gone.  If his absence is business or pleasure...

Her thoughts hate to go there but it is only natural.  Another season having come and gone.  Perhaps he had found someone new.  Maybe more beautiful, more sure of themselves, more kind.  

The warm breeze sends her cream locks to dance across her carmel flesh.  The iridescent shades of her feathered gown shifting with the patchy spots of sun shining down around her.  When the rays hit just right she dazzled.

Her somber movements bring her into an open field.  The grasses unaffected by the change of seasons.  The temporal climate giving them life year round.  She lowers her cream-laced lips to pluck nervously at the green blades.  Eating her worries away but it never quite satisfies the pit in her belly.  A lazy swoosh of her cream tail flicks unwanted pests from her pelt.  The downfall of not having colder weather was the aggravating constant of bug bites.

As she grazed, her eye-lids began to rest.  With little regards to an incoming figure...


Not all that Glitters is Gold

@[Diable Rouge] or anyone really Smile

RE: Where would I be without you[Diable Rouge, Any] - wound - 01-02-2018

Men. They are confusing and frustrating and yet entirely too important for the survival of generations. Although Wound knows where she stands in terms of the men in her life, she cannot help but wonder as the flutterings wind their way among the linings of her womb. This will be her first pregnancy (and the movement had startled her, when she woke in the middle of the night) but she’s seen the signs of it enough to know what is happening to her body.

She is nervous on many levels, already worried about whether she will be a good enough mother or if Warrick will participate as a father. Her anxiety is on the forefront of her mind — it always will be — but below all of that she is exceptionally happy. Wound has always wanted to be a mother from the very first time she saw a happy little family together in a clearing in the forest. Her family might not be exactly what she dreamt about those years ago, but it will be her family nonetheless.

She finds herself wandering along a trail that led into a field, lost in her thoughts. The warmth of the sun allows her mind to drift where it pleases and, as it often has recently, it brings her to the growth in her womb. Wound is distracted by the sight of large peacock feathers nestled against the greenery of the field. Her coffee eyes catch on the caramel mare swathed in the bright colors like a robe.

The silver bay picks her pace up to a limping trot, ears pricking forward among the entanglement of her silvery mane. As she reaches the other mare, she slows to a walk and then a halt a decent distance away. “Your feathers have brightened my day.” Her words are warm but soft and if she hadn’t announced her presence by the uneven thump of her hooves on the ground her voice might have been lost among the melody of nature. “My name is Wound. Who’re you?”


RE: Where would I be without you[Diable Rouge, Any] - Diable Rouge - 01-04-2018

Diable Rouge
He had been gone. For too many days he had been gone, distracted with the thought of finding Solace, of resolving issues that had waited too long to be fixed, of bringing her back to Tephra to see her father (two leaders of the same family, both such beautiful souls).

The seasons changed and he became strikingly aware that his time with Phoebus had been missed out on, that his boy of fire was now nearly full grown. Time with Aurora had been missed, and everyday it became harder to bare. He missed his family, so very much, and it was time to come back. He had nothing to feel guilty for, other than lost time. 

He knows where she will be, and as his body trudges along the gray-sand beaches, he grows ever more urgent to find her, to kiss her, to embrace her. He had never loved a woman the way he loved AuroraElis, and this he hoped she remembered on days where he had been gone too long. He hoped she had stayed...but could he blame her if she didn't? The flurry of emerald, sapphire, and violet catches his eye, and he lets out a relieved breath (she had waited, she hadn't left). 

"Aurora!" He exclaims, a burst of energy causing him to gallop towards her. He pulls her into a tight embrace, russet neck over her caramel hide. He buries her into his chest, excitement causing him not to notice the silver bay figure that had approached. "I've missed you so much." He gives himself a moment to calm himself, eyes closing to feel the warmth of her body against his heart.

The sound of approaching footsteps causes him to look up, the limping figure catching his eye immediatly.She speaks, and Diable Rouge suddenly feels embarrassed about how rude this must've come off.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I did not see you..." He says, ears twitching. He looks to Aurora and smiles, gesturing for her to introduce herself.
in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet.

@[AuroraElis] @[Wound]

Rou is excited lmfao. I'm so happy to be writing him!

RE: Where would I be without you[Diable Rouge, Any] - AuroraElis - 01-06-2018

Your feathers have brightened my day... My name is wound...

With a much to sudden jerk, her crown uplifts.  Ear swiveling forward than back.  A bit of grass remained protruding from her unmoving jaw as her eyes focus on the stranger.  The voice sounded sweet enough but one can never be too careful.  

She takes in the sight of the silver bay.  The curved nature of their form and light voice unmasking them as female.  She smiles almost nervously, quickly eating what food dangled from her lips, "Oh... Well I'm glad I could brighten someone's day."  Her navy eyes fall to the ground.  A dim sadness stirred within them.  "I'm Aur..." Her words interrupted by an exclaimed shout of a familiar voice, her name riding the breeze.  

Immediately a spark returns to her dulled eyes.  Her nervous smile becoming confident.  Turning to view the red shaded form fast approaching, but he is already embracing her.  Melting into him, all her fears combust.  Her eyes too, close momentarily.  A gentle whisper shared between them, "I missed you more." Her muzzle nudges him tenderly.

His grip begins to slip away as he turns to her company.  Quickly he apologizes and even quicker, her dished face swings to find the mare, "Yes, I am Aurora, if you didn't catch that and this is Rou..." She giggles happily, "Rou this is wound." She turns to view the red faced stallion. "Our son is off exploring somewhere im sure." Turning back to the mare once again, she inquires, "Have you been in Tephra long?" Not recognizing the mare but she hasn't become acquainted with everyone.  There were so many inhabitants on the temporal island.

Her eyes and ears remain attentively on the mare, though her thoughts travel to her partner.  Wondering what journey he has been on for all this time.  But she is happy he has come home.  Their son has grown so much in such little time.  He could use his father now more than ever...


Not all that Glitters is Gold

@[wound] @[Diable Rouge] <3

RE: Where would I be without you[Diable Rouge, Any] - wound - 01-07-2018

The sound of quick, heavy footsteps draws Wound’s attention away from the multicolored mare in the midst of her introduction. It’s a stallion, racing toward the pair of them, and the silver bay takes a few nervous steps backward. Although his facial expression is one of enjoyment, she is exceptionally nervous of strangers with a child swaddled among the embrace of tissue and blood within her womb.

However, he is quick to embrace the feathered mare and Wound suddenly realizes she is caught in the middle of a reunion. Her immediate reaction is one of embarrassment, warm on her cheeks and burning in her belly. It blossoms into a springy feeling of happiness for the couple as she watches the way they embrace one another and murmur sweet words in each other’s ears. Eventually, as they continue to whisper, Wound’s joy dims into a feeling of momentary sadness.

Although she has a child created out of a union that was not angry, it will not be born from the type of love she craves.

The type of love they have.

Wound barely catches their names, lost in her bout of loneliness. A star of a smile spreads across her face nonetheless and her coffee eyes glow warmly. “You two seem very happy together.” A happiness she pines for, a happiness she might one day get. Aurora’s question causes the silver bay’s ears to prick forward again. Wound is grateful for the inquiry; she doesn’t wish to intrude on their moment and yet she is glad they include her into it.

“I’ve been in Tephra since summer, but I haven’t been very good at meeting others who live here.” Aside from Femur and Longclaw and Warrick, she knows little of the other inhabitants here. “I hate to intrude on your moment, I’m sure you have plenty of catching up to do.” She is caught in a limbo between getting to know the pair more (which she desires greatly) and walking away from the situation to save for another day (which she won’t hesitate to do, should they ask for it).

RE: Where would I be without you[Diable Rouge, Any] - Diable Rouge - 01-21-2018

Diable Rouge
His one good eye settles on the silver bay mare, who looks rather embarrassed of the situation at hand. Diable Rouge suddenly feels bad he hadn't noticed her completely before (although he cannot feel too much guilt, as his eyes are nowhere as good as they used to be). Aurora inquires about how long the new mare had been an inhabitant of Tephra, and Rou listens with interest as she says she had been there sine the summer.

"I hate to intrude on your moment, I'm sure you have plenty of catching up to do..." Her words sound quiet, sad. The chaser frowns at her sentiment, and looks over to his lover, searching her face for any sign of disappointment. When he finds her face looking mutually saddened, he shakes his head.

"No, no," He says to her, smiling. "You are welcome to stay and talk with us. Aurora and I will catch up another time." He chuckles, looking over to his feathered love and giving a sly wink.
in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet.

@[AuroaElis] @[wound]

RE: Where would I be without you[Diable Rouge, Any] - AuroraElis - 02-13-2018

Her golden eyes sweep over his tired body.  She knows he had been gone a long while and was probably exhausted.  A gentle smile overcomes her as her eyes begin to shift to the mare.  She can't help but notice her "condition".  Her thoughts wandering to where her own child could be.  Rou is speaking as her view shifts to the volcano.  That is where there child often roamed.  

When he finishes she looks back to them both.  Through a kind smile she excuses herself, "How about you two rest and chat while I go fetch our son.  I have a good idea where he may be." Extending her muzzle to press against his muscular neck she adds, "I won't be long." Little does she know what she was about to stumble into...


Not all that Glitters is Gold

Just wrapping this up since timelines have moved on.  Aurora will be stumbling into the quest.