Do you dare to do this? All kingdom - Printable Version

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Do you dare to do this? All kingdom - Camrynn - 06-13-2015

so you wanna play with magic?
She calls them all together gently, easily. Pevensie stands beside her, the two queens a united front. "Good morning all." she greets, gently. "We’re going to have some company today. We're opening our borders to the rest of Beqanna and hosting some games, allowing anyone to participate." she pauses. "They will be just friendly games, with no winner or loser, and no prizes awarded. It's just practice, for all of us and for all of the other horses throughout the other kingdoms."

"There will be three different activities. There will be magic mocks, designed for those with traits to practice using them, and for those without traits, or with less battle-oriented traits, to gain practice fighting those with strong offense skills. There will be a critique session, where I will use magic to project battles from the past in the same way I projected Scorch's words at the last meeting. We'll all watch the fights, and then discuss them and see what lessons can be learned from them. And then we'll have a diplomatic mock session, where we will all take on roles in a mock crisis and work to resolve it." a quick pause. "There will be individual gatherings for each event, and more detail will be provided then. We're hoping – " she smiles at Pevensie and Yael, who had been her conspirators on these ideas " – that it will be an enjoyable, fun event for you, and for our visitors." She pauses for just a moment. "We do expect our army members to participate in at least one of the army-related events, and our diplomats to participate in the diplomacy event."

"The events themselves will start in three months' time (one real life week) but our visitors may start arriving any moment. They may be coming to participate, but we have also invited them to simply come and mingle. No kingdom is excluded from this invitation." she pauses then, letting that sink in. "While we expect that all who attend will respect the friendly spirit of this event, keep your eyes open. Strange things can happen at events like this, and we want everything to run smoothly."

And with that, she is silent. She has no nefarious plans for this event; she wants only for everyone to have a good time, to get in some good practice, and to mingle with other kingdoms in a rare moment of casual interaction.

"Any questions?"
co-queen of the deserts, magical, mother of badassery

No need to respond <3 just want to make sure y'all know what's up!