walls kept tumbling down; [Nihlus, Shatter, Falls Diplomats] - Printable Version

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walls kept tumbling down; [Nihlus, Shatter, Falls Diplomats] - Brennen - 06-08-2015

@[Shatter Me]
@[Kahzie] / @[Texas] because Brennen wants to know his dad is actually alive

the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love
great clouds rolling over the hills
and if you close your eyes, does it almost feel
like nothing's changed at all?

He walks to the Falls – meanders, even – which is unusual for him. Flying is his typical mode of transportation, and the trip to the Falls by air is breaths away from his Tundra. And flying to arrive before his companions, forcing them to rush to keep up, has historically given him a certain sense of amusement. But he has a soft spot for the young, he always has, and Nihlus didn’t look up to chasing him to the Falls. Actually, Nihlus didn’t look up to much of anything, but Brennen is assuming he’ll recover. If he has what it takes to be a Brother, he will. Even if it takes time.

By air, he would have landed directly at the waterfall. The cool water welcomed him, even though he was not a Falls dweller, in a way that was at once ethereal and yet comforting. It was not the same intense bond that the residents felt, of course, but he was a part of the lives of enough of its people that he liked to think the Kingdom and himself had reached an understanding. When he came in from the air, he felt no real responsibilities to the boundaries of the Falls – but coming in on foot, it’s different. He knows when he comes to the Kingdom border, he can smell it, and he is uncomfortable traipsing across their grounds to the waterfall, though he looks towards it with regret. It’s silly, he knows, to feel comfortable landing wherever but not walking wherever, but it is what it is.

For a moment he closes his eyes, faces flashing past his eyelids, and then he calls into the depths of the Falls, wondering who will answer.

immortal, winged, bone-bending, ice-manipulating, wind-manipulating Tundra warrior

RE: walls kept tumbling down; [Nihlus, Shatter, Falls Diplomats] - Nihlus - 06-08-2015

there's no religion that could save me

no matter how long my knees are on the floor

i'll pick up these broken pieces 'til i'm bleeding

if that'll make it right

The meeting disperses slowly, though Nihlus doesn’t mind. Some questions – or rather, judgmental comments (the Brotherhood is really quite sassy you know) - were directed towards the realm-and-rabbit shifting male, though none were answered. Far more content was he to stare at his bark-lined legs, chest heaving, mind attempting to sort out what the fuck had just happened.

Errant encourages the midnight-bay to accompany Brennen to the Falls, to which Nihlus does not answer. Whence finally the Brothers have off-trodden, Nihlus gathers himself slowly, raising his head and lowering his heart rate. In the distance, he watches Brennen amble carelessly towards the boarder. Groaning internally – no, externally – the sinewy seventeen-hander set off at a brisk trot. In a matter of minutes, the two trundled along side by side, one incredibly lazy, the other exhausted.

"You would be hard pressed to guess where the hell I just came from.” Shaking his head, the boy falls silent, allowing the general to lead the way to this Falls place that Nihlus has never cared to think about.

They arrive shortly. Brennen is silent for a moment, eyes closing as though in a dream; Nihlus cocks a brow, rolling his own glowing blue orbs. Leaning into one shoulder, the dashing fool glances up to the sky and decides that it is too damn nice out.

When finally a diplomat comes to meet them, a constant rain is tumbling to their pelts, and the Tundraling’s expression is far jollier.
rain manipulating, rabbit shifting son of Sinder & Noori

RE: walls kept tumbling down; [Nihlus, Shatter, Falls Diplomats] - Texas - 06-11-2015

Having died the last time he was in the Tundra, Texas is not especially prone to positive feelings about the place in general. He’s volunteered to visit, of course, and thinks they’d be an excellent ally, but that doesn’t mean the brief panic he feels at the memory of his death is any less severe. But he lvies in the Falls now, and they are a far cry from the flat sweep of the Tudnra here amid the green forests and bright sky.

Well, what was a bright sky.

Texas had been moving toward the sound of a voice calling from the border when the shadows rolled over him. Sudden thunderstorms are not uncommon in the summer, but this one was too fast to be natural. Texas looks up and scowls as the rain comes pouring down, and his expression when his gaze turns earthbound again is far from pleasant. He’ll have to find whoever is doing this and make sure they don’t live long enough to reproduce.

Though the sheets of rain, it’s just possible to make out two dark figures on the border. One is winged and the other is simply tall, and only when he’s close enough t obe heard over the sound of falling rain and thunder does he recognize the Pegasus.

“Oh!” he says pleasantly, looking far more cheerful than he had at the idea of having to dispose of whichever visitor was making rain. “You’re not dead!” The bay stallion’s gaze is focused on Brennen, and there’s a genuine smile on his grizzled face as he takes in the sight of the winged stallion. “That’s nice.” Clearly satisfied with himself (and what are clearly his excellent genes), his attention is back to the rainstorm and the suspiciously jolly expression on the youngest member of their gathering.

“If you’re the one making it rain, I’d appreciate it if you stopped.” There’s no threat in his voice at all, and he asks with a rather mild expression overall. Of course, they are here to propose an alliance, and Texas is rather sure that it’s important enough to them that Brennen would be willing to stop whatever shenanigans that the younger members of the Tundra seem to feel are appropriate. Rain is not appropriate, not when they’d been having a perfectly lovely day before the arrival of the Tundra diplomats.

RE: walls kept tumbling down; [Nihlus, Shatter, Falls Diplomats] - Brennen - 06-16-2015

the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love
great clouds rolling over the hills
and if you close your eyes, does it almost feel
like nothing's changed at all?

The Falls is close to the Tundra, so even with their slow pace it doesn't take that long. The proximity has always been convenient for Brennen, never so much as now. Still, when the boy breaks the silence with his quick comment, the warrior can't help but glance sideways, assessing, and drawl out a response. "Well you look like hell, kid, but I sure hope that wasn't where you were." He can be snarky, most especially around those who will return in kind, but Brennen was (is?) genuinely concerned about the state that their young Brother had returned in. If he is anything, he is loyal to the core, and the thought of someone messing with his Brothers sets his blood to boiling pretty quickly. But despite his weariness, Nihlus doesn't seem that worse for the wear.

While they wait, the sunny weather turns dark, storm clouds rolling in and a rain starting to drench the travelers. Brennen doesn't think much about it - merely tucks his dark wings tighter into his body and tossing his forelock out of his face. Rain is good for the plants - and since he's not in the air, the moisture isn't as bothersome as it might be. And anyway, it's hard to focus on sudden precipitation when out of the precipitation is coming a figure, and he focuses on that instead.

It doesn't hit him at first. His childhood was quite a few years ago, and much has happened since then. But Brennen does remember his father (with an feeling somewhat akin to hero-worship), and he remembers that after Texas had brought him to the Tundra, the then-King had been killed there. Murdered. But yet here he is, standing in front of them, in apparently excellent health. "Dad," the word is drawn out of his mouth in a sudden, awkward noise, a blunt and naked surprise on his face that probably hasn't appeared there in many, many years. He grew out of the awkward adolescent stage pretty fast, the boy-warrior, and he had never looked back...until now. "It appears you're not dead, either," he murmurs, scrambling to recover his equilibrium, "Which is slightly more important, since I wasn't the one murdered." He returns his sire's smile with a bemused look on his face, still not quite sure the world is right-side up.

Texas turns his attention to the younger Brother, and accuses him of being the cause of the wet. Brennen turns to look at Nihlus as well, taking in the joyful expression and coming to the same conclusion with a sigh. He honestly doesn't mind the rain, but in the interest of positive relations between their Kingdoms, he supposes that he should back Texas up. "Nihlus," he says the boy's name quietly, hoping that he doesn't have to elaborate further. His companion is young compared to Brennen, younger still compared to Texas, but he isn't a child by any means. Nuance should be obvious to him; it's more a matter of whether he feels agreeable or not. Choosing to assume that his Brother will cooperate, Brennen turns his attention to introductions. "This is Texas, former King of the Tundra, apparently current member of the Falls." This thought causes a temporary frown to grace his face, considering this, but he clears his thoughts from his face soon enough.

Slowly, he forces his body to relax from the tenseness gathered when he suddenly discovered his father was not, in fact, dead. This time or any other time (though Brennen knows only of the time Texas died in the Tundra, not the time in the Falls or any other time). As he shoves this new information to the back of his mind, deciding to leave it for later in interest of a successful visit, he shifts to rest a hind foot and exhales. "The Tundra has taken care of our mad king problem." he offers, a fierce, hard expression chasing across his relaxation for a moment; Mountain was still something that could make him angry. "And put Errant back on the throne. From this position of renewed strength, we seek to make a couple of Alliances. Specifically, we seek Alliances with the Falls and the Jungle."

immortal, winged, bone-bending, ice-manipulating, wind-manipulating Tundra warrior

RE: walls kept tumbling down; [Nihlus, Shatter, Falls Diplomats] - Shatter Me - 06-17-2015

somebody make me feel alive

Shatter Me breaks through the trees just in time to hear talk of an alliance. She had been on patrol on the opposite side of the kingdom and with only three members as of late it was a challenge to keep everything in line. She spots Texas talking to two stallions who smell of the cold and wild. She's glad to see members of the Tundra on her borders. It made things convenient. The silver queen dons her signature smile and joins the small band. "Hello, I am Shatter Me, Queen of the Falls. Now I heard mention of an alliance?" She gives them a moment to respond if they like, and glancing quickly at Texas she launches into her spiel. 

"We would be honored to form an alliance with the brave warriors of the Tundra, with some small stipulations of course. Just so you are aware we are changing the rules of our treaties also. If a kingdom holds a treaty with us we will acknowledge it, however it no longer gives free access to the healing waters. Only an alliance will allow members from your kingdom to use our water." She stops again to let her words sink in and gives a small toss of her head, letting her pale mane drape more comfortably over her neck before continuing. "We have only one small request. We ask that you send one member to come and live in the Falls for the duration of our alliance. This person will act as a liaison between kingdoms and will gain knowledge on how to use the Falls to act as your kingdoms personal healer. In exchange any of your members will be able to use the water and cross through our territory freely." She watches the expressions of the three men carefully. She hasn't had much if any experience with the Tundra so she hopes she hasn't crossed any boundaries. 

(ooc: sorry it's a little garbage)

Shatter Me

RE: walls kept tumbling down; [Nihlus, Shatter, Falls Diplomats] - Nihlus - 06-25-2015

there's no religion that could save me

no matter how long my knees are on the floor

i'll pick up these broken pieces 'til i'm bleeding

if that'll make it right

"Well you look like hell, kid, but I sure hope that wasn't where you were." At this statement, Nihlus simply chuckles darkly, giving his elder a cocky look which seems to say, ”You’d be surprised. For the remainder of the trip, however, the midnight-bay remains silent, unwilling to further discuss the topic. Hell, he could barely think about it without panicking.

They haven’t been there long before stallion takes shape beneath the downpour. Nihlus perks his ears, almost eager to meet the other kingdom’s diplomat; as it is, he’s no longer aware of what he’s created. The rain is a part of him; it’s like wearing skin, or breathing. While the skies are dark, he doesn’t think “wow, I’ve magically created nine hundred thousand water droplets,” in the same way that he doesn’t thin ”wow, I took eight thousand breaths today.” It simply is.

Alas, nice things must end quickly. When the old man recovers from the shock of finding a living horse on his borders, he immediately addresses the rain. Nihlus’s ears peel backwards. His lips open, a retort quickly upon his tongue, when Brennen quietly reprimands him. Swallowing his comments, Nihlus sends father and son a black look through glowing blue eyes. "A pleasure, I’m sure,” He utters when introduced to the stallion. Texas. What a strange name.

When the Queen arrives, the storm has moved on, and above them, the sun shines.

"The ‘Zons were very helpful in the upheaval process,” He comments nonchalantly, curving his neck to ease an imaginary itch. "And they will continue to be very useful, if I’m not mistaken.” Yes, he is rubbing it in their faces that the Amazons are basically their best friends. And no, he has no shame. None at all.

He straightens easily, though his eyes meet Shatter’s with a coolness. This offer of hers does not ring well in his ear drums. "While it is not my decision to make, Your Majesty, I must admit that this small request sounds like a grab for members.” He shrugs, a gesture similar to a human raising their hands as though submitting. "But I will be sure to relay this new information to our king.”

Did I mention the fact that Nihlus is shameless?
rain manipulating, astral-projecting, rabbit shifting son of Sinder & Noori

RE: walls kept tumbling down; [Nihlus, Shatter, Falls Diplomats] - Texas - 06-30-2015

Texas has witnessed quite a range of expressions on others faces, so the fact that Brennen’s is a novelty is rather impressive. He’s died before – never of the age that threatens him now – and seen shock, but never from his own child. He has dozens of them, of course, most of whom he’s never seen. Brennen is one of the few that Texas has met, and even rarer, one of those that he likes. And so the bay stallion is pleased at the shock, once he recognizes it for what it is. Always good to keep the youth on their toes; can’t have them getting too cocky.

Brennen introduces him to the rain-making stallion, and Texas manages a friendly nod (a result only of the combination of minor pleasure at seeing Brennen again and the duty of diplomacy). Brennen leaves the majority of Texas’ titles out of the introduction which is not an uncommon thing. Most horses do not remember them all; some days even Texas doesn’t. “I prefer it here,” he adds mildly. “Much better weather.” If he gives Nihlus a sidelong look it does not last long, turning as he does to face the approaching grey queen.

She wants an alliance with the Tundra as much as they want one with the Falls, so as she speaks he allows his attention to wander, and his gaze drifts over the forest that the Brothers have just traveled through. He’s always had a fondness for trees (though not the kind that grow in the jungle with their plastic leaves and strangling vines). The sunlight is shining through the canopy again, and the drip of falling water echoes through the trees. Texas comes back into the conversation abruptly, having caught the term ‘Zon’.

He turns his attention to Nihlus as the boy talks of the Amazons and their assistance in the manner of replacing their king. The Tundra should have been able to do it themselves, he thinks mildly, but if Nihlus has no qualms with making it known that his home is indebted to another kingdom over and beyond the Falls, it is not Texas’ place to train him to be a better diplomat. As attuned to Nihlus as he is, he can see the young horse straightening up at Shatter Me’s request. A hundred years ago, Texas might have immediately driven Nihlus from the kingdom for his insolence and disrespect; today he simply scratches an itch on his nose with an outstretched foreleg.

“You’re the ones that came to us asking for an alliance.” He says mildly, glancing at Brennen to see what his reaction is to Nihlus’ response. The Falls had not been the ones to reach out first, despite the mutual desire for an alliance; the ball is in their court and Nihlus doesn’t seem aware of that. Texas might disagree with the addition to the alliance himself, but he has no intention of speaking against his queen in something that she’s decided months ago. “But please, relay it to your king.” He appears to have finished speaking, but then adds with the glint in his eye that appears only when he finds himself incredibly amusing: “and perhaps to the Amazons as well, if you need their permission?”

RE: walls kept tumbling down; [Nihlus, Shatter, Falls Diplomats] - Brennen - 07-05-2015

ooc; feel free to reply ooc to whether Shatter accepts Bren's offer if you want to move things more quickly. Or we can keep posting, doesn't matter to me <3

the walls kept tumbling down in the city that we love
great clouds rolling over the hills
and if you close your eyes, does it almost feel
like nothing's changed at all?

The rain clears, bringing sunshine back to the skies above the Falls, and Brennen heaves an inner sigh of relief that thankfully doesn’t surface like his response to his father. Instead he merely chooses to act as if there was never any question of the younger Brother seeing sense. It is good that he recovers quickly, he thinks, because he has only a precious few minutes to pretend not to be half-staring at his sire before they are joined by a fourth party – and while Brennen is willing to let Nihlus see him discomfited, gawky like the child he once was, he makes no such allowances for a strange Queen that sits on (in his mind) a throne that doesn’t belong to her. It will ever, in Brennen’s mind, belong to the children of Neraza, of Nylee and Alysanne. But he knows that none of them reside here at the moment, and as such he accepts her presence…as regent, or some such, until the day one returns.

And so his gaze is shuttered, but friendly, as he turns it to Shatter Me. “Brennen, and Nihlus,” he introduces them before listening quietly to her terms. But of course, where Brennen is cool and quiet, Nihlus is youth and arrogance. Brennen closes his eyes as the boy speaks rashly, and wonders why Errant had sent him. Surely their magical King could have read their fortunes, or looked into the future, or something, and sent a different one of the Tundra’s many bold youth alongside him. But the words are spoken, and cannot be unspoken, and a part of him thinks it appropriate for the Falls to see that the Tundra still has teeth (and, well, he can’t really disagree with Nihlus’s feelings about the new stipulation), but the bigger part of him would have handled it differently.

To think he, the one who always insists he is no diplomat but a warrior through and through, would be in the position to school youngsters is diplomacy. Never before has he missed Peppe, his old friend, so thoroughly. Peppe would have the words to fix it. Brennen merely lifts his head, his ears pointed ever so slightly backwards, and gives Nihlus another look from the edge of his eye, meant only to discourage further speech. He does not speak a reprimand, because as annoyed as he might be, he will not give that satisfaction to his father or to the gray queen.

“True,” he responds instead to Texas, flashing his father a small smile. Yes, the Tundra has come to the Falls. “And I believe getting to know your ways would be of benefit to the Tundra – but also perhaps it would benefit the Falls to send one of their own to join us in the Tundra, to learn from the Brothers. The Falls has long been the epitome of grace and peace, lessons which some of us very much lack, but surely we could in turn offer much in the way of warrior training.” He is not as nonchalant as Texas, perhaps, who leans down to scratch himself mid-conversation, but they are more alike than in mere physical appearance. “I will of course carry your terms back to our King regardless– but might you consider making it a two-way arrangement?” It really does not bother him either way – if she says no, he will merely send her his own daughter, not yet even a year old, and let her puzzle over that. She is, after all, a member of the Tundra until she comes of age.

To the matter of the Amazons, he has a sharper response. “We need no permission from the Jungle.” He does not look at Nihlus now, but his easygoing manner is also gone, the fierce and restless warrior shining from within his skin. “They had their own interests in helping with the matter of Mountain. It may have strengthened our friendship, but it did not leave us in their debt.” His tone, and the look he flashes Nihlus at that moment, dares any of them to argue. In this version of Brennen perhaps Texas will see the eager child who went on to prove himself a top warrior of Beqanna as a barely a yearling, that early flash of the man he might be. This Brennen is the skin he is more familiar with, but the Tundra has many warriors nowadays. It is the peacemaker he struggles to be that the Tundra needs more now.

immortal, winged, bone-bending, ice-manipulating Tundra warrior

RE: walls kept tumbling down; [Nihlus, Shatter, Falls Diplomats] - Shatter Me - 07-10-2015

somebody make me feel alive

Shatter Me does not miss the flash of anger or the familiarity between father and son. She does not miss the tone that Nihlus uses, but she knows that if she wants to be taken seriously she need to stand strong. Even if she questions her actions, she cannot let it show. So she doesn't. The queen has only cool smiles for the diplomats. Let them think what they will of the small kingdom, but the Falls will not be beholden to another kingdom as easily as it seems the Tundra is. She is polite and attentive as Brennan poses a counter offer and in truth it peaks her interest a bit, but she does not let it show. Everything roiling in her head carefully protected behind her mask of diplomacy.

"Brennan, I will take your offer under careful consideration. I will think on it, but for the time being I must decline and ask that you relay our requests to your king. I will send someone along for your kingdom’s answer in a month, unless you come to an agreement sooner. I am thankful for your interest in an alliance and I hope that we can reach an accord." The silver queen smiles gracefully and bows her head to each of them in turn. "Now if that is all that needs to be discussed, I believe our business here is concluded. Thank you for your time." With a last flash of a friendly grin the queen takes her leave.

Shatter Me