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The Edge of Seventeen | Open | Offspring - Printable Version +- Beqanna (https://beqanna.com/forum) +-- Forum: OOC (https://beqanna.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=24) +--- Forum: Archive (https://beqanna.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=81) +---- Forum: Lands (https://beqanna.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=98) +----- Forum: Tephra (https://beqanna.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=85) +----- Thread: The Edge of Seventeen | Open | Offspring (/showthread.php?tid=16131) |
The Edge of Seventeen | Open | Offspring - Jah-Lilah - 08-28-2017 Jah-Lilah someday, we will foresee obstacles Someway baby, it's part of me, apart from me... The red mare needed to move. She rose seamlessly to her feet and begin to wander. The one thing she could always depend on was the Earth-Mother to take her where she needed to be. So why take her here? Why lead her to a place that threatens to consume her? Jah-Lilah never felt concerned with being trapped anywhere until she came to Beqanna and stayed longer than she intended to. It had all started with the evergreen and azure girl, and had snowballed after that. The emotions, the feelings, the yearnings that she hadn't felt in so many seasons, they threatened to overload her circuits(no pun intended). She was uncomfortable. She had seemed to find a small family unit, like so many do on the plains, yet something inside Jah wouldn't settle. There had been a great change in the land that her dear companion called home, and it made my firefly anxious. A great darkness was growing, festering. It was about to get bad, and Jah-Lilah didn't know if the equine residing in Beqanna were even ready for it. A heavy sigh escapes her lips and she bunny hops across a small stream in her path. She halts, changing her mind and spinning round to take a gentle sip from the icy water. Her hooves make crunching noises as she makes her way to nowhere. Nowhere. That's almost where she wish she was again. A ship drifting in the sea. Things were easier when she had no ties. She could come in like a wrecking ball and tear everything up, then leave when she was ready. Things are different now, she's got feelings involved. Jah-Lilah you know better, the only thing you've ever been truly afraid of was commitment. Yet here you are, pining away about a shifter-mare and a Pegasus. My flower shakes her head at the nagging voice, her feathers twirling and playing in the wind. They make her heart race, Circinae and Canaan. At first is was just the girl, but the honeycomb stallion just fit into place so easily. Jah-Lilah was extremely fond of him already as well. Her stomach churned and danced at the thought of leaving them all behind, but her mind and hooves were antsy. And so this is how she found herself face-to-face with the Tephran Volcano, smoke coiling lazily out of the top like a beacon, drawing her in. It's not the mountain she's come for though, it's the sea. She allows her hooves to move her to a place overlooking the beach and the water. She closes her eyes, listening. A warm glow seeps from her skin, her electricity creating a soft light as she stands on the edge of the beach in the fading sun. She hears the waves crashing near her hooves and the seagulls fighting over one thing or another and smiles. The salt stings her nose, but it is a welcome flush from the sensory overload she's been having lately. She was incredibly happy with her life here, but incredibly scared of it too. With all the turmoil in Taiga right now, did she dare run the risk of being lost in love again? And if something should happen to those who meant the most to her...no, Jah-Lilah couldn't think of that now. She inhaled deeply and opened her eyes, watching the flying fish leaping in and out of the water and longing to be like them. They had no cares, no worries. Jah-Lilah was like them once, but will never be again. She shakes her head again, clearing her mind and tuning out the world to only see the ocean. ...You're laying waste to Halloween. @[Offspring] RE: The Edge of Seventeen | Open | Offspring - Diable Rouge - 08-30-2017 Diable Rouge >He is a hurricane. At least, that's how he feels...sometimes. Other times, he cannot tell what emotions are bubbling inside him, threatening to spill over like the volcano's boiling magma. They are packed down so deep in his chest that it's like they aren't there at all. He hasn't really given much thought to his sorrows in many moons...he has been far too busy. The child has taken most of his idle time and he tries to keep an ever-watchful eye on him. But sometimes, like now, he is alone - and that is when the hurricane arrives. His soul feels ever-broken with the thought of his mother's death. It had happened so many years ago, but his mind still feels the burden of death resting upon his broad shoulders. He should've died that day...but god had another plan. What that plan entailed, he wasn't exactly sure...did that make him a failure? It surely felt as though it did. A weight upon his breast, growing heavier with each passing day. Is this how his life would be? A canvas splattered with uncertainty and shame? A broken record, playing the same old haunting tune? He couldn't stand to feel this dread so dense in his bones any longer. He needed to be freed. The sea came into his line of vision like an answered prayer. Although he strayed away from the shoreline, he liked to graze by its gray sand and listen to waves crash. The mountain behind him let off a thick, familiar steam, something he had grown to love during his stay in Tephra. He meandered down to the water, walking through the dark wet sand, ears flicking to the sounds around him. He wished to find some sort of meaning to his life...Kaiode was a beautiful being in his world, but for how long? Children grow and they leave...what would he do then? What did he do before? God, it was like he was losing his mother all over again. The mare appears as a flame on the horizon. Diable Rouge doesn't notice her at first...his mind is entranced with dread. She is lost in her mind as he is lost in his. He wondered if he looked like this when his mind haunted him? She stared off into the sea longingly, looking as though she may dive into its depths and let it swallow her whole. The chaser is silent, not approaching her directly at first, just simply observing. He isn't sure if he should...would that be rude? He moves slowly and carefully towards her, trying her best not to startle her. A gentle "hello" emerges from his lips, and he waits patiently for her replying, preparing for rejection - she seems content not to talk...so, if she does not want to, he will not continue this endeavor. in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet. @[Jah-Lilah] <3 RE: The Edge of Seventeen | Open | Offspring - Jah-Lilah - 09-01-2017 Jah-Lilah someday, we will foresee obstacles You fucked it friend, it's on it's head, it struck the street... She loses herself, if only for a moment. Her heart ached with the Earth-Mother. So much destruction, so much devastation. An entire land, gone. Trees, plants, animals, all were her brothers and sisters, all born of the Earth-Mother, like herself. They had all been wiped out. Jah-Lilah is in mourning. It had been so long since she'd seen such malice, but she knew it was coming. She had felt it in her bones, the faeries were cooking something up. None of them had been ready, herself included. She remembers Taiga as it had stood, engrave the picture in her mind. Her reverie is interrupted as a new scent wafts into her nose. His steps are light, quiet as he creeps along the beach, though she detects no ill-will in his presence. She isn't worried anyways, her electricity protects her, and the whole ocean is a beautiful conductor. She allows him to approach her, watching the rusty male from the corner of an emerald eye. She has seen him before, normally with a youngling who doesn't belong to him in tow. He is alone this chilly evening. He wears scars from a time long ago, but still scars nonetheless. He speaks to her, a soft but strong greeting. My little flower child turns her head to him, ears perked and nostrils flaring. She blows a time or two, then nickers a greeting in return. She bobs her head, blinking slowly at him. The red singer does not beckon him closer, but she doesn't shun him away either. She's not sure what she wants anymore. She wuffs at him, a sound barely audible, then turns her gaze back to the ever-changing sea. ...You're in Milwaukee, off your feet. @[Diable Rouge] RE: The Edge of Seventeen | Open | Offspring - Diable Rouge - 09-02-2017 Diable Rouge >I know how it feels to be at war with a world that never loved me... Have you ever been able to tell when someone's depressed? When someone has been so torn down and broken, that nothing could ever make it better? Their eyes, empty pockets that used to have something there, but have lost it completely. Have you ever felt this way yourself? Diable Rouge had, and he could tell deep in her emerald eyes, that she was a lost soul - unsure of everything, wanting nothing but to be alone. She had nodded her head at him, once, then twice, then greeted him with a nicker. She doesn't call him closer, doesn't cast him away, she just stands and stares, eyes glazing over with the burden of life to bare. He moves his head downwards, looking out to where she is staring - the sea so calm in a world so broken. It moved gently, in and out, back and forth. He glances down at the ground, and lets out a deep breath. Should he stay? Should he go? Could he be of any comfort, when it seemed the world was falling apart? His eyes move back to her, and he swallows the lump in his throat. Had Taiga been her home, ripped away from her grasp without warning...? Could this be the reason she is so distant and torn up? Questions rattled so hard in his head, it began to pound. "I'm sorry." The only words he could muster. He didn't know what else to say, what could he say? He had lost so much in his life, yet he still did not know how to give comfort to those who so desperately needed it. He just wanted to help...but he didn't know if he could. in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet. RE: The Edge of Seventeen | Open | Offspring - Jah-Lilah - 09-05-2017 Jah-Lilah someday, we will foresee obstacles At once I knew I was not magnificent. He trains his gaze to the ocean, mimicking her. He move closer to her, but not offensively so. She can tell her aura is smothering this strip of the ocean in sorrow, but she doesn't care. She can hear him exhale in frustration, and a smile tugs at the corners of her mouth. It's not the first time she's frustrated a member of the opposite sex, and I can pretty much guarantee it won't be the last. She can feel his own sadness as he comes to the ocean. She remembers the body of the colt she had found near the mountain, far across Beqanna. It was this male's adopted son. It wasn't first time she had found someone who'd fallen, and when she prepared the colt's body in the sand it was so hard for her. Jah-Lilah couldn't help but think of her own charcoal lover, plunged from a cliff. The colt was just as sad, a beautiful life snuffed out so young. And now Taiga, another young life, but can she be saved? Only time will tell. Jah-Lilah does not mourn for the loss of life, or the loss of Taiga, she grieves for the Earth-Mother. His voice breaks the comfortable silence, and she trains her eyes on him again. An apology? How curious. The tawny male looks awkward and uncomfortable, and Jah-Lilah chuckles, rolling her eyes over-exaggeratedly. "You owe me nothing, apology or otherwise...but thank you. We should all be sorry for the things we've done to the Earth-Mother, and the way we've taken the faeries for granted. Everything is connected, we all have our part to play." She turns her gaze back to the churning water, then gives him side eye. "I'm sorry about your son." The words come out quiet and flat, but she means them. ...Strayed above the highway aisle. RE: The Edge of Seventeen | Open | Offspring - Diable Rouge - 09-06-2017 Diable Rouge >There are moments that the words don't reach, there is suffering too terrible to name... No one ever expects the inevitable...death is just a part of life; a terrible, heart-wrenching part of life, but it is there nonetheless. Diable Rouge knows death - it is on his mind nearly everyday of his life. The way his mother's chest was rising and falling so peacefully one second, then still the next. The way Kaiode was playing with his siblings for a moment (something not unusual for him to be doing), then leaping to his death the next. Death, well, it never gets easier to deal with, no matter the toll. She responds to him with haste, rolling her eyes in a somewhat sarcastic way, something he does not take offense to. Her gaze relocates, back to the ever-changing tide, and she says it. "I'm sorry about your son." It is cold, but with an undertone of meaning. Diable Rouge takes a deep breath, the memory of his son rushing into his mind like a hurricane - his laugh, his smile, his playfulness, his horrible beginning that turned into a horrible end. All at the fault of the chaser. He brings his head to his breast, and closes his two-toned eyes. He swallows the lump growing in his throat, then looks back to her. "It doesn't seem quite fair, does it?" He smiles slightly, and lets out a huff. "For a child to die without so much as a chance." He looks up to the sky, letting the hurricane wash over him. He does not hold back like he usually would. "If I could spare his life...if I could trade it for mine, he'd be here right now," He looks back to the mare. "But he did not die in vain...I'll do whatever I can to make him proud..." The words trail as he closes his orbs once more. The pain he feels cannot be described, other than the fact that it is unrelenting. He tries desperately to mask it, but to no avail. He just wants his son back, alive and happy like he had been. But we don't always get what we want, do we? in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet. |