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What Have I Found? [open] - Beleza - 02-02-2017

[Image: beleza_zpsc3zjqhsw.gif]
b e l e z a
    Where? Where was I? This had not been the land I was used to. Where I had come from was more barren, desolate. This was filled grass, and from where I was standing, large groups of horses. Perhaps one of these citizens would greet me? Hm. My first job was to assess the environment and what the horses' expressions were like. This is what being in that place had taught me to do. To be careful. The past seemed very distant to me now, the land that I had grown up in. The horses I was surrounded by. This place seemed much different. Things seemed, calmer, quieter. Surely, I could rumble that up a little? Maybe if one of these peasants would greet me already, weren't they wary of visitors?

    As I walked along, I felt a strange presence. It was like the earth was coming through my legs, I felt an odd sense of empowerment. I felt a rush of strength through my veins, even though my appearance looked a little rough right now. My thick, curly, long white mane was matted and caked with mud. My long blonde tail appeared to be much shorter, due to the many knots and burrs within it. I guess I wasn't really in any place to be stirring up trouble right now. Perhaps I could find a herd and make some "friends" or as father used to call them, allies. Maybe this place would liven up a little with me here. But I knew better than this, to begin with my shenanigans right away. I would make some allies, maybe join a herd, eh that's a little too restricting for me, and start causing a little trouble.

  I glanced around, looking for any hostile animals. I let out a quick breath when I realized I was just being paranoid again.

RE: What Have I Found? [open] - Fox - 02-03-2017

My heart saw the things that my eyes couldn't see

He shouldn't be here. He knows it, but the allure of the forbidden is always tempting (although, technically speaking, he hasn't been forbidden from coming here. Common sense might tell a young colt otherwise, but he had left caution to the wind long ago). At first, he edges along the borders cautiously, but success emboldens him.

With a wicked little grin, he trots forward, head held high and steps buoyant. The grass here is long and thick, prospering beneath the early summer sun. Small dips in the relatively flat land allow for somewhat more private conversations.

The sun shines warmly, highlighting the activity of the place. It is delightful and invigorating to a boy as gregarious as the young Fox. Absolutely enchanting in all its forbiddenness.

For the most part, he is ignored. A small red form amidst the grassy summer waves, frolicking casually as is the wont of foals. But he is not content to be ignored, and soon he spies a lone more. He quite obviously appears as no danger to anyone here (though the reverse had not yet occurred to him. Still, he does at least have some means of protection in the form of his traits), so he is quite exuberant in his approach.

He knows the homeless wander here looking for places to stay. With that in mind, he wonders how terribly offended Magnus would be if he were to bring someone home. Hopefully not much so.

It causes him very little qualm however. Instead, his lips curve into a broad grin as his eyes lift to seek out the strange mare's. ”Hi there! I'm Fox,” he says brightly, voice high with youth. ”What's your name?”


He's a troublemaker apparently :|

RE: What Have I Found? [open] - Brennen - 02-03-2017

hold me in this wild, wild world
'cause in your warmth I forget how cold it can be
It has been a very long time since he made a trip to the Field. He was not one to do much recruiting in the Tundra, and even when he did want to, the Field was less often full of stallions and more often full of mares; he had, in his youth, recruited a few stallions and mares but eventually he had grown weary of the practice. The men didn’t stay, and too many women turned him down flat; it was easier to find the lost and the seeking in the Meadow and let the rest come to the Tundra. It had been sparse, but never empty. And he was content like that – occasionally recruiting young men from other Kingdoms, his own offspring, and those who wandered in.

But Beqanna is in a peaceful time, or at least so it seems on the surface, and he knows he will have to prove himself in this new Kingdom sooner or later. Inevitably, it will end in the Pegasus making a few challenges or fighting a few mocks, and his fighting prowess will speak for itself. But Brennen figures he might as well try the easy way first, and see if he can rustle up any willing recruits. He wouldn’t call it lazy per se, but the more energy efficient option. He might appear to be in the prime of his life, fit and able, but mentally he is weary of fighting for no reason. He is willing to fight for a cause, willing to fight to train others, and he always loves a real challenge on equal grounds, but so far he hasn’t had any of those things in New Beqanna.

Landing as gracefully as a 1,000-odd pound winged animal can land, he folds his dark wings to his sides and looks around, aimlessly walking towards the first group he sees. A mare, taller than him but looking travel-weary and tired; a red foal the only one yet to approach her. He reaches them in time to hear the colt’s bright greeting, and a half-smile appears on his face, his amber eyes lit with the smile as he lifts his gaze to her face. Only once he has settled into a relaxed stance between the two of them, forming a sort of triangle, does he offer his own greeting. “And I’m Brennen,” he says, “Welcome to Beqanna.”
hold me in this wild, wild world
and in your heat I feel how cold it can get

RE: What Have I Found? [open] - Beleza - 02-03-2017

[Image: beleza_zpsc3zjqhsw.gif]
b e l e z a
    Just as I breathed a sigh of relief from comforting my paranoia, a small red thing walked up to me. I looked disgusting. I was really not in any condition to entertain company... My palomino and white fur was dirty, my mane and tail were a mess, and I was tired. I was so tired. At this point, I was tired of traveling. I was tired of being alone. The speckled red horse spoke to me, and his sing-song tone rose to my audits, a greeting and a name. Names... His name was Fox. Hm. Perhaps it would be wise to withhold my name... He seemed a little, mischievous in nature. Perhaps it was the land or perhaps it was just my paranoia, but I didn't trust him. Then came his asking for my name. Sigh. I didn't actually sigh, it was an internal thing. Oh boy, I was rusty at this whole communication thing. "Oh hello Fox." Then before my eyes, a giant beast with jet black feathers graced my vision. Wow, that was something I'd never seen before. Okay, okay, nothing huge, just a giant flying FREAK coming at me at top speeds, no biggie.

    Oh and he was walking towards us. I looked like SHIT why oh why what a terrible time to look so disgusting. I was taller than he, but his ginormous wings gave him great size. Well, that looked like a man who could hold it down. Then his beautiful voice graced my carefully perked ears, a greeting and another name. This one was important. Brennan. Hm. I had to think on my feet, my first impressions in these unknown lands were important to my future here. "Thank you, Brennan, I am Beleza, what pleasure it is of mine to meet both of you. May I ask where perhaps I am within these lands?" Play it safe, play it safe bel. I let a friendly manner come across my mid-range toned voice, a soft but strong sound to listen to. I let my tail sway in the easy summer breeze, and let my scary blue gaze wander over the roan animal and the winged one. I tried not to linger to long on Brennan and his handsomeness, no need to fawn. It was a normal occurrence, having wings. I wondered if every animal in this land had some sort of difference to them. I deeply studied Fox, now curious if he had anything special about him.

RE: What Have I Found? [open] - Fox - 02-05-2017

My heart saw the things that my eyes couldn't see

Now Fox, in all his youth, has never had much call for diplomacy. It seems others are much more willing to forgive transgressions when one is as young as the red colt. He is also quite accustomed to being ignored, a state which he had often been known to take advantage of. Sure, he is a fairly handsome young thing, as much as children can be, but his coat is a plain ruddy color and his eyes a rather normal copper brown. All in all, nothing anybody would take particular note of.

So when the bay stallion with the massive black wings alights next to them, Fox is quite nearly distracted into forgetting his purpose. See, he has a habit of mimicking others, a handy way he has found to practice the use of his trait. Plus, it provides endless entertainment. So, to anyone who knows him, it would come as no surprise when his gaze focuses intently and snow and ice begin to swirl about his shoulder blades.

The result is a pair of snow encrusted miniature wings of ice extending from his bony shoulders. With a delighted grin, he eyes the things speculatively. He's not entirely sure they're useful though. With a sigh, he draws his attention back to the pair (quite suddenly recalling his purpose here), the icy appendages melting away into nothingness.

”Beleza,” he repeats, testing the name on his tongue. ”Oooo, fun!” The exuberance is back in his tone as he continues, eyes bright. ”I like it!”

As though his opinion is the only one that matters. But it is the way of youth, it seems.

”You're in the Field, actually,” he continues in that dreadfully chipper manner. ”So I hope you're in the market for home! I'm pretty sure that's what horses do here anyway…” His lips purse a bit as his gaze turns thoughtful. After a moment, he shakes the small bit of contemplation off, grin returning to his lips as he fairly exudes happiness.

In a sense, he is. Exuding happiness, that is. He had always had the odd ability to cheer up those around him. He doesn't quite understand it, but if he could bring a smile to the rather tired-looking mare's face and his new winged friend, he would be quite delighted.


Just a quick clarification, part of Fox's trait is happiness induction. He doesn't understand it yet, so if/how they might respond to it is entirely up to you Smile

RE: What Have I Found? [open] - Brennen - 02-06-2017

hold me in this wild, wild world
'cause in your warmth I forget how cold it can be
He rarely judges those who enter the Field, and he would be somewhat bemused to know that Beleza was embarrassed about her appearance now. It might be different in another place, but the Field is very unique. Here, the people are often road-weary, or desperate, or depressed, and very rarely at their best. So honestly, he is pleasantly surprised when she responds in a friendly, light tone to both of them. Beleza, she introduces herself and he quirks a half-smile in her direction, honey-brown eyes warm.

His eyes follow hers to the boy, and he watches as the snow flurries and gathers, ice following, forming wings on the red boy’s side to mimic the feathery appendages that spread from Brennen’s sides. Brennen’s half-smile blooms into a real one, honest joy forming there as he chuckles at the boy even as the wings fade away. The real smile remains when he lifts his face once more to look at the mare, a laugh in his eyes, as if inviting her to share in the humor. He truly likes young people, and the gregarious child between them makes him happy. He doesn’t have any super younglings of his own, and he misses it. Even without the magical assistance, he would have been happy to have the boy with them.

“Indeed,” he says, favoring the boy with an approving look. “Fox is right. Typically, here in the Field, everyone is seeking to find a new home. There are several different lands in Beqanna to reside, and of course it is your choice where you might like to settle.” He glances at the horizon then, considering. “I am not sure where Fox is from, I am sure he can tell us, but I am from Nerine. I can tell you more about it if you like. There are also a couple of places where you could make your home temporarily, if neither of our options is to your liking.”
hold me in this wild, wild world
and in your heat I feel how cold it can get