Great things come in small packages | Gyps, any - Printable Version

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Great things come in small packages | Gyps, any - Smidgen - 12-12-2016

Her visit to this land is long overdue. She had meant to come a while back, but had gotten sorta sidetracked with friend-making, and well. Time has a way of flying by. Nevertheless, Smidgen comes with an ever-present smile on her tiny face, leaked blue eyes taking in the changing of the trees as she had walked from the Forest and into Taiga. There are many scents here. From the different breeds of trees to the wildlife and the sweet musk of other horses. This land seems to bustle with life and activity, and the tiny girl is excited to see who all she will meet during her visit.

Of course, she hopes to meet her dear friend Gyps whom she'd met in the meadow and had quickly taken a liking to. It's been a while since she has seen the ebony girl with shades of blue in her hair and on her wings. She has rather missed her, and can't help but wonder if she still lives here and how she is doing. When they'd met, the blue-tinged lady had mentioned her mate, Andras, whom she'd spoken highly of. She hopes to meet him too. But there are many scents floating on the breeze here, and she can't help but wonder who all lives here. And if they're friendly. She certainly hopes so, as she makes her way well into the borders.

Her eyes scan through the trees at first, searching for other equine, but true to herself, she becomes lost in her imagination as she walks. Each tree here was far taller than her, reaching sooo high their branches probably touch the sky. She wonders what that feels like. To touch the sky and feel the clouds brushing against her body. She truly envies those with wings, able to soar high above everything else and feel the warmth of the sun far better than she can from way down here. So close to the ground at her twenty-six inches. Once more, her mind toys with the idea that one day, the fairies would grant her one wish. One that she feels would complete her entire being. If only they would deem her worthy. Those wonderful creatures who gift this land so. She'd made all this, Beqanna, with a deep combination of her magic and the one from the Earth itself. Truly amazing, and they were all so lucky to live in what she'd made for them.

With a blissful sigh, the tiny cloudy-colored girl comes to a stop at the opening of a large clearing. She knows there are others here, but where? Perhaps they don't see her. Afterall, she has come to realize she is rather small in comparison to many others. In an eagerness for companionship, the girl lifts herself up in a rear, batting tiny limbs at the warm air. She releases her call out to the land as her fores return to the turf, and her smiling baby-ish face waits for someone to answer.


Great Things come in Small Packages

Dis is for @[Gyps] and maybe @[Andras], and their offspring Smile

RE: Great things come in small packages | Gyps, any - Gyps - 12-21-2016

The light that shines so bright.

Where she had first decided to not join the Taiga, the birth of her little girl had made her chance her mind. She needed a safe home for Porcia, as her worried, young mother heart drove her to sheer exhaustion. Gyps had soon learned that she couldn’t do this alone, and while she knew with her mind that she had Andras in this all too, panic still took over her body whenever he would try to get too close. She beard it, of course, Porcia was his daughter too after all and she also didn’t want to hold back the girl from meeting her father. So she had found her way back to the Taiga.

Not only did Porcia have someone from her own age to play with – who funny enough had the same black with white spots appearance as her daughter – Gyps also knew that the boy’s mother would look out for both of the children. Not that Gyps liked it to let the girl out of sight, but her nerves had calmed a little ever since she arrived. She just hoped that it hadn’t harmed her relationship with Andras too bad.

The winged girl makes her way to the Taiga, the arrival of her friend hadn’t gone unnoticed and Gyps was more than happy to meet the little girl again. A lot of things had happened since they last met and she would love to introduce her little girl to Smidge. Cradling her daughter to her side, hiding the girl under her blue toned wings, Gyps steps into the small clearing, a small yet tired smile upon her lips. ”Smidgen” she greets the small girl. Reaching her muzzle down to offer it to her friend, she sideward glances to her little girl. ”I want to introduce you to someone, this is Porcia..” she says softly, her wing ruffling slightly over the spotted girl’s back.


OOC: Sorrry for the wait <3. Not sure if @[Nicole] has been around much lately..