[private] discord and all [Ea] - Printable Version

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discord and all [Ea] - Harmonia - 11-16-2016

To say the palomino was pissed at the fairies would be an understatement.

Finding that stupid wretch in the forest and speaking to her, unloading her burden - for what? For her squirming child to be restored to its abilities (whatever they were Harmonia was not interested in them. Foolish, stupid thing) while she waddled around, grossly pregnant and grossly without her magic. That's all she wanted all this time - restore her magic. Return to being something and not this abysmal nothing of boring normality. Ever since meeting the fairy her child was doing summersaults in her swollen abdomen, chirping away with glee.

Harmonia soon realized her lack of power was because that THING in her took it.

But she still had the gift of spreading joy, something she did not relish. At first a magician with the ability to grant traits seemed quite remarkable. She could bully and maim and go back to the way she liked the world - unfairly in her favor.


So she pouts about the meadow, a frown on her small face perpetually.

the pied piper


RE: discord and all [Ea] - Ea - 12-02-2016

now you're staring at a queen.
For Ea, anger was a wasted emotion. It would be easy to be angry at the fairies for taking away her home, and likely Ramiel and their children, too, but instead she kept herself busy in other ways. She’d found others -- like-minded individuals, seeking a home and a family -- and brought them together to form a new land. Even though she’d lost the Dale, she gained Ischia, and remained in a leadership position there. She missed her gifts the least -- the strange heat vision and the manipulation of twilight. She’d hardly thought about them at all, really; she’d been so consumed by the other losses. Scorch had taught her to hone them, but after that, Ea rarely used them.

Ea traveled a lot now, swimming around the island and back to the mainland, speaking to as many people as she could tolerate to keep her occupied. Her tolerance was low, truthfully, but it was not very diplomatic of her to share that openly.
She had her routine down.
Find somewhere crowded enough for there to be options to choose who she wanted to speak to: the Meadow is the easiest.
Find someone alone: today, a very pregnant palomino mare.
Approach: wearing a forced smile.

“Hello,” she says, only now noticing the deep frown on the mare’s face. “I’m Ea. Are you alright? Can I help with something?”

RE: discord and all [Ea] - Harmonia - 12-05-2016

It doesn't take long for another to break her passable silence with their own frightfully cheery demeanor. Harmonia is more inclined to spit at the mare than give her a sensible, helpful answer - but something gives her pause. She watches the mare a second longer than she usually would, but doesn't remove her pout. If anything she exaggerates it, tossing her head for show.

The name. The name Ea...Queen. Yes, a queen - and Harmonia's brain starts to work.

No, Harmonia did not have her magic. Unknown to her the foal in her belly took her return to power as her own. She knew she could still gift traits but the entire process annoyed her. Why keep up one half of their agreement but not the other?
But Harmonia didn't need magic to be an everloving, kniving bitch.

Ea was queen. She could use this.

"It's been a long few months," she says, making a motion to her belly. "You see, the fairies gave me a year to restore the power of 5's so hard to travel when you're so pregnant." She gives a loaded shrug at this, wondering if the mare would take the bait.

the pied piper