the black lioness; gunsynd/any - Printable Version

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the black lioness; gunsynd/any - Hohotep - 09-26-2016

She arrives in Pangea with mild irritation touching her features. The tapered lips draw slightly in a frown as the sun beats relentlessly across the width of her spine. The land was just as Gunsynd had described.


Orange eyes consume the land at her hooves hungrily. There is sandstone of red and yellow, tumbling dead brush, a mud choked river that was all but a trickle. The frown slowly quirks upward as she looks upon her new residence. Other equines seemed to mill around without much direction. Some stood idly and chit chatted under the searing sun. Tep can guess that the seasons other than summer rarely penetrated the outskirts of this land.

Her attention is drawn to the large black male. The smirk does not falter as she meets his unnerved gaze. Tep says nothing just yet as she looks to Gunsynd and half expecting him to give her some sort of tour but let's be real? Would actually make the effort? Tep considers it for only a fleeting moment before she is rather certain that he would be just as content remaining silent and letting her bumble around like a fool BUT Tep gives him the benefit of the doubt and listens for the rumble of his voice. If not, the mare was perfectly content to strike out and meet the other resident. Besides, he had recruited her successfully...what more did she expect him to really offer?

Her eyes flick back to look over Pangea with growing interest whilst lobes remain crooked towards Gun. This land was not much to the eye but there was something that drew them here...that beckoned her here as well.
the black lioness


Hope this was okay! I saw that your Gunny words were waning so I figured if I posted first then maybe it would help!

RE: the black lioness; gunsynd/any - Gunsynd - 09-27-2016

The acrid environment did not trouble him any longer, he had grown accustomed to it. Well, as accustomed to it as possible anyway. He had made it his mission earlier in the year to find water that would be suitable for consumption. It had taken great effort on his part, had to transform himself into a bull elephant to find a spring hiding beneath the poisoned land and used his massive legs, trunk, and tusks to bring the life-giving liquid to the surface. He hand paid dearly for this use of his power, however, as he had turned into a tin you black mouse and had fallen into the muddy pit of his creation. He remained stuck there, unable to transform and fighting to keep from getting sucked into the mud for hours on end. When he was finally released from his rodent prison, it was all he could do to crawl from the pit and suck in oxygen like a man on the brink of death. He lie there all night before his muscles would heed his commands again.

The end result was worth it, however. At first it was just a muddy trench that looked about as appetizing as a cold sore on the face of the deadly land and the inhabitants tended to avoid it and search for water elsewhere. But slowly, as time moves ever onwards, the muddy pit began to fill with the fresh water of the spring as it continued to bubble up to the surface. Now it resembled a clear puddle which moistened the barren ground around it in all directions. Perhaps over time it would become a pool or a stream.

It is to this feature that he leads the black female, dipping his heavy head to take a drag of water to rehydrate after the trek through the arid air. "Remember this area, it is the only place in Pangea to find safe water. Be sure to not drink the water that you may find pooling after rain; it will make you sick." He looks at her and attempts to decide if she will stay or go. "The God, Carnage, created this place for us to make our own." His dark gaze measures her reaction carefully; it would take strong members to make this land something worthy of his god.

OOC: sorry for formatting/errors, on phone at work

RE: the black lioness; gunsynd/any - Hohotep - 09-28-2016

Gunsynd is a changed beast after entering his home. He is calm and collected without a hint of malice. He had helped to lead the mare to fresh water and for that she is rather grateful. Slender neck dips to pull some of the liquid through her own lips as she takes this moment of peace with a grain of salt.

Hohotep did not imagine this carnivorous land was meant for peace. The land here is sour and the vegetation is all but rotten yet the stallion at her side seemed to thrive in such desolate conditions. Tep lifts her head with a little dribble of water on her chin, orange eyes floating against the darkness of her skin as she studies her traveling companion with pricked ears.

"Carnage, yes." The dark woman knows this name but truthfully, who doesn't? Her own father was a king and perhaps a god in the eyes of some but never had Tep encountered a real god amongst horses. Tep nods dutifully as she understand what those few words mean. The woman would have to earn a place of rest, to eat, to drink. Thoughts note that she may already be indebted by simply sipping the water at their feet. Was she bound to Pangea already? The simplest but most significant life source of water already sat in her belly. Perhaps she should been a little more careful.

"What must I do to get started Gunsynd?" No toying riddles. No batting of lashes or pursed lips. The dark lioness is forward with her question and she expects a forward reply. As she awaits his words, the muscled hips shift their weight to square her frame, watching the Friesian closely.
the black lioness

RE: the black lioness; gunsynd/any - Gunsynd - 10-02-2016

I wanna chain you up               I wanna tie you down

Once he had been a man devoted to heavy mists and thick pine forests; canyon walls that echoed with even the smallest sounds. He had loved that valley more than life itself and served it unconditionally. But the memories and emotions that had gripped his heart and mind like a choker chain had been released (or rather obliterated) when Carnage had given him back his powers. The searing hot pain of magic changing the very structure of his DNA had in effect deleted all such former ties. Now there was only this land and his almighty God. A God that defied the obnoxious fairies and their fear-mongering antics. He can’t remember the whole story, but it hurts to think about so he simply moves forward. What other option does he have anyway?

She speaks the god’s name in recognition and this pleases him. He will not have to explain further. She seems to shine amid the desolation, a black diamond in the rough. She will do well here. He knows in time the land will become green and fruitful but the true test was now, when the potential was hard to see. He would serve the land and build it up now when it needed him most. This is why Carnage had given him back his powers and he would not disappoint him. 

She breaks into his thoughts by asking where to start. He looks around and shrugs his heavy shoulders. “The same place as anywhere, I suppose” He says quietly. “Recruit, meet the others, prepare yourself to defend the land.” The list sounds so boring, so typical. Not at all how he felt it should be. “On top of that, try to bring life to the land however you can. It is our gift from Carnage, so we are tasked with being good stewards.” He eyes here now, wondering if any powers were stripped from her as well. Even if she weren’t a weather-changing flower creature she could do little things to breathe life into the barren rock. They all could.

I M   J U S T   A   S U C K E R   F O R   P A I N

RE: the black lioness; gunsynd/any - Hohotep - 10-09-2016

The casualness of his actions portray a different man than she had suspected back in the meadow. He is slumped slightly as they converse, his actions methodical and deliberate. He is no longer the saucy little scoundrel. No, that personality was tucked away after she was whisked to his home. Is Tep disappointed? Well yes. He is a tasty bit of horseflesh and a girl like her enjoyed playful looks and nasty little bites from time to time but Gunsynd seems different here. Relaxed? Yes, perhaps that is it.

She nods quietly while looking away from him to watch the land once again. He directs her to recruit, to bring life to her new home. The orange of her eyes rotate to meet his gaze as if confirming her understanding of her mission. Delicate limbs moves to pirouette her form in a natural grace before she begins covering ground with urgency to find new recruits for her home. One look is tossed over her shoulder at the large stallion before she is gone.
the black lioness

just wanted to tie up this thread <3