[complete] this is the road to ruin - Printable Version

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this is the road to ruin - Kreios - 09-08-2016

The journey is a trial in itself.

Coming down the mountain had winded the physically fit stallion; climbing up it will likely be his ruin.

The path is steep and winding, but as he makes his way to the snow-covered top, the red and white horse has time to think. He had volunteered himself for this, had willingly taken on the mantle of both leader and petitioner. Kreios is willing to serve his family and friends in whatever ways they ask of him, and his most honed skill is that of leadership.

He has heard that there have been lands found beyond this mist - he wants one for his family. They need a place to raise their children and protect their old, a place to call home the way they called the granite cliffs and pounding water their home. He knows that it will not be a place he knows, but the spotted horse is no stranger to adjusting to a new home.

Born in the Dale and ferried between there and the Desert for the first year of his life, Kreios has always known that a true home is where your heart is at rest. No land had ever called to him, but the people have. The people of the falls and steady and trustworthy - perhaps not the most thrilling of folk, but goodhearted and brave nonetheless. It is for them that he has scaled this mountain, and for them that he calls out to the spirit of Beqanna.

"I come to plead for a home for my family." He says quietly, knowing - though he is not sure how - that Beqanna will hear him. "They are good people, loyal and true, and they need a place to call home. We mourned the loss of your magic in the water of our Falls, and wept at the flooding of the Desert." Perhaps they had not all wept, but Kreios had, for his family and the place he had first tested his stick-thin legs. "We are ready to try again, if you would give us the chance; we are ready to build anew."

link to point tracker is<a href=> here</a> Smile

RE: this is the road to ruin - Beqanna Fairy - 09-09-2016

They are moving quickly, adapting to their new world as she knew they would. The soil of their old world had been sour and poison - here they can start again, free from greed and ingratitude.

The spotted stallion pleads his case, and she is glad to know that her warning of the Deserts had not fallen entirely on deaf ears and cold hearts.

Moved, she sends him a pleasant feeling of contentment, and sets within his mind the path to their new home.

Your new home is: Deciduous Woods