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Erebor // Any - Kavi - 05-07-2015

The travel to the Falls is rather drab; my great-nephew's stoic attitude really does not make for that much fun. That being said, I've but this kingdom to visit, so I shan't complain too greatly. In fact, I feels almost guilty over the way I have arranged things. Erebor to every kingdom is his own damn fault, but perhaps I could've picked up another kingdom or two. That being said, the Falls needs to be heralded for the alliance which the Chamber seems to want. And Straia needed to go to the Tundra and Amazons; rumours of their strength are aplenty. As for the other kingdoms... Well, I will not hog them. Shaytan got grass, and Warship is being forced to pull his weight.

All is well.

The edges of the Falls arrive swiftly, smelling of fresh water and lilies. Raising my head, I call politely for the monarchy or diplomats. As the echoes fade, I smell the air eagerly, appreciating the openness of the land. Time passes, and while I am quite patient, I decide that it is quite time to break the silence.

"So. Have you ever played chase?" I only ask because I doubt the child ever has, and this is clear in my slightly mocking tone. Chase and Fight were the only things I ever did as a child, mostly with Rodrik. Rayelle had always been a good sport about it, but my lost golden sister was always specially treated by us boys. Rodrik because he could never live with himself if he hurt her, and me because she was my idol in every way.

But Erebor does not know this, and my question is only mocking to him. So be it.

RE: Erebor // Any - Shatter Me - 05-11-2015

somebody make me feel alive

She hears the call readily enough, but it takes her some time to reach the border. The silver queen takes her time. It has been some time since they had seen diplomats at their borders, even as they attempted contact with other kingdoms. Shatter takes in the sight of the charming buckskin and stoic colt. They smell of ash and it takes some determination to keep the queen from wrinkling her nose at the smell. However, Shatter Me is a diplomat first and foremost, taking a moment before she reaches the pair she composes herself some and her radiant smile floats easily on her lips. She listens amused as the stallion attempts to engage the boy in conversation. She isn’t sure what the dynamic between them is but she decides to intervene as the silence between the pair stretches out into an uncomfortable one.

“Hello there, welcome to the Falls. I am the Queen here, Shatter Me. but please call me Shatter.” She smiles warmly at the pair. She doesn’t completely trust the evil kingdom but they haven’t done anything to them as of late so she was hesitant to be discourteous. “Please, come in. What can we do for you?” The silver queen steps aside and beckons them across the border. Regardless of their intentions, diplomatic discussions were best done in the privacy the kingdom proper had to offer.

Shatter Me

RE: Erebor // Any - Erebor - 05-11-2015

We are at war. There will be scars.

Stoic, yes. No fun, yes. And his own damn fault, absolutely.

He follows easily by his great-uncle's side, content to keep the silence. He has the businesslike demeanor of a soldier, but at the same time he is not militaristic, not as he marches beside Kavi toward a diplomatic end. He's entirely capable of compartmentalizing the two, making himself exactly what is needed for the Chamber to best use him, for his home to survive and thrive as he desperately wishes it will.

He remembers what his mother had told him of the Falls, what she knew of its healing waters. He is interested to see them for himself, to learn about everything that Beqanna has to offer. He may play a good bit older than he looks, but he still knows shockingly little – something of which he is distinctly aware, and something which he'd love to remedy.

Which is why he's volunteered to visit every kingdom. I mean what else is he going to do, really? There's not enough horses in the field to take up his time, and there's only so many mock battles that he can fight. He could start challenging, or stealing, but that doesn't pass the time like diplomacy.

His uncle calls for the diplomats, and Erebor is not expecting a question after that. Chase? He hadn't thought of it in that way, but he has played it. "Chase? Yes, in my training." It's not the chase that Kavi knows, not at all; it's not the kind of chase that boys play in the yard, but the kind of chase that cadets and princelings play when they're training for war. He frowns. "Although, I'm not sure that I'd say it was something we played, so much as an exercise."

And as he is pondering what else to say, a dappled mare comes into view, and he is instantly focused on her. She introduces herself as Shatter Me, although bids them to call her Shatter. "Thank you, Shatter." he greets, his demeanor entirely too adult for his slightly-older-than-yearling frame. He steps across the border at her invitation. "I am Erebor, of the Chamber. We've come on a diplomatic mission. Thank you for receiving us so promptly." he gives her a smile, not a gregarious one, but a genuine one, diplomat to diplomat.

And then he is silent. It's his great uncle's turn to speak – god knows, the important business is Kavi's to handle, not Erebor's.


Native Prince of the Chamber

warship x straia

RE: Erebor // Any - Kavi - 05-22-2015

My stoic little nephew looks up towards me in slight confusion as I begin a conversation while we await entrance. Even such an emotion looks all wrong on his childish face, as though inside him an adult had been reincarnated, but someone forgot to wipe the memory card before putting his soul into the new body. I make a mental note to track down other scarily mature children and investigate this new theory. I mean, this kid hasn't even played real chase. Maybe his first run around in life had been difficult? Or maybe it had been great fun, and now he just really does not want to play chase.

It's the only logical explanation, you know.

"You poor child." I speak the words softly, with a slight curve to my lips and a shake of my head in utter disbelief. Erebor, Erebor. What ever shall we do with you. Just as I am about to arrange my nephew's first 'play date,' a woman approaches the border which we stand upon. She seems youthful, though a quiet, kind authority rings from her voice as she heralds us. Shatter, she calls herself, and of course she is the Queen of the kingdom which we have so often been discussing within our kingdom. Twitching my ear to my ebony nephew, I allow him to begin the conversation, for it is not my wish to belittle the young. Not when they're actually another totally grown up soul. I think.

"And I am Kavi, governor of the Chamber and uncle to the Queen Straia. Let us walk." I step into the airy kingdom, feeling as though the fresh, humid air washes the smudged ash from my skin with each step. I don't appreciate the feeling at all. The ash is who we are, as Chamberlings. Feeling clean just feels so dirty.

"Your majesty, if I may be so bold, the Chamber would not hesitate to enter into an alliance with your kingdom. In fact, it would please us greatly to be aligned with one so potent, one who's role in the game changes everything." I dip my head to her, amber eyes seeking hers, genuinely interested in her response, in her reaction. How  diplomacy plays to my strong suits.

RE: Erebor // Any - Texas - 05-22-2015

He's spent most of his time lazing about the Falls, though now and again he does train so that his battle skills don't grow too rusty. Today he's dozing knee-deep in the water when nearby voice rouse him from his sleep. He looks over to find Shatter Me engaged in conversation with two strangers, and the smell of the Chamber on the wind.

With a shake of his greying mane, the stallion emerges from the water and makes his way toward the gathering. Closer now, he recognizes young Erebor, but the smile he offers is only for his Queen. He touches his dark muzzle to her silver side for but a moment, and then turns his brown gaze to the smooth talking buckskin stallion. Texas tilts his head curiously as the other male talks, and when he is finished asks Kavi specifically: "What does the Chamber have to offer in an alliance with our 'potent' kingdom? Something of equal worth to our 'game-changing role', I'd assume?"

Despite his charming drawl, Texas' dark eyes are humorless, and there is emotion on his face only when he looks at his monarch. He knows that she is a skilled diplomat in her own right, but he is also innately distrustful of such a smooth talking, handsome stallion around Shatter Me.

RE: Erebor // Any - Shatter Me - 05-29-2015

somebody make me feel alive

Shatter escorts the Chamber duo further into the kingdom but stops once they get closer to the Waterfall. She wants them to be able to see the source of the small kingdoms power and realize that it is useless to them at this moment. She had been hearing strange rumors of war floating around and as always the kingdoms best interests came first. She maintains a neutral expression as Kavi speaks but quirks an eyebrow when he mentions their 'role in the game'. She almost wants to laugh but maintains her composure. She is grateful when Texas walks up to stand beside her. The silver queen hadn't heard him approach but she knew he would be able to help her navigate through this visit.

It doesn't take long for her adviser to ask the question that had been dancing on her tongue. She was well aware of the Falls previous open door policy and the lax relations they had with other kingdoms. But that was under a previous ruler and things were quite different now. She gives the Chamber diplomats a moment to mull over Texas' question before she adds on. "I am sure that you are well aware that we no longer are as giving of our aid as we once were."

Shatter Me

RE: Erebor // Any - Erebor - 06-05-2015

We are at war. There will be scars.

He is surprised to discover that he would handle this situation entirely differently from his uncle. It's not that he would necessarily use different words (although he might), but he'd adjust it, tweak it so that the meaning comes off somewhat differently.

Texas approaches the duo and he recognizes the older man immediately. But his uncle is speaking and so he simply catches the stallion's eye and gives him a small, respectful nod. He's not given to grand gestures, especially not while his uncle is talking. And once Kavi finishes, Texas speaks, and Erebor can't fault him for his question. It's a very valid one, especially considering that Kavi has chosen the route of flattery. Much as the Falls could have a game changing role (isn't healing always something of a game changer?) to build it up like that only sets up for a letdown when they discuss the Chamber in comparison.

Erebor is every bit a stalwart supporter of his kingdom, but he is also a realist. He understands that they are currently weak. He understands that they currently lack numbers. In fact, he understands it so deeply that he feels it is almost a personal failing, almost his fault that it has gotten to be this way. Never mind that it has been this way since before he was even born.

They pause before the Falls and the boy notices that the water seems to be flowing less forcefully than it might – he can see the banks where water had once licked and lapped, now parched and dry. It's no wonder, he thinks, that they now intend to ration it. Even if it were not a powerful political bargaining chip, they'd need to be choosy just to keep its power alive.

"Even the kindest kingdom can only give so much." His voice is firm, earnest. Clearly he means to imply that the Falls has been kind, to them and to others in the past. And in his heart he doesn't doubt it for a moment. He doesn't doubt that they've saved lives – possibly the lives of his own ancestors. And perhaps in the future, they could save the lives of close friends, or current family members. "Texas had mentioned the change, when he visited the Chamber last year."

And then he looks to Kavi, hoping that his uncle has a very compelling case hidden somewhere in his buckskin coat, or, he thinks, they're going to have come a long way with little to show for it.


Native Prince of the Chamber

warship x straia