for M + S + S + W <3 - Printable Version

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for M + S + S + W <3 - Spear + Spark - 09-06-2016

They are two, of many --
But they are together.

Spear and Spark weave in and out of the mist and the trees; they play closest to where the mist is the thickest. “I dare you!” he tells her. “I double dare you!” she challenges back, followed by a quick nip at his neck. Her teeth barely graze him but enough to make him jump away from her and flash her a quick look of hurt. It is fake of course, her teeth are more dangerous to grass than anything else really, but he still likes to make her feel bad. She feels bad, begins to pout and then he’ll come up alongside her, nibble at her crest and tug on her ear tenderly. He knows then she’ll forgive him and bury her pale face in his bay neck, and they’ll stand like that for as long as they can - sometimes all night, from stars’ up to stars’ down, until the sun peeks over their backs where each has laid a head upon the other and slept.

Back to the trees though;
They go in and out, in and out, until they are dizzy with laughter and their fat bellies protest from laughing so much. Their giggles have long since given out to silence, to sucked in breaths as they try to slow their frantic breathing.

Spear and Spark go more slowly now, and the trees start to thin out as they near the forest’s edge. Here, there be monsters! Except they are not frightened, brave souls that they are. They are curious, because they know no better, as they come upon the four-headed thirteen-legged band of horses. Spear and Spark try not to stare, but it is hard to look away too - all four are silver bay, and they vary in age but amongst them is a tiny foal, a filly by the smell of her. They might be creepy but the twins are drawn to the strange and odd in these lands, and they mill about the silver bay band, not in the least bit creeped out by anything that they’ve seen. “Hello,” they say together, as if they are one. Maybe these horses are like that too, despite the physical oddities about them that Spear and Spark have been introduced to - they are children, so they stare but they do not discriminate.

Spear & Spark