through dangers untold { any mares, older prefered or old souls, any welcome } - Printable Version

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through dangers untold { any mares, older prefered or old souls, any welcome } - Fascade - 09-06-2016

through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered

This world was always comfortable, the same, though sometimes natural disasters took away some of the herd lands, the rest of Beqanna was always the same. Fascade had been here a long time....a long, LONG time. He has seen all the changes, all the battles, all the strange quests. But never had he imagined what happened this time. All the herds, all the kingdoms that had stood strong for ages before he was even around...were gone. Horses were stripped of their magic, leaving all just as plain as he has always been. For once, equals. Not only that, but all were forced into the common lands that still seemed to be untouched...but horses that were once enemies and of rival kingdoms, now were forced to be stuck in the same places, no way to turn home. Though Fascade was never a kingdom man, it did bother him that the herd lands were no more. He was a herd stallion through and through, a strong and faithful leader. He lead his large herd in Paradise Beach for many moons before it was stolen from him. Though his mares, his family, even his co-leading stallion Incubi, stayed by his side even after his land was taken.

He wanted nothing more than to have another family, his old herd long gone now. Despite his age, he was still strong and handsome, though much more rugged now. His old dished head held a few greying hairs, and his sturdy Arabian body and strong legs still held much vitality. He had battled in Grumblesnake's arena, though he had not made the cut for his army, he still made it through the torture and physical and psychological abuse. He was even stronger now than he was before that...before then he had been ready to give up, let his body become one with the beach and his soul sail off within the calm waves. But, he had realized he was not at all ready to die. This old golden bay bachelor had many more years left in him. He was not going to die without purpose and without a strong loving family surrounding him. He would not die alone and defeated. Now with the lands gone and opportunity to create new territories and homes, he wanted to help lead the movement to find new new kingdoms and herds. He wanted to redeem himself. 

His pace was set, strong yet careful as he walked purposefully through the snow covered path to the meadow. His mind was on his plan to pave the way to a new land with hopefully some lovely mares and children to follow him. He was ready to become a leader again, for too long the rugged stallion had wallowed in his sadness of becoming alone and without his family when they all soon disappeared. That would not happen this time...this time he was not going to lose them, he was going to lead them until his last breath. Snorting puffs of warm steam into the air, Fascade continued on, now making it to the severely crowded meadow. He was surprised, never has he seen this place so full of souls. Not even during breeding season, this was even worse than the field during breeding season (and that is saying a lot...). He had his head on a swivel, not knowing what kind of horses he would run into. He mostly had his eye out for mares that looked without a niche. Though so far he was out of luck. He sighed, this can't deter him. He stopped a moment, his fluffy wide blazed winter face looked side to side, seeking a good place to "set up shop" per say. If anything if he couldn't find mares while walking around, he was sure to have some make their way to him if he stayed in a spot easily seen.

A big old cedar stood quiet and peacefully to his right, his whiskered pink mouth curved into a crooked, suave smile. That seemed like a good spot, easily seen and big enough for a few others to take shelter under from the bitter breeze and falling snow. With more bodies under this canopy of cedar it would become much warmer as well. He hoped his plan would not fail now. For he was getting older, and he was not going to die without having this new dream of his come true. Think of this as a sort of retirement plan...this is his new life purpose, his last check off his bucket list. With a little faith and his handsome face, Fascade was sure to attract some lovely ladies and kidlets... 

His last chance for a new life, is now.

f a s c a d e