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for ygritte - Kreios - 09-04-2016

He will not give up. He has not slept, and the sun that begins to creep over the eastern edge of the mountain reminds of if this. He has searched for hours and found no sign of the brown mare or their daughters.

The way his hooves sound as they part the grass reminds him all the more of the loss of his abilities, his feline eyesight and excellent sense. He could have found them hours ago if only Beqanna had not taken away his self. But this is their punishment, he reminds himself, this is what they deserve.

They need to prove themselves all over. Kreios, who as spent his lifetime proving himself - as a son, as a brother, as a king - he is up to the task.

"@[Ygritte]!" He calls again, pitching his tenor voice to carry through the thick trees as best he can.

RE: for ygritte - Ygritte - 09-04-2016

In the dream are their faces. Kreios, Raene, Marlyn, and Zai's. They are all together, nestled beneath a thick blanket of stars and spring mist, cooling their skin. The brown mare smiles gently at the father of her children as they lay near one another in a blissful trance. Ygritte watches her youngest and only son. The adoration in the dark of her eyes shine before she feels the heavy weight of Kreios looking to her. With a small little smirk, the mare rises and motions for the spotted stallion to follow.

Like adolescent horses in love, they steal away to a grove of thick vegetation. The passion arises when his lips are on her neck and his scent is flooding her senses and making her heady and giggly. She feels safe, protected, nurtured by him. Her hips and shoulders roll with him, his name whispered softly in the spring wind as they made love-

"Ygritte!" Her eyes snap open. There is no night sky, there is no cool breeze, there is no Kreios or children. There was no Falls. The woman notices immediately that she is down on her side in a ditch at the base of a hill. Eyes rotate to see the slide marks of her body. First is to check for broken things. Legs? 1,2,3,4. Each move and are sore but not broken. With a roll, Ygritte is up. She is tender, her left side caked in mud and dead leaves and blood from where her skin tore on the rubble of the forest. The salmon mane sticks against her neck from being soaked in ravine wetness. Adrenaline and panic fuel her, later she would be exhausted, but all she knows now is she heard her name in a place that isn't her home. "Hello?" With some stiffness, the sienna woman crests the hill. "Kreios?!" Her voice lifts with fear as she calls for him but does not see him, her panic growing like a hard lump in her throat.

RE: for ygritte - Kreios - 09-04-2016

He hears a familiar voice, and freezes. He is so sure it had been her...yet all he hears is the chirrup of early morning birdsong and the wind in the trees. Then it comes again, this time voicing his name, and he knows that it had been real.

"Ygritte!" he trumpets as he races forward, having turned in the direction of the voice when he had first heard it. The path he takes is no path at all, forcing his way through heavy brush and overgrowth as he heads directly towards the sound of the voice.

And then she is there, looking scratched and bruised but most important - alive. He crashes into her, the force great enough to knock her over had he not wrapped his neck across her opposite site to hold her close. "I thought I'd lost you," he murmurs in her ear, "I thought I'd never seen you again."

RE: for ygritte - Ygritte - 09-05-2016

She would have him crash into her a million times over if it only meant to be in his embrace. The mare attempts to remain strong but she can not hold back the wetness that spilled from her eyes and dampens his skin. Thank goodness he had scooped her close for her legs had given out against him (whether it was by for of physical strength or by emotion drain) but she will take any and all of it. "Kreios, Kreios, Kreios." Her lips murmur the words like a prayer against his spotted skin. The mud clotted mare thought she would never see him against and allows the sobs rack her body as she can not hold it any longer. Her body leans into his as her withers shake with the heave of tears.

When they tears subside, she pulls back just enough to cover the dampness of her tears on his skin with her kisses, his neck and cheeks and lips. "I was so scared." She whispers gently between to him, peeling back her mask of confidence and exposing the vulnerability that she harbored. "What do we do, my love?" Where are the children...the Falls?" She tries to regain her composure but she stays touching her mate, not wanting to leave the warmth of his skin and so she opts to just remain where she is and speaking gently against him, feeling his heart beat against her chest, comforting her with each thud.

RE: for ygritte - Kreios - 09-05-2016

"I found Zai," he tells her, "But I've not see either of the girls." She clearly hasn't either, not if she's asking about them. Where are they?! They seem to be penned into a rather small area of land despite Beqanna's population - perhaps the girls have been lost in the crowd. It's possible,he tells himself, they must be out there somewhere.

"We are meeting with anyone the three of us - myself, Zai, and Neoma - can find at noon today." He does not have to ask if she has seen anyone else - it seems all too obvious that she has only just come to.

"I'm so glad I found you," he breathes into the familiar pink tangle of her salmon mane. And he is, because with Ygritte by his side, he is sure that they can keep their family and their kingdom safe - even if their kingdom is no more.

"We'll find them all," the spotted stallion says, finding that saying the words somehow reassures himself as much as he is trying to reassure Ygritte. "We'll find them and find somewhere safe, and then we will find out what has happened."

RE: for ygritte - Ygritte - 09-05-2016

Kreios. How they had began.

Her father, in all his wisdom, arranged a monarchy for the Falls. With a rather blatant side-eye, Ygritte agreed with dragging hooves and plenty of attitude in tow. He had been shy, quiet, uncertain of her and Ygritte had reacted any mare would. Hard looks and a jutted chin but over time, he melted her heart and she had chosen him over all others. No other stallion compared to him in the cocoa of her eyes.

And nothing had changed as she remains so close to him that his warmth radiated against her skin. The mare must concentrate to listen to him as she wearily daydreams while listening to the calm tone of his voice (Kreios could always calm her) and the gentle vibrations of his voice. She forces herself to look upward to the tall king (he would always be her king) and she nods slowly, making herself be brave for him. She had been a queen after all...and just because they had lost their home does not make her any less of a queenly mare. A smile touches the corners of her lips as she agrees, reaching to press her cheek to his.

"Yes, we will." The words came out a little fainter, a little more wavering than they had expected but the muddy, scratched mare with tangled flowers in her saturated forest water hair did not falter in stance as she pulls away from the spotted man and instead takes his side, her head high and gaze solid as she looks over the lands next to him.