[open] y'all ready for this; Romek, any - Printable Version

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y'all ready for this; Romek, any - Szene - 08-05-2016

Every fairy tale has a bloody lining. Everyone has teeth and claws.
Of all the things in creation she could be running from, she runs from ghosts. It is their eyes she feels on her back when she disappears over the horizon, it is their presence that sends a tingle down her spine when the chill in the air doesn’t feel quite right for the season; she runs until she is almost frothing at the mouth, until she’s coated in a layer of sweat from her neck down to her shoulders. Until one fine morning, she finally leaves them behind; the hidden spectres are stopped at the threshold of Beqanna, perhaps left looking on while she disappears into the jagged slopes of dark mountains with pretty snow white tops.
It takes her nearly three days and nights to find her way down to the foot of the mountains and from then on, she follows the coast northward—past an isle of ice, over and across a plateau of wildflowers. She ambles along slowly for the rest of the trip, tired and sore; a sudden snowstorm makes the trip a little harder, a little longer, but she makes it. She makes it to the opening of a wall so great that it stretches on and on in both directions as far as the eye can see, the top of it reaching past the clouds; he’d been telling the truth, that wise old son of a bitch.
Szene grins, lifting her head and swiveling her ears forwards; she stares into the opening fearlessly, expecting something—anyone—to happen, someone to appear would be quite nice, actually. But nothing happens. The wind whistles through the gap, snowflakes drift down from the clouds—they live and then die by the heat of her flesh. She waits, however; waits and waits until the silent starts creeping in and the ghosts of ghosts long gone begin to circle around her like prowling hungry lions.
When the silence becomes too much, she does the only thing she can think of that’s ever helped. That has ever chased the ghosts away. “Suppose no one comes,” she begins, starting to pace. “Suppose whoever lived on the other side of that wall abandoned the place and now there’s no one here.” She pauses, looking at the wall again—this time with her dark gray eyes narrowed. “I might have to find Micaiah after this—“ she frowns at the memory of the old man “—after I freeze to death, of course, and give him a swift kick in the arse.”

[I accidentally lost the original post. :| I'm so sorry.]

RE: y'all ready for this; Romek, any - Romek - 08-05-2016

Better to run from wolves than from the past.

Wolves wear down, tire out. You can tell when there aren’t wolves nearby (mostly). And if they do catch you unawares? You can fight them, bite them, leave them for the ants. But the past? That tends to have a habit of catching you whenever it feels like it, leaving you a mess of tears and dead dreams. The past can’t be fought. It can only be accepted. ‘LIVE WITH YOUR FAILURES’ – there is no other option.

It’s a faint chattering he hears, on the other side of the wall. He tilts his head, pricks his ears, a mouthful of pain-stakingly unburied grass still hanging out of his mouth. He chews thoughtfully as fragments of the mare’s conversation floats over to him. He catches Michaiah and kick his arse and he can’t help the smile rising to his face.

There’s a silent pause, and Romek goes to unbury more grass, but then the humming starts. He frowns, tilts his head, and wanders over to the entrance of the mighty ice wall.

”Are you alright over there?” he calls out to her. ”You can come in. Just no arse kicking, please.”

fuck all your dreams, they’re not all they seem

RE: y'all ready for this; Romek, any - Szene - 08-10-2016

thoughtlessness, selfishness,
hopelessness, arrogant.
Szene hums because it keeps the ghosts from singing and ringing their bells in her ears—keeps her from thinking, from reminding herself about what’s gone and what isn’t coming back; Micaiah had always told her to look ahead, to look forwards to something even if what lie ahead wasn’t so pleasant. Especially then. Getting through the bad meant you were getting closer to the good, or something like that.

A voice calls out to her from beyond the wall and she stops her humming long enough to listen. It’s a male; older, perhaps, but definitely not a child and she breathes a little sigh of relief. It’s been too long since she’s talked to another living thing. “I’m fine,” Szene calls back, then she grins, adding: “Although, I make no promises. Suppose there are arses that need kicking. Whoever will pick up my slack?” She cocks her head, as if she is seriously considering a replacement for the position before slinking in.

He’s a strange one—(scarred one, her eyes linger a little too long on his old battle wounds)—there are rows of blinking lights along his back that make her do a double-take; she almost wants to reach out and touch them, poke them with her nose to see if they’ll come off or if they’re really attached to his skin. He’s slightly shorter than she is with a coat color she’s never seen before; it’s rather fancy compared to the mundane blacks and bays that she’s used to. He’s something different.

Something else.

“I’m Szene,” she offers, scanning the blindingly white kingdom with her dark gray eyes for more signs of life. There are horses in the distance and that is enough to satisfy her. “I was told Beqanna likes soldiers.”
a proper lady