Cold Breeze -open- - Printable Version

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Cold Breeze -open- - RadMads - 08-02-2016


Aimless wandering had led Xiomara to this beautiful place. Barren of life, it seemed, yet so cold and pristine. For once in her life , Xiomara was not hot, it could even be said that she was beginning to feel cold. The ice surrounded her for miles on every side, the wispy tendrils of the cold breeze whispering softly as they passed through her mane and tail. While her powerful legs struck the ice beneath them in even, calculated strides, Xiomara failed to notice the sudden shadow creeping over the land. After a short relapse in her focus, her piercing blue orbs drank in the shocking site of an ice wall. It seemed to have quite suddenly appeared out of nowhere. 

Making sure to keep her movements quiet, she carefully stalked towards the ice wall. She knew she was in no danger from the ice wall falling down as it seemed to be one complete sheet of ice. It was a very impressive feat. Xiomara was impressed, whoever had made this had put in an extremely long amount of time and effort. Her orbs refocused on the hole through the ice wall. Everything in her body was screaming at her to not go through it. She knew to listen to her instincts and stopped short of the entrance.....

RE: Cold Breeze -open- - Offspring - 08-02-2016


  The gentle caress of a dry, yet frigid gust of wind carries across his coat, the stark black marred with many puckered pink scars - it is pleasant, and it soothes him. His heart pounds heavily within his chest as his muscled legs carry him across the permafrost, matted tresses wavering with each heavy step taken. 

   His muscles ripple and roll beneath his skin, and his weight causes the Earth below him to tremble from the sheer brunt of it, but he presses on. It has been too long since he was last able to flex his muscles and stretch them to their full capacity; battle had made such a feat difficult as he had been forced to take the time to allow his bruises and open wounds to heal, sealed with new scar tissue.

  His burning red eyes peer across the dreary plain before him - much of the downy snow has melted away, whittled away into filthy puddles of mud and sleet, but the sun fought through the ever-present layer of clouds overhead to shine its pale sunlight across the blooming flowers and heavy grasses that had begun to grow in spite of the cold. 

   He presses close to the ice wall, allowing it to brush across his skin (oh, how he misses the ice when he is away - it is his sanctuary) as he inhales the sweet scent of flora and fauna that lingers nearby. He pauses finally, stilling himself near the entrance of his vast kingdom, entangling the gentle scent of flowers away from something more heady and feminine.

  Lowering his cranium, his sharp crimson gaze stares intently along the line of the ice wall as he presses forward, before looking out through the entrance and onto the barren outskirts. It is not entirely barren on this glacial morning, however, and he is met with a female of strong stature and build. He draws himself into a full stance, eyes intent upon her but with a layer of amusement hidden away within them. He is towering - massive, even, and intimidating - but a low, rumbling chuckle escapes his throat, breaking the ice between them.

  "I did not expect to see anyone here; and I do not think that I have seen you before. My name is Offspring - this is my kingdom," He glances only for a moment to the dull but still remarkable land behind him, before watching her uncertainly once again. "what brings you to the land of ice?"


RE: Cold Breeze -open- - RadMads - 08-02-2016


Her orbs drank in his body. Tall..strong...and littered with scars. He was tense, yet amused. Mixed signals were coming from this strange powerful male. Her head tilted as he announced his self and his title as ruler of this kingdom. Damn she muttered in her head. All she wanted was her own little secluded piece of this wonderful land. "The land of ice... an interesting name....I am here because I am searching for my own home. Is there room for one more warrior?" Xiomara gazed at Offspring, holding his gaze to get her point across. She did not back down, unless she knew she was beat. Taking a step closer, she drew herself to her full 16.2hh height and waited for his answer. 

Even if the answer was no, Xiomara would stay. Although her residence would be outside of the ice wall. How could she leave this ice heaven now that she had been here? It was perfect. Cold and desolate, just like Xiomara...