The Beauty That Is Summer (Any) - Printable Version

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RE: The Beauty That Is Summer (Any) - Sreva - 05-14-2016

Damnit, Chemdog had a point. What reasons could he give her other than ones he'd already listed off? They were pretty good reasons to begin with, but they were reasons by which Sreva had been tricked before, and she was not going down that road again.

She quietly listened as Chemdog talked. The prospect of children didn't make Sreva quite that excited, since she had been on her own for a while. Her mother had cared for her while she still needed milk, but following an incident that involved the herd stallion, and a stupid decision on his part, Sreva had lost her dam. She'd been on her own as a weanling, and had no inclination as to how to care for a foal of her own.

The thought made her slightly angry, and worried, and though Chemdog said he wouldn't force her to breed with him, she believed that, one day, he might succumb and go back on that promise. Not without a fight from the mare though, that fact was certain.

All he wanted was her loyalty, something she'd never before been asked to give. Every stallion before had asked for her to join their harem, promising plenty of grazing land in exchange for being nothing but a 'breeding factory' as one of them had so eloquently put it.

He didn't even require her heart. Well, than again, most stallions didn't. It didn't really surprise her; herd stallions didn't tend to get attached to one specific mare in their herd, even the alphas. Those ones were chosen only to watch the herd when the stallion was away.

The thought of wolves bothered her, but as long as there was an understanding. As long as they didn't bother her too much, maybe the nightmares would stay away. At least, she hoped they would...

The mare sighed, lowering her head to ponder this for a moment. In reality, she was tired of having to run away from the stallions in this Field. She'd only outrun a couple earlier that day, and was still quite exhausted. It explained the majority of the sweat on her muscular body; she'd had to run for a while to get them off her tri-colored tail.

After a few minutes, going over her thoughts, and pacing in a circle, the mare lifted her head, eyes darkening again, "I am not a trusting mare, and most do not put their loyalty in me. If that is all you require though... I do not know if I will ever trust you, but, perhaps...

"Perhaps if I were to see your home, see that you are telling the truth for absolute certain... it might even change my attitude towards you," she finished with a snort, flicking her tail to rid her skin of some bugs that were crawling along her croup.


RE: The Beauty That Is Summer (Any) - Chemdog - 05-14-2016

His grin widens as she goes on, reaching then end of her reluctant sentence. He had stood patiently while she paced and offered her no other prodding on his part. Only listening as she finally concluded her decision. “Good then, Sreva, follow me.” He stares at her in silence for lingering second or two before turning away and walking toward the woodline.

Once among the birches and oaks he would find the main roadway, the heavily worn and commonly walked path most Beqannians used. They will follow that for a few hours before veering off to the east. In the distance you can see redwoods peaking over the horizon – the tallest trees in Beqanna live in the region. The woods grow mossier, darker, thicker. They'e now moving on a thin pathway winding through dense brush and across small cliff faces.

[they reach forest f. within a few hours, sun is still up just a little]

Finally they reach the valley of ancient trees. They stand among a circle of tall stones, nine in all, taller than even Chem; they're lit by a single beam of bright sunlight piercing the sky-kissing treetops. “We're here.” The pair of horses stand among the behemoth pines, just on the edge of his Forest. “It will be dark soon...” He looks over to the mare with a playful look in his eye, “Do you like the moon, Sreva?”
astra inclinant, sed non obligant.

@[Sreva] .. you can reply in forest frontiers <33