A blind man's fool - any - Printable Version

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RE: A blind man's fool - any - Brynmor - 10-28-2015


"I will see."

He is still shaken up, her words repeating in his mind over and over again. Endlessly he can hear her tell him that she’s the only one there, that he was replying to a voice that didn’t exist. But how could that be? His friend had been around for as long as he can remember and next to Gryffen and Shaytan herself it is the only being that he knows. Brynmor is confused, irritated too. Everybody was making fun of him, while he was just totally clueless. And even though he doesn’t like it one bit, he even cannot walk away from them. He didn’t want to either, the warmth of the burning tree comforts his body as the winter had settled in already.

”Unless… you want to be on my team instead? Gryffen’s a jerk. I’m much nicer.” Her suddenly sweet, sugary voice offers him. Maybe she did cross the border between sugary sweet and pleading, but either way it passes by unnoticed, as he isn’t familiar with it at all.

It surprises him and he falls silent as he does not know how to reply to her suggestion. Gryffen is a jerk, that much she is right, but he isn’t entirely sure if she is much nicer, like she claims. After all, their conversation hadn’t been nice at all thus far. It included sneering and snapping, raised voices and anger. Or at least, that are things Brynmor had done and felt. And she had laughed at him, hard, and made fun of him as he didn’t understand what was going on exactly. ”To have you laughing at me all the time as you make fun of me?” he cannot help but to reply, ears turning towards his neck as he speaks. Yet a slight curiosity and interested sneaks into his voice as he parts his lips to speak again. ”How will that be better..?”

Brynmor cannot help but to feel like that Shaytan indeed made a better offer, but he also knows that he owes Gryffen and he clearly remembers the pale male’s threat. If he would fail the red-eyed male would come for him and his death wouldn’t be pretty.

"Through your secret."

OOC: Maybe we can plot something out? Gryffen wants to sent him to the meadow now first, with some task. So before things get mixed up we can first see if we can work something out through pm?

RE: A blind man's fool - any - Shaytan - 11-02-2015

In a heartbeat, she is appropriately contrite. Clearly they started out on the wrong hoof, and at the faint flicker of hope on the horizon, Shaytan is ready to adapt. Adapt and adopt.

To be fair, he brings up valid points. The laughing wasn’t nice, and she should apologize… but she won’t. I don’t think Shaytan’s ever apologized for anything in her life. That would require a significant amount of remorse… which is not the same as regret. Shay regrets some things: not being bolder and making a declaration of love for Straia, not learning how to fight, etc. Remorse would require her to be focused on her superego, which, hahaha, she may not even have. Instead, Shaytan going to choose to focus on the positive things (or rather, not negative things) about their first interaction and potential future relationship.That is more likely to get her what she wants - Brynmor.

“Oh no, I won’t laugh at you anymore. Now that you know. Besides, they all laugh at me too.” And wouldn’t that just make them the perfect pair? The two bottom points on the totem pole. banding together in god-only-knows-what. And then, like the child that she sometimes is, she says, “You could pretend to be on his team and then really be on mine.”

Hey, who knows? It could be fun.

RE: A blind man's fool - any - Brynmor - 11-06-2015


"I will see."

’Don’t believe her like that, she just wants to use you.’ The voice in his head advices him, but the way in which he does only makes him feel like his friend is making fun of him. Just like she had done.

Brynmor cannot help but to huff, his head lifted a little in the air as his ears turn backwards. ”It’s not like I don’t know that” he snaps back at the voice, stamping his hoof on the ground as to emphasize his words. It almost make him feels like it is two against one now and the graying male hates how it suddenly like they get along pretty well. Yet she tells him they aren’t much different, as they are both laughed upon. He frowns and he lashes his tail through the air, but stays silent as he waits for her to continue.

Even though her words sound alluring, he is still hesitant and doesn’t like it at all. After all, he would only switch masters and honestly, he really didn’t know if it would be better to live as Gryffen’s or Shaytan’s pet. And if he would switch to the latter he would undoubtedly meet Gryffen’s wrath sooner or later. ”How’d you picture that? He’s sending me away.” It wasn’t heard to hear the disgust and anger in his voice, as he spit out the words.

No, Brynmor didn’t like it one bit that he was handled like a puppet, a puppet with strings that were being played by his puppeteer. ”What would I gain from it?” Oh, if they were doing this, he would want to get better too, he wanted to gain something, to say as compensation to the danger he put himself in by agreeing to switch to Shaytan’s side. He could hear how his friend agreed, and it wasn’t hard to picture him clapping his hands in delight. ’Finally Brynnie, you're starting to get smart.’

"Through your secret."