I will always find you (any) - Printable Version

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I will always find you (any) - Anguisette - 09-25-2015

"Hello Killdare" I say politely, once mama introduces him.

I have no memory of the Chamber, only vague dreams of a beating heart beneath my feet. But even those I do not connect with the name of the stallion's home. I listen with wide eyes as mama tells me that Killdare was captured by Joscelin through a fight. I wonder what it would be like to challenge someone and win. Perhaps mother will teach me how someday. I grin at Joscelin.

"Hi Joscelin!" I say eagerly, my tail wagging and my ears pricked as I nudge her back. I have always like the mare, since the day I met her. It makes me giggle to think of her beating up Killdare. "I'm glad you brought him to stay for awhile, even if he is a stallion. He seems like he might be fun."

I study the stallion curiously, returning his charming smile with a cautious one of my own. My exposure to males has been limited. I giggle at his words.

"I don't know. Mama has lots of helpers, but I am the most important one." I nuzzle her shoulder. "And she lets me go 'most everywhere so I can learn things. Well, the safe places anyways."

After all, she can be very strict about some things. As Killdare will learn, my mama is very much in charge.

the jungle princess

RE: I will always find you (any) - Lagertha - 09-28-2015

I am iron and I forge myself

Sette is nothing if not… terribly cute. Ugh. Yes. She said it. Cute and winsome and girly in a way that Lagertha never was and never would be. Dalten, others might believe came from her womb, due to his reticent nature. But this little ray of sunshine? Never.

Again, she chuckles. “Stallions are important too, otherwise we would never have any babies.” She throws a conspiratory wink towards Joscelin. Of course they knew that stallions, in any other kingdom, were equal to mares. In fact… if she counted correctly, there were more Queens in the Beqanna at the moment than Kings. So score one for the ladies. But here, the men are second class citizens, much like the Sisters would be if they were to live in the Tundra. Manservants is just a name, really. She’s never known any stallion to literally serve a Sister (service her, maybe), because they were incredibly self sufficient. It was just a name to call a Sister’s chosen mate, to indicate that the stallion was under her protection (and she, responsible for him) while in the Jungle.

“Speaking of, we have a long walk tomorrow morning, don’t we little one? Best get to bed.” The Khaleesi then nods to both Killdare and Joscelin, saying goodnight. “Enjoy your stay, Killdare. Be good.” Lagertha nudges Sette to get her moving towards their sleeping area. The sun and the Dale would wait for no woman.


warrior queen of the amazons

just wanted to wrap this up!