- Are you thinking of me when you love him? -
Lepis isn’t exempt from her own hardships, not that he’d doubted she’d had any at all. It’s just that the more she talks the more relatable she becomes, and Wolfbane admits to himself that he honestly enjoys her casual company. She’s witty enough that a smile brightens his face at her mention of being Beqanna’s youngest Queen, (a title he’d covet, personally, for it’s strange oddity) and yet he never doubts her sincerity or the tone of her voice. She seems truly undisturbed by past events, which relaxes the stallion.
Until she mentions Arthas.
“I almost consider him an uncle at this point.” Bane replies, watching the back of her turned head. “He groomed my wild hairs a bit, gave me focus.” The striped male tells her, easing a bit closer. He bends a knee and flicks one hoof overtop the pebbled shoreline, sending a stone likewise into the tumultuous belly of the river. “I’m only the son of a Tephra guard who probably hated me, but I don’t regret anything.”
His pale right wing, pressed closed against a striped yellow side, shuffles out to brush against the similar yet dark feathers of her own left wing, and Bane finds himself saying, “I’ll do my best to keep your home … our home alive and well.” Before he withdraws, uncertain of her boundaries. “You can hold me to it.”