Chaser [Any] - Printable Version

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RE: Chaser [Any] - Kaiode - 08-20-2017

He had but faded into a distant land of nothingness.  It was quiet here.  Bright.  A slight rhythmic chorus played as if a choir of Angels were welcoming him.  His earthly troubles seemed irrelevant now.  

He didn't realize the melody playing in his dreams were words sung by the rusty stallion who had returned to his side.  Nor did he feel the touch of the filly upon his face or hear the others joining around him.  So inquisitively wondering of his dire situation.  Why would anyone care if he lived or died?  The only one who should, didn't.  

His peaceful state soon darkened.  The reality of his fate consumed the light.  Turbulent waves of darkness collided violently causing unrest.  His shuttered eyes shifted quickly under auburn lids as blackened ears twitched.  The only signs to those surrounding him that he had not perished... Yet.  Hind limbs thrashed at sand and air just before he came to.  

Lifting his small head quickly, he nearly leapt to his hooves.  Limbs gathered beneath him as he now stood.  Teetering slightly as hazel eyes catch views of several forms around him.  Only one is semi familiar. Ebony black tail flicks against his rump as he sees others his size.  One ear cocks to the side in curious wonder as they seem to watch his movements. Sidestepping closer to the stallion as he braces himself against his sturdy frame. 


RE: Chaser [Any] - Solace - 08-21-2017


The sooty little coat surprises Solace as he leaps to his feet, leaving her alone in the sand. But quickly she follows him stepping up to stand beside his shoulder as her mother makes her way closer. When his eyes meet her she smiles "I think I know something that could make you feel better." She notices now the way his eyelids are heavy and his breathing labored. But she knows that anytime she had ever felt bad her mom has been able to fix it.

Sadness comes over Tangerine as the stallion speaks, but the boy's burst of energy giver her hope that he may recover. She nods to the man before gently nudging her daughter aside to take her place beside the frail colt. Like she had with her own newborns, Tang guides the colt's muzzle to the warmth and nourishment she can provide. It is a small gift for her to give. 

Solace does not appreciate being pushed aside, but she understands her mother's reasoning. This does not keep her from wiggling her way between the two adults to better reach the tired boy and help him if he needs it. "See, it's good, right?" She is proud of her mother and this strange man who seems to know the colt. She looks up at them both with a cautious grin. "Can we keep him, mom? Of course... as long as you don't mind, sir."

you are my sunshine

RE: Chaser [Any] - Diable Rouge - 08-23-2017

Diable Rouge
Diable Rouge looked back down to the colt who lay in front of him. He looked calm, peaceful. The rusty stallion felt his heart nearly drop to his stomach...he pleaded with God to let the child live so someone could help him. 

And suddenly, as if an answer to his prayers, the colt began to twitch ever so slightly. His ears jerked around, his eyes fluttered, and abruptly, he jolted to his feet, legs wavering beneath him. Rou felt a surge of happiness immerse him. Could he really be okay? Kaiode pressed his body against Diable Rouge, and the roan felt himself instinctively put his neck over him, as if to say "it's okay." 

The mare jumped into action, leading the malnourished colt to suckle. A feeling Kaiode had  never had before in his short life - the feeling of warmth, protection, and love. Rou felt himself smile as this happened. The small filly looked pleased about her mother helping, as she excitedly asked him how he liked it. 

"Can we keep him mom?!" She asked, body bouncing. The question makes Rou chuckle. Of long as you don't mind sir.

A daunting question that he hadn't thought about in his fear. The colt couldn't survive without the milk this mare could provide but...Rou didn't want to leave him, even if the stranger was a seemingly good mother. The stallion looks at the mare, two-toned eyes staring gently into hers. 

"Sure...that is, if your mom doesn't mind me tagging along," He looks back to the filly. "I care for him. I just want to make sure he's okay."  
in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet.

RE: Chaser [Any] - Kaiode - 08-23-2017

Wide hazel eyes watched as they shifted around him.  He didn't really grasp reality of who was who and what was what.  He barely remembered now how he came to be here.  Was this his mother returning to claim him? And siblings?  Was the rusted stallion who had never left his side his father...?  He suddenly didn't care.  

The soft caress of velvet lifted his fragile head.  Directing it with effortlessness.  He was too weak to protest.  Several wobbled steps were taken forward before he was in a decent position.  Finding with an internal instinct to what the purpose was.  The warmth slid down his throat, filling his empty belly quickly.  Ebony ears twisted as the others spoke.  He paused as he listened.  Satisfied with the nourishment provided by the mare.  

His head turned to look at the filly.  She was light in color compared to the sooted black of his.  Curiously looking at him with large doe eyes.  All smiles and giggles.  She looks to the stallion, questioning him.  A curious brow lifts as hazel gaze drifts to the stallions rusted face then back to the filly.  He ponders a moment before uncertain words fall from his lips, "Hello...Im... Kaiode."  Looking back to the stallion, unsure.  That was what she had called him... right?


RE: Chaser [Any] - Solace - 08-24-2017


Her young heart gives a thrum of excitement as the little colt looks into her eyes and speaks his name. "Hello, Kaiode." She nearly whispers. The four of them stand so close, like a little family, even tho she has only just meet theses other two she already likes them both. Her trail of seashells seems to have led her to another brother.

"Solace," She says in the same breathy tone, blinking her wide blue eyes at him."That's my name." 

Then Tangerine shifts, casting a glance back to make sure Svedka is still in sight - the twins are still too young to explore Tephra alone. (She had discovered that her children, her son in particular, were good at finding trouble) She spots him playing with the sea gulls and is content to return to the crisis at hand. 

It is a strange situation fate has placed them in, but Tangerine has a soft heart and refusing a child help was not in her nature. The stallion speaks tenderly of the colt and Tang is glad for his interest in the boy. "Of course he can nurse alongside Svedka and Solace." She is glad the grazing is so plentiful year round in this tropical landscape. "And we would be happy to have you close... chasing these two explorers around is no easy task and I don't think adding a third will make it any easier." From anyone else, this may have sounded like a complaint or a criticism, but Tangerine loved her children's developing sense of adventure and her tone reflects her delight in them. 

Up until this point, Solace had stood nearly frozen in anticipation of her mother's words. With the confirmation that she does indeed have a new brother, the gold and cream filly gives a half rear and turns to run and find her twin to tell him the good news. But then she halts and looks back to the dappled boy, unsure if she should leave him. But tang encourages her with a nudge in the direction of her brother, "Go play with Svedka, Kaiode needs some rest."

Tang gently brushes the boy's cheek with her muzzle and speaks softly to the newborn. "You must be tired from your swim, little one. Come with me up and away from the waves to a place where you can rest." 

you are my sunshine

RE: Chaser [Any] - Diable Rouge - 08-25-2017

Diable Rouge
The dappled boy stands on weak legs, and gently says his name to the bouncing bundle of gold in front of him. He is confused; his life a incoherent blur up until this point - for the moment, his new sister just had too much energy for him to handle. Diable Rouge hoped, with nourishment and love, he would soon be able to play with the rambunctious children. 

"...I'm...Kaiode." He hears the meek colt mutter. Kaiode looks up to the rusty stallion, who gives a slight nod to tell him he was right. Rou looked over to the filly, who says her name is Solace. Rou smiles; the name fits her - she is a gleam of light in a dark world...Diable Rouge hopes from the bottom of his heart, that she stays this way her entire life. Her mother replied to his question in a joking manner: "...chasing these two explorers around is no easy task, and I don't think adding a third will make it any easier." Rou chuckled, giving the mare a warm smile. 

"I'd be happy to help." He responds, looking over to Kaiode. The colt looks utterly exhausted; it is time the newfound group finds a place to rest. As if reading his mind, the mare whispers gently to the boy: "You must be tired from your swim, little one. Come with me up and away from the waves to a place where you can rest." 

Diable Rouge walks towards the colt, making sure he feels safe by his side. He glances up at the mare. 

"I agree, he needs his rest," He tells her softly. "If you lead, I shall follow from behind and keep an eye on those two." He nods to her two children, who look eager to have a new brother to play with. He grins. "I am Diable Rouge...Rou. If we'll be traveling together, I figure you should at least know my name." He turns his head back to Kaiode, feeling an intense feeling of protectiveness over him. He would fight to keep this child matter what. 
in the eye of a hurricane, there is quiet.

@[Solace] @[Kaiode]