[mature] close your eyes; kali [M] - Printable Version

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RE: close your eyes; kali [M] - Kharon - 08-20-2017

i just want to have fun and - get rowdy
when i walk inside the party - girls on me

Seriously, why couldn’t he get a grip on this? Why did everything feel so loud with her? Even the smallest touches - her shoulder bumping his, his hip brushing hers - felt like his brain shut off and he couldn’t hear anything, see anything, feel anything but that. Her skin against his. But then her thoughts pulled him back again, and he swallowed the breath that caught in his throat, careful to keep his eyes dead ahead.

She thought of when he’d kissed her neck, brushed his lips up that elegant curve of muscle. Swept a soft breath along her jawline. That was all it took to set his heart rate soaring, to know she thought back on it too, to hear her think of it again now. Did she want that? They were so close. It would be so easy. Was that his thought, or hers? It would be so easy. So good.

But he promised he wouldn’t, didn’t he? That was how he messed up their day yesterday.

He turned his head a little to look at her. He couldn’t help but want to watch her face when she thought of him. Did she know he heard everything, not just what she spoke to him? Would that bother her? She thought of what they’d done and how she’d liked it. She had, hadn’t she? But they shouldn’t do it anymore, right? He shouldn’t have done it in the first place. Didn’t regret it though, not really, not when it had felt so good for the both of them. Only that it had cut their day short. And that Dad wouldn’t like it, of course. And Kylin. He had said the wrong thing, though, and took her home instead. He would try to remember to keep his distance from now on.

We can start with just walking around and exploring, seeing all the new sights, and just decide when we get there, okay?

His gaze softened and he nodded as she opened her eyes and turned to him with a shy little smile, tapping under his chin like she always did. He sighed into it and nuzzled back as she thought to him again. And what we do doesn’t matter, anyhow. I’m with you, that’s good enough for me. His wing rested over her shoulder as she leaned into him, pressed her face to his neck, and he squeezed her in a light hug. Me too.

I love you, Khari. Thanks for going exploring with me. It’s my favorite thing, especially when you’re with me.

His heart tripped and tumbled at those words, but he tried to play it cool. Wasn’t anything, right? Of course she loved him, they were family. Wasn’t sure he should say it back, though. Would it mean something different? He wasn’t sure. But exploring with her was one of his favorite things too, and he squeezed her again and pressed just a light kiss to her neck. Mine too. We have a lot of fun together, huh? Time for a distraction, maybe.

Hey, look! He gave her shoulder a little bump and gestured ahead of them, just a little into the forest where a tree had fallen from a rough storm. Maybe there was another further up? Think we can jump that? We could have another race again? Or we can just walk, of course. Or stop and rest if you want a little break. Whatever you want. Today is yours. He turned to nuzzle the top of her nose with his and leave her another little kiss, grey eyes opening to meet hers. Those should be okay still, right? Probably.

RE: close your eyes; kali [M] - Kali - 08-20-2017

Oh, she loved that, the way he squeezed her just a little, brushed his lips lightly against her neck. Kali sighed softly and melted, leaning into his gentle touch and smiling. We have the most fun together, yeah. You and me, that’s my favorite.

He bumped his shoulder against her and pointed at a fallen tree, and she smiled and pressed a quick, quiet little kiss to his shoulder. You could jump that, for sure. I think I miiight be able to. Mmmaybe. But I think it’s maybe just a little too big for me, for now at least. I bet in a few months I'll be able to, though. It was a good bit bigger than anything she’d tried so far at least, and just a teeny bit too much so for her to really think she could manage it.

We could for sure race if you want, but I think you’d win today. All I want to do today is snuggle up like this, all wrapped up and cozy under your wing. And maybe… She sighed again, a soft sound of contentment as she draped her neck over his withers and pressed a little closer, pulling him into a hug. There, that’s better.

Oh, she could cuddle up like this all day, just holding him close. Listening to the sound of the water, feeling it roll beneath her feet. Or well, in this case listening to the woodland sounds, rustling of the wind in the leaves, the solid ground beneath them, either way was perfect as long as he was there. His warmth wrapped around her like a blanket and his mind did the same, so safe, so warm, so right.


This, this right here was home. I think I’d rather just do more of this. I mean, unless you want to go run around, that’d be fun too probably. But if I get to pick, it’s this.
Kirby and Lacey's
little whisper girl

RE: close your eyes; kali [M] - Kharon - 08-21-2017

i just want to have fun and - get rowdy
when i walk inside the party - girls on me

Mmmm, he hummed softly at her warmth leaning into him, smiling so sweetly and listening as she thought to him. Hesitant, it seemed. A little unsure if she could make that jump after all. Maybe it really was too big for her, so perhaps he shouldn’t encourage her to try. What if she fell and got hurt? He couldn’t imagine - didn’t want to imagine.

We could for sure race if you want, but I think you’d win today. All I want to do today is snuggle up like this, all wrapped up and cozy under your wing, she told him, dropping her pretty chin over his shoulder. He hummed a little at that too, so pleased and comforted when she pulled him in closer in a hug. There, that’s better. And he nodded his agreement, whether she saw it or not, creamy white hair falling over one eye.

Yes, I like that idea, he answered back, brushing gently against her hair a little. I love being close. He and Kylin had been so close, ‘til he’d messed it up. He wasn’t sure she even wanted him around anymore. Hoped he could fix that soon and hold her again too, if… If it would be okay to. It was okay to hold Kali, though, right? So it should be okay to hold Kylin too. Yes, he’d definitely try to make everything right between them and get his twin back. Always together, they’d been.

His attention was tugged away, back to the present and to Kali’s thoughts. She loved his wing on her, loved when he was in her mind with her so safely, so warm. Home. Yeah, he liked that. Home. She’d rather just do more of this, she told him. Just hold each other and cuddle, and of course he loved that idea. Was suddenly feeling a bit sleepy, so cozy, and maybe they could rest for a while before they found something else to do.

So he slid to the ground, tugging at her hair a little to coax her down with him and curl around her. Of course his wing was over them, the other folded in neatly at his side, and he nuzzled gingerly into her shoulder. Do you think we could nap a little? He slipped into her mind as he used to do so often once, curling around her thoughts, too. Like this, maybe? he asked quietly, his mind-voice a bit drowsy. It was all just so comfortable and relaxing.

RE: close your eyes; kali [M] - Kali - 08-22-2017

Sometimes it didn’t really matter what they talked about. Kali just loved the safe, cozy warmth of him next to her, wrapped around her, where she could cuddle close and just be. No matter where they went, no matter what they did, that was her very favorite thing. I love being close too, Khari.

So when he lowered himself to the ground and coaxed her down beside him, she settled in with a happy little sigh. His wing draped over her, and he snuggled her close, nuzzling her shoulder. Oh yes, that sounds lovely. She wasn’t tired, but that hardly mattered. She wiggled a little closer and reached up to brush his pretty white forelock off his face. A soft little kiss to his cheek, and she hummed softly, petting his hair.

Maybe she didn’t feel sleepy yet herself, but no doubt she would soon enough. And even if not, she could like here for hours just tucked up against her Khari’s side. She rubbed her face against his neck with a soft little smile, breathing in his familiar scent and letting all her worries melt away. We can nap as long as you want, okay? Resting her head on his shoulder, she let her eyes drift closed, idly swiveling her ears to catch the sounds around them and just letting her mind wander with him a while.
Kirby and Lacey's
little whisper girl