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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Round 1-The Announcement
    Cerva’s eyes flutter open when the morning sunlight drapes across her face through the window. A sluggish smile eases across her lips, but she closes her eyes again to yawn and stretch. The birds sing just outside as the horses begin to whinny for their breakfast. Sleeping above the stalls is convenient for her chores, but isn’t exactly comfortable. With a blanket spread across the hay she often finds herself itching and with small scrapes across her skin by morning. Unfortunately, she doesn’t have much of a choice. Cerva wasn’t dealt a fortunate hand of cards; she is the daughter of a pauper. They take whatever jobs they can in order to get by. This is the only life she has ever known, sweet Cerva, and so she lives without complaints. With a heart larger than most she tries to help her parents in any way she can. For the last few months she has been working in an old barn and tending to the horses. Their gentle coos each morning always bring a smile to her face.

    After one final stretch and groan Cerva sits up in her straw bed then stands. Her outfit is typical of one in her class: a brown oversized dress that has no shape at all. Her boots are rundown and muddy, but at least they fit and get the job done. She slips them on quickly then descends the wooden stairs to where the horses are waiting impatiently for her. Nimble fingers push her long, dark hair back behind her ears. If there is one thing that works in her favor, father said, it’s her beautiful hair and bright eyes.< i>Your loving heart is so big, but it could one day get you in trouble because this world spits on sweet girls like you, my dear. His advice resonates in her, but she has taken it with a grain of salt. Why be bitter when the world needs more joy? Why succumb herself to the way of society when it needs to be so greatly improved? She always just nods and says, ”Yes, papa,” before tending to whatever chores she has planned for the day.

    Today, he is on the other side of town cleaning the streets while mother slaves away in a bakery. They don’t make much at all, but it’s just enough.

    Cerva reaches her hand out to pat each horse’s muzzle before feeding them their morning grain that she had prepared the night prior. Her favorite, a black stallion, lips at her cheek before turning his attention to breakfast. While they eat Cerva usually begins cleaning, but the raucous outside sends her curiosity in a flurry. Looking over her shoulder she watches as a crowd forms around the central market to hear a man with a loud voice.< b>”Maybe if I’m back before anyone notices…” with a final glance to the munching horses Cerva gathers her potato-sack dress and heads for the central plaza.

    With having had so many jobs around town throughout her life, Cerva finds her name being called from many shops. There are friendly waves and children running around her with sticks and balls. A bubbly laughter erupts from her before she veers off to speak with Alayna from the tailor shoppe. Her heart yearns to be in the market square, but she listens to her friend with straying interest until finally they depart together to see what is happening. With fluid grace they dodge around other people and buildings until they melt into the crowd to listen to the announcer.

    They both listen to the whispers surrounding them. The townsfolk are guessing as to why there is a royal announcer coming to town. Cerva laughs at some accusations but decides more to focus on the actual royal announcer rather than the townspeople’s murmurs.

    As the announcer continues, stifling at the talking townsfolk, there is a sudden silence. Everyone’s attention piques, including Cerva’s. A brow lifts. This is an odd announcement, indeed. How is the monarchy of Illea going to choose a simpleton to marry their heir? Alayna is suddenly grabbing Cerva’s arm and shaking her. “DID YOU HEAR THAT?!” A slip of laughter escapes her as she watches her friend react jubilantly to the news. ”There are so many options. What is really the probability of us being chosen?” Unable to be calmed, Alayna skips around and begins numbering off the items she needs to do (her hair, find a new outfit, buy new shoes, etc.). In response, Cerva merely shrugs and walks alongside her skipping friend. ”Do you really think it’s worth it? I mean, why would ROYALTY choose someone of our stature?” Despite her question she is already imagining herself winning the prince’s hand. It would solve her family’s poverty. It could be the change that their kingdom needs. She already has so many friends around town that becoming a future Queen could truly bind everyone together. She would ignite love into the world, compassion that her father has always dismissed as her flaw (only because of how the world can treat someone so kind). A glimmer of a smile touches her pink lips but she hides it before Alayna can see.

    As they approach Alayna’s tailor shoppe, owned by her parents, the girls say their farewells with a loving hug. ”Don’t think you have to go crazy with yourself for this. You are beautiful.” Her friend shrugs her shoulders and looks distantly to the market square. “I will do what I have to. My family needs it… Plus, I want to be Queen! Imagine the jewels I could wear. Oh! And the beautiful gowns!” It’s as though her list tornadoes back into her mind and she quickly bids farewell and slams the door behind her to prepare. Cerva stands at the door and sighs. ”It would change her so much..” she muses aloud as she pivots to face the cobblestone streets. There are so many girls being ushered to one shop and another. There’s yelling and scrambling. Never has she seen so much bustling activity. As a means to elude it all, Cerva takes to side streets and alleys. She walks placidly, thoughtfully, before racing back to the barn and beginning the application process.

    ”General information, personal accomplishments and goals, and a sketch of myself…” She replays the instructions over and over again as she scrambles to find an old piece of paper and pen. In a handwriting suited for one in her social class, she begins.
    After what seems like eternity, she sits back against a hay bale and stares at the parchment. ”Am I really going through with this?” A deep breath is taken then sighed. ”Do I want someone – a stranger – to know this much about me? My name, how long I’ve lived here, my physical appearance, my job?” For a fleeting moment she considers crumpling it up and tossing it out, but something stops her. ”Goals,” she reads aloud, ”I genuinely want to introduce love and joy back into this kingdom. I want to offer my heart and compassion to those who need it most. I want to be a guiding light, a helping hand to my peers.” She shrugs. ”I don’t have any major goals. I’ve been a pauper’s daughter. I’ve taken on jobs to help with my… My family.” Quickly, she scribbles her hope to help her family enough that they will never have to again struggle for money and to live.

    She laughs. ”This is ridiculous.” But is it? She’s still staring at the paper, still grasping onto that small thread of hope that she will be chosen. ”I’ve accomplished naught. I’ve done as I’ve always been told. I’m an exceptional rider, I’ve been told, and I’m always helping those unspoken for when I can, but is that really an accomplishment?” Another shrug as it’s jotted down. ”I’m just a handy girl that can adapt to anything.”

    And with a shake of her head, she stands up and runs down to the horses. The stable owner is standing in the doorway with his arms crossed over his chest. ”Where do you think you’re going? Cerva stops and dips down courteously. ”I just have to run to market very quickly but I’ll be right back, I promise. I won’t be late to feed the horses.” He continues to stand in her way, his breath thick with the stench of alcohol. With a full-bodied attempt to stop her, Cerva dodges his clumsy attempt and sprints down the road toward the Town Hall.

    ”My application! Here!” She’s out of breath by the time she reaches the front desk, and she slaps down the paper. It’s only moments before they are closing. Most girls have already turned in their papers. The men, surrounded by officers, stare her up and down before taking the parchment and dismissing her. Immediately, Cerva sprints back to the barn knowing she will face punishment.

    But it was worth it.

    The days feel like months. Time slows down. This is a snail’s life. With a deep-hearted sigh Cerva assumes the worst until there is a banging on the barn doors below one afternoon, a week after submitting her application. With a clear of her throat she quietly pads down the stairs and opens the closed doors to see the familiar officers and the pudgy announcer. ”You, Cerva, have been selected to take our Prince’s hand in marriage.” Everything else he says is a blur, like a static cloud as she blinks, her mind buzzing. ”I don’t have any other clothes… Is that okay?” One of the officers clears his throat in attempt to conceal his laughter before the announcer replies. ”We will have someone dress you, dear girl. Just bring yourself, I suppose.” His nose lifts at the stench of the horses before they turn, leaving her in the doorway. ”Are you coming?” After a large gulp, she takes off after them and climbs into the carriage.

    Nerves. Her heart is fluttering, her stomach twisting. She can’t handle the tension or the silence, but she has no choice. No one is even sparing her a glance and so she tries her hardest to contain her excitement.

    Outside of the window she sees Alayna staring curiously.

    After a mostly bumpy ride to the castle, which feels like hours, they arrive. Her eyes are wide as she drinks in the sight. It stands in majesty, towering above all the trees. The bricks that make up its walls are grand with some ivy clinging to its sides. ”Wow,” she whispers. ”Cerva, we have arrived. We need to quickly usher you to a room, however, to prepare you for bed since it is so late. We cannot let anyone see you just yet.” Odd, but she doesn’t object. Instead she allows the officers to surround her upon exiting the carriage and escort her to the room where she will rest. The inside of the castle is obscured and hidden from her by their towering frames. They bring her quickly to a room as to avoid detection, they said, before dismissing themselves.

    With a wary catch of air she stands alone in the room and drinks it all in. The bed is massive, the curtains luxurious, but the lighting is dim and she is exhausted. After dressing into a satin gown, she rests herself and quickly dozes off wondering what lies ahead in the morning.

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