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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  Be Prepared ; Nixus
    Kiko tries to imagine what married life could be. She's always wanted a mate and a family. "I don't know really have a place to live," she tells him. She nickers softly to him and looks to him. She's gonna have to get used to this arrangement. "So, what do you want to do and where do you want to go from here?" She asks him.

    I see my vision burn. I feel my memories fade with time.

    Nixus took a couple of steps towards Kiko and gave her a soft smile. He kept his wings tucked into his sides and looked around. He was searching for something pretty to give the his new wife. Once he spotted a red flower he went and carefully plucked it from the ground. He brought the flower back and tucked it into her mane. Maybe we can ask Kensa the leader about staying here. What would you like to do darling?


    but I'm too young to worry. these streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past.
    Kiko smiles and lowers her head, blushing. “I would like that,” she says as she raises her head when he places the flower in her mane. “So, is this it? We’re married?” She asks, curiously. She spots a tree a bit behind Nixus and she walks over to it and knocks an apple from it. She carries it in her mouth and then drops it right in front of him. “Here,” she smiles, softly rubbing her muzzle into his neck.

    I see my vision burn. I feel my memories fade with time.

    Nixus smiled back and wandered whether or no to call for Kensa. He blushed slightly and said "Yes I guess we are married now. He watched as she went and knocked an apple off the tree. He watched as she brought it over and dropped it in front of him. He gave a soft sigh as her muzzle rubbed his neck. The dunalino boy nuzzled the mares neck and breathed in her scent. Nixus had forgotten all about the apple that lay on the ground. He said "You my darling can have the first bite."


    but I'm too young to worry. these streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past.
    Kiko smiles softly in Nixus’ mane as she felt him sigh under her. She turns to him and lowers her head as she picks up the apple and nudges his muzzle with it so they two can bite down together. Once she finishes her bite, the apple falls between them. She swishes her tail and sighs of relief. “We can call Kensa for a ceremony if that’s what your family would like,” she mentions.

    The boy gave a soft smile as they bit into the apple together. He finishes his bite almost at the same time she did. He thought about her words for a moment and wandered if that is what his parents would want. He gave her a smile and dipped his head. He said "I think my family would like that a lot. When would you like to call for her?" He was both nervous and exited to be married to Kiko.

    Kiko let out a small nicker to her fiancé. “We can call for her whenever you would like,” she says as she snuggles her muzzle deeper into his neck and long mane. “I’m excited for what the future will bring. Is there anyone else you want to be present at the ceremony?” She asks as she day dreams what the ceremony will be like.

    I see my vision burn. I feel my memories fade with time.

    The dunalino stallion let out a sigh knowing that he would no longer be lonely. He was actually happy with his mothers pick in his mate. He laid his head onto her neck softly. Nixus smiled softly as he begins to think of whom he would like to be there for the ceremony. He said "How about now my darling Kiko. I am also excited for what the future brings our way. I know I'd like my mom to be there but anyone is welcome to attend. Do you want a big ceremony or a small one?"


    but I'm too young to worry. these streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past.
    Kiko smiles. “I’d like that,” she smiles as she snuggles into him. “I mean, i don’t have any family that’s around but we can have a small ceremony. Not too small but not too big,” she smiles. “Your mom scares me when I first met her,” she chuckles awkwardly.

    I see my vision burn. I feel my memories fade with time.

    Nixus smiled giggled softly as he heard her say that his mom had scared her. Salacia could be quiet scary at times expcailly when it comes to what she wanted. He smiled at Kiko and said "A small ceremony is definitely fine with me. She scares a lot of people sometimes. Once you get to know her she is a fun one to be around." His mom would be happy to see the pair getting along well. He nuzzled Kiko's cheek and blushed softly. 


    but I'm too young to worry. these streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past.

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