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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The things we leave behind (Jakub)


    Yes… how well they worked together. Why hadn’t it ever occurred to Adria that she could match with someone? That another horse could meet her stride and keep the pace, could leave her breathless and intrigued without making her feel different and untouchable? Probably because she’d given up on the idea, long before coming here and meeting Jakub.

    In fact, when he reveals a small part of himself and decides to take her somewhere all his own, Adria tries hard to reminisce on when exactly she’d thrown out the idea of true love.

    They walk together like a pretty pair, pink and sand clashing against black and smoky blue. Her curves fit like smaller puzzle pieces into Jakub’s protective shoulder. She thinks. Once upon a time she’d grown up with a mother and father who loved each other in a way that bent universes. Then Adria had used that as an example to guide her away from Ischia and out into the world so she could find it for herself, and that had failed.

    Jinn had happened, and the guilt of their timid affection and resulting sickness still gave her pain. Then Clayton, with his smiles and bold words. He’d tricked her and like a silly fool she’d fallen into his trap, and that had made her jaded. Doctor soothed the wound and Brennen helped her forget. Brennen made her a mother - No; Eva had made her a mother. Brennen had added.

    Somewhere in between all of it she’d let go of her childish dreams and settled on a much more tiresome reality.

    “Ischia is like an eden.” Adria beamed up at Jakub’s dark, striking face. She adored the way his eyes were like two gemstones set into obsidian. “At least I think so.” He could hear her laugh. The warm forest around them made her skin prickle with sweat. Beads of condensation rose like crystals to trail down Adria’s jaw and slip along the undercurve of her pretty, bowed neck.

    “The ocean gleams blue at night, dreamlike. The jungle is alive with strange animals and bright birds. There’s a waterfall and a few caves for the explorative type horses. The beaches are perfect for sunbathing…” She practically sighed, leaning against Jakub’s strong shoulder before pressing her nose gently into the hollow space where his neck met his withers. “You have to promise you’ll come for a visit, okay?” Adria smiled.

    She gives him enough time to answer. Now she had questions for him.

    “Why Tephra?” She wants to know. “What led you here and made you want to stay?”

    Oh my love, don't forsake me; Take what the water gave me

    @[Jakub] sorry for the wait!!

    Jakub's parents had been paired young amongst two herds, a political marriage you could say. His father had always been there to support and protect his mother and he had witnessed soft, tender glances between the two but he had never been pervy to true love.

    His mother was the closest thing to his heart. She had always been his biggest supporter. She had kissed his wounds and had picked him up when he fell. She had been a constant figure of love while his father had always kept him at arms length. A deep seated hatred reflected in his fathers eyes for reasons unknown to him.

    He watched Adria talk of Ischia. The same awe and appreciation for life that he cherished in his mothers presence was evident in the way her eyes glossed over in thought. His heart seemed to skip a beat as he walked beside her watching. He could imagine that this was exactly how true love was suppose to feel. Natural. Easy.

    As they walked away from the volcanoe towards Taiga the landscape began to change. They had trailed into the parts of Tephra that had gone untouched by the war and the volcanoes destructive grasp. The trees towerd above in a canopy. The farther they went the ground became rocky, moss covered walls that jutted above. They were descending to his spot. Any other path would have been difficult to navigate as they trailed down into a deep cavern. Jakub kept a watchful eye on Adria as they went keeping her close ready to be her shoulder to lean on if need be.

    As she finished her talk of Ischia he smiled at her as he trailed his muzzle in her forelock down to rest by her ear pausing in there journey to whisper softly for only her ears to here. If Ischia is half as beautiful as you there would be no way I could resist visiting. I promise to visit often.

    He turned back to the path as she nuzzled in close to him, her touch sending waves of emotions through his body. They were breaking through the final stretch of rocky downward slope as the view before them opened up. It was a small cove that housed a small blue lagoon pool shallow enough for even the least qualified swimmers to relax beneath it's cool waters. There was a beach suddenly beneath their hooves of stone polished by time. The stones were bright and diverse in color, like stained glass. The cliffs jutted up covered in moss and flowers. Small trees broke through cracks and rose towards the sky above. A waterfall fell opposite of them, feeding into the pool from Taigas river. Two lands coming together as one. This was his little piece of heaven. Secluded, only touched by the suns warmth above.

    As she asked her questions of Tephra Jakub stepped aside letting her take in his hideaway. While he pondered her question.

    Why Tephra? I'd  be lying if I said I knew what I had wanted when I woke up in Beqanna's grasp. Magnus had approached me and asked me that question himself, what did I want... I told him that I wanted to have purpose, be someone worth remembering. He offered to show me Tephra and to teach me how to lead. My reasonings were very selfish at first. I was excited to have someone teach me what I didn't know. My father never let me be more than he was, but here all of a sudden was a man who was not scared of what I could accomplish but wanted to help me.

    Once I learned the land and learned beneath Magnus it became less about me and more about serving others. The land, the rulers, the residence... the visitors
    he gave a small playful smile towards Adria. He had been anxious to show her this place and he hoped she found it as mesmerizing as her own jungle island. His eyes searched hers as they filled with adoration, she truly looked as if she was made to be apart of his world here.


    and out he came, holding his brothers heel

    @[Adria] I accidentally deleted my original response ); I hope this one is just as good. He'll wait forever for a response!

    Link for descriptive purposes. Aside from the beach.
    Tephra inhabitant (Alpha)

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