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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I can see a lot of bright in you { Isobell & Svana }

    remember you could weep fire
    Time had moved so quickly, from wide eyed filly, to a well rounded mare. As soon as she was old enough, Valera left her loving family with a thirst for adventure. The coast was her home, but she wanted to see the rest of what Beqanna had to offer her. But soon, being a nomad became quite lonesome. She missed her family...So she set her sails back to her home, Nerine. Though, as she neared home, she realized that the well trodden trail no longer held scents familiar to her. Confused, and somewhat saddened, the marigold painted pegasus turned away from the coast that had once been home, in search of family.

    Dark storm clouds had given way to a beautiful blazing sunset, making the autumn foliage seem to glow after being watered by the passing rain. Soon the trail she had been following turned from soil to sand. A fresh, familiar salty breeze caressed white flowing tresses, a beautiful straight face held high. Pink painted nostrils flair as they draw in the glorious air. Another beach! she thought to herself, as she let herself roll into a floating trot. She had wondered how far she would have to travel before she hit the other end of Beqanna. Her excitement was peaked when she came to the shore, her clementine eyes gleaming as she spotted the island across the water. She knew she had to check it out, so she turned and took a few steps back before turning around again for a running start. As she galloped down to the edge of the ocean, marigold and white feathered wings unfold and begin to grasp at the crisp salty breeze. With a few beats of her wings, she lifted into the sky and began to glide with grace above the salty waters below, her long glorious mane and tail flowed behind her like delicate white veils.

    As she lowered herself softly onto the sand of the island, she noticed a particular smell that was unmistakable. It had to be...a family member? She had not seen her parents or her siblings in such a long time, they all had their scent, but they all smelled similar. She couldn't pick out exactly who had been here, but she could also catch another similar smell among many other different scents. This must be a kingdom? How have I not found this island before? her mind danced with memories of her beloved mother Nayl, her father Lior, her brother, her sisters. She missed them terribly, and hoped so much that they were here. 

    Lifting her head into the air, Valera let out a loud, hope filled whinny. Maybe, just maybe, one of her kin would come to welcome her home again.
    Nayl x Lior

    OOC: Omg I am so sorry this is sooooo bad. I've not written in so long, and she is new...plus you know I suck at starting posts...but I did it! I finally did it!!

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