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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Desolation comes upon the sky // Any Faerie


    The ashes of the fire she'd started burned around her in ironic beauty, the grey tufts floating like snowflakes into mounds and mounds of foul-tasting dirt. Scorch breathed in the toxic waste as though it were air, making her own short comings the pivotal point of her existence. After all, her husband had left her, her son wanted nothing more than to cling to her hide despite her best efforts to neglect him, and she had abandoned the one thing that had always grounded her: her kingdom. It may not have been the Jungle but it was home to her family and her legacy, and yet she had forsaken it; and for what?


    Days and months and years later, she might look back on this day and laugh at her naivety. Despite the literal decades which made up the full extent of her life thus far, the mare still clutched desperately to the shredded tapestry of hope which had somehow managed to keep her warm on the coldest nights of her life. It was an ugly thing, almost as ugly as the woman herself, but it did the jon - or at least, she survived long enough to feel the heat of the dawn sun come morning.

    Tonight, however, she feared that the sun had abandoned her, too. Her shredded blanket of hope was nothing in comparison to the amount of good will she needed to accomplish that which she desperately, desperately hoped to.

    The mountain loomed dauntingly over top of the ash-ridden mare, and yet its heights were nothing compared to the uphill battle she had been fighting for so many years now.

    She travelled quickly, scraping her knees as she scrambled up shale without even blinking an eye - as if her disfigurement could somehow be worsened by cuts and scrapes. No, she had far, far more pressing business than that of worrying about her mortal body; and perhaps whoever chose to greet her or to not greet her tonight would see that, would see her dedication to her unbegun quest in the ruby drolets of blood dripping slowly from countless parts of her body.

    "Faeries, please heed my request:" she paused, chest heaving after her sprint up the mountain. She barely even remembered a single step of that journey. "I have betrayed my husband, and the only way I know how to make it up to him is barred from both him and I as a consequence of cheating death." My eyes squeeze shut, the demanding sound of my voice dissolving into quiet sobs, ones which revealed all too explicitly the exact nature of my hurting. "Please, please will you grant us our fertility once more? Please..."


    Once Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

    [Image: scorch2.png]
    Scorch has rolled a 1 and will not receive a quest. You may try again in one month.

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