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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    Design a new fairy contest!
    Winter Warrior Fairy

    Medium blue with icicle spikes for mane. Tail is blue with white streaks.  Same colored wings as tail(blue and white).
    Spiral ice horn.
    Frosty looking markings and frost in tail.
    Suit of ice armor with gems.

    *Inspired by Devin's battle capabilities and Brennen*

    Fair and just.  Regal.  Basically a warrior.  Lays down BQ law with an icey fist.  She creates the winter weather of BQ much like Jack Frost.  Also has the ability to freeze time (if we should need another "cool down" period).

    *Working on reference*

    The Artsy-Fartsy Fairy

    Reference: (too large to post and I sux at computers) lol

    Basically like a Doddle Bear.  Color and markings change at will.  Often has graffiti type drawings on her that change as well.  Has a horn that serves as a drawing/painting tool.  Wings change colors with coat color.  

    *Inspired by Devin's love of art*

    Fun loving, free spirit that loves to express her inner feeling with eye catching art.  Extremely talented in all things art and loves sharing her abilities with all of BQ.  She is also caring and helpful to those in need.

    Jumping-Jack Fairy

    A simple deep bay with jet black mane and tail.  Simple white markings and dark wings.

    *Inspired by her equine passion*

    Don't be fooled by her "simple" appearance.  The Jumping-Jack Fairy is athletic and competitive.  She enjoys a good workout and her favorite sport is competitive jumping.  Though small statured she can keep up with even the tallest jumpers due to her commitment and hard work.  She takes many things to heart but only because she is so passionate.
    -Semi Active-
    Name: Ice fairy

    Description: Base color is a blue so light it looks white at first glance. A lot of feathering aka foot fluff on legs. Blue darkens near the tips of her mane, tail, foot fluff, horn, and wings. Dark blue eyes.

    Personality: The Ice Fairy is very unforgiving and can hold grudges for an incredibly long time. She has no patience for egotistical horses. But if a horse hasn't done anything that lands them in her bad books, they will discover that she's very kind to them. The Ice Fairy also has a penchant for history and secretly loves to cuddle.

    Lineart by BronzeHalo
    [Image: fairy_contest.png]
    [Image: 0ArJFqS.png]
    Artistic Fairy (a.k.a. Rainbow Pixie)
    Gentle and loving at first glance, Artistic Fairy uses her power of colour frequently to give Beqanna a creative boost. Be this recolouring horses, redecorating landscapes, or altering traits, she does this all in the name of art.
    Some horses will disagree on her loving description when the lands suddenly shake to be alternated - but she does all because she loves Beqanna, and this has nothing (much) to do with the horses in it. So yes, sometimes she does something to make a horse unhappy, and sometimes she uses her magic to bestow the greatest gifts on them. With such a creative mind, you simply can never tell.

    Link to devin: do I need to explain??

    [Image: eKGtSu5.png]
    Time Fairy
    This fairy is the manifestation of time passing, her coat the gold-and-rose of the rising sun, her mane, tail and hooves a midnight blue and her wings the colour of daylight. They say time heals wounds, and this she does, mostly the wounds of Beqanna and less the wounds of a horse calling for her aid though - she demands lots of patience from a horse with a request, and those without she punishes, because everything takes time, nothing is immediate, and nothing is forever.

    Link to devin: is here all the time!

    [Image: VJDnPqF.png]
    This fairy is here to see to all of your needs! Or, Beqanna's needs really. She will fix most anything that is broken, and sometimes, things that aren't broken but are in desperate need of a revision (as per her own opinion of course). She's been one of the great minds to reforge the land during the Reckoning, but also works on much smaller scale, on any horse that seeks her aid or perhaps to 'fix' their relationships, timelines, etc.

    Link to devin: fixes broken HTML's <3
    The Knitting Fairy

    Little known fact about Devin - she can knit. So not only can she knit but The Knitting Fairy holds the fabric of Beqanna in her hooves and teeth. She takes time to weave the results out of steals and challenges into clear cut decisions of winners and losers, knowing there must always be a balance. The Knitting Fairy keeps the fabric of life going  and sometimes throws in a colorful combination or two of events to make things more interesting. But she is always ready to mete out justice if need be. She’s fair and impartial.

    The Knitting Fairy looks delicate at first in build, possibly through some Arabian influence but she is in fact strong as can be. Her mane and tail are made out of pastel colored yarn producing a rainbow effect of color against her neck and haunches. Her wings are the same way: made up of pastel colored feathers without bits of yarn trailing from amongst them and a few knitting needles artfully arranged in there too. Her body is a cream colored but has the texture of a Bashkir Curly’s coat. She has a silver knitting needle for a horn and eyes of a deep maroon. Smaller knitting needles run down her crest like spiky armor - a reminder that The Knitting Fairy can be as fierce as she is forgiving.
    (and others)
    The Statos Fairy

    A play on the word “stratosphere,” this little lady has a love for anything related to the skies above and soaring to new heights.  Whether it being the disciplined act of properly reaching the greatest height in jumping the largest obstacle around, or the more daring acrobatics associated with flying through the skies, this fairy is always watching for any airfield disturbance in her domed habitat; there to offer encouragement and words of wisdom through a whispered wind.  Clever, inventive, and detail oriented, the Stratos Fairy tends to be quiet, systematic, and technical in her daily activities and interactions.  It takes a lot to rub this fairy the wrong way, but when you do, be warned—she has the power to control the winds themselves, ranging anywhere from a gentle breeze to the raw power of hurricane force winds.

    The Stratos Fairy is as magnificent to look at as the rising sun—literally.  It’s almost as if she started out as a blank canvas and the colors of the sunrise bled onto her coat.  Her hooves are the deepest black, like the shadowed earth as the sun lifts in the sky.  The lowest part of her legs start as a vibrant yellow, progressing to gold, then orange with a hint of red before fading into a pale pink at the top most part of her limbs where they meet her body.  The ombre continues from there and into her belly from a pale pink to white.  Moving up from there into her barrel, the white begins to turn blue, growing from pastel blue, to sky blue, to royal blue and finally indigo as the shading meets with her topline and tips of her ears.  Her wavy locks and wings are the deepest navy blue and her eyes are as brilliantly clear as the stars themselves.

    The Veritas Fairy

    She holds these truths to be self-evident; that not everyone is created equally; that they are endowed with certain privelages; that among these they are gifted with existence in Beqanna and the ability to attempt to pursue happiness, though that term is somewhat foreign here.

    *insert Law and Order dun dun sound here*

    Derived from the latin word meaning “truth,” the Veritas fairy is logical, wise, and pragmatic by nature. This fairy has a penchant for all things dealing with judgement, though she tends to favor presiding over battles above all else. Before she gives her final judgement, the Veritas Fairy seeks to attain all the truths and information so that she may compare them to the written laws. Though she is fair and just, it’s wise to stay on her good side. You really don’t want to be put in your place by the Beqannian Judge Judy, do you?

    In appearance, this judicious lady sports a metallic gold body with bronze mane and tail. A bright silver colors her hooves and wings and her eyes an unnerving black.
    Thank you everyone! I really just want to say I love all the entries, they’re all so beautifully crafted and it was REALLY hard to pick just one! Honestly it almost came down to tossing a coin between some of the top entries! Remember every entry gets a zero-space trait of your choosing; I compiled a list of who had how many entries, give it a quick glance and make sure I didn’t miss anyone. Go ahead and claim prizes in updates.

    But since there is only one of me, and I had to make a decision, the winner is Splash’s Ice Fairy!. I love the design with all the blues, and of course the link to Brennen. Wink Honorable mention to Kristin’s Knitting fairy - I loved the idea, and it would have been my top choice if I'd been looking to describe me rather than picking a fairy to possible use IC in quests and such. <3

    Nicole - 1 Entry
    Swxrdsandpxns - 2 Entries
    Bruja - 3 Entries
    Kuna - 2 Entries
    Splash - 1 Entry
    Sid - 1 Entry
    Sapphire - 1 Entry
    Andromeda - 1 Entry
    Neo - 3 Entries
    Sunflower - 1 Entry
    Vanilla Custard - 3 Entries
    Kristin - 1 Entry
    Avion - 2 Entries
    Thank you. Thank you so much!

    I look forward to watching her patrol BQ and, serving her in future quests!!

    Thank you <3
    Jesper | Juice | Velk

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