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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    let's talk
    One horse from one land for one BQ year
    If I am successful, you have to come stay with me for one year in Tephra, but I think you may enjoy it.  

    We can run through the village to the catholic church somewhere in county kildare, and t’s a good thing our slip-on shoes are will protect us from the mud - I hear it rain a lot there. 
    Maybe after that we can grab a beer with Chris Matheson in some picturesque small town.  But i like cream soda too, so if your five little ones want to tag along we can be on our best behavior at the library... Out of 27,298 places to see it’s the top thing to do there according to reviews anyway...

    Me and you, we are going to have a lot of fun.
    [Image: BQLevipagedoll-DONE.png]
    We can run through the village to the catholic church somewhere in county kildare.
    Karaugh is a bastardization of the name Caragh. Caragh is a village in the county of Kildare (Ireland) and according to Wikipedia, the main feature of the village is a large Catholic church.

    It’s a good thing our slip-on shoes are will protect us from the mud - I hear it rain a lot there.
    If you type “GRYFFEN”  into google  the third result is “Gryffen mudguard slip-on shoes”

    Bonus hint: it rains a lot in Ireland ^^

    Maybe after that we can grab a beer with Chris Matheson in some picturesque small town.  
    On its website, Sylva is described  as a ‘picturesque small town’ (in the first sentence of verbiage) Their  breweries are also highlighted on the first page https://www.romanticasheville.com/sylva.htm
    The website is the first link under Wikipedia if you google “Sylva”

    Chris Matheson is the mayor of Sylva

    But i like cream soda too - Gryffen is cream
    so if your five little ones want to tag along -  karaugh has five children in the database

    we can be on or best behavior at the library... Out of 27,298 places to see it’s the top thing to do according to reviews..

    Karaugh’s ID number is 27298

    In Sylva NC the top thing to do on trip advisor is the library https://www.tripadvisor.com/Attractions-...olina.html

    [Image: BQLevipagedoll-DONE.png]
    looks like Ellyse challenged @[Karaugh] .  K forfeited and will be a captive of Tephra anyway, but I'm still curious to know if this was successful or not...
    Starsonder . Locheed . Oberyn
    Solace . Levi . Firen . Clegane . Warlight

    database clues need to be directly pertaining to the character, ie things that another horse can know simply by looking at the other horse. This would not include things like their number of children or database ID number, but rather: "color/pattern, breed, physical defects and expressed traits"

    the first clue was to Caragh and not Karaugh. This would have been acceptable to use as a clue only if there was some indication that the original, non-altered form of the name was being used as a clue. adding something like "add a K and a U, take away the C" would have been acceptable.

    the bonus hint of it raining a lot in Ireland is a clue to Ireland, which is therefore not a clue, since there aren't any horses or lands named Ireland involved in the steal.

    the clues for Gryffen and Sylva were good though!
    Karaugh is a hard name to find clues for.  I figured out it was Sylva and Gryffen but not one of my characters.  Good try though Lav! Karaugh looks forward to being captive anyhow Wink
    -Semi Active-
    Ok, makes sense
    Starsonder . Locheed . Oberyn
    Solace . Levi . Firen . Clegane . Warlight

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