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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The world is smaller than you think; wolfbane/aten

    He had always been patient in nature, and so when the war had ended he had waited on the border of Sylva. Waited for his home to literally cool down. He had patiently traveled around Beqanna looking for Tephras that had gotten lost through portals. It was at this point that he had met Aten. He liked Aten, he was kind and good, willing to offer him help in his task at hand.

    When he had scoured the field he had met Pteron, a loessian. The son of the man he had fought during the war, though he had never been made aware of this fact. Pteron had been out recruiting for Loess and Taiga, but why? Jakub needed to know why. But first he had to complete his quest from the mountain.

    When he had returned he had been changed. He towered above most equine, two sharp bull horns protruded from his skull and his physique had doubled in strength. His hooves now cloven, trampled the ground. His skin had become thicker covering his body in an almost leathery appearance beneath his black coat, still black as night, but almost unrecognizable. 

    He was ready now to search out Aten and to get to the bottom of Pteron's presence in the field recruiting for Taiga. His bovine tail slapped carelessly at his hocks, knocking off the snow he had obtained during his journey across the border. He did not wait patiently, this time, not knowing yet of the change in power. His midnight eyes searched the trees for the golden protectors falcon. His ears swiveled in concentration, it was even more quiet in the winter than it had been the last time he visited. The cold air that wandered aimlessly around the giant trunks was a pleasing relief compared to the heat of his own jungle home, even in winter the heat clung to him. He gave a light chuckle as he watched the plume of his breath float away in front of him.


    and out he came, holding his brothers heel

    Tephra inhabitant (Alpha)

    Messages In This Thread
    The world is smaller than you think; wolfbane/aten - by Jakub - 07-12-2019, 11:33 AM

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