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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  birth::a single flame can penetrate the darkest darkness; until it blows out; Raed
    Winter had hit Beqanna, the snow layered the ground in a whiteness that screamed newness, purity, beginnings.

    One encounter is all it had taken to change Lethy's life, and give her hope for a new reason to be. She had grown with child. The days passed slowly and meticulously. She had watched her body grown, and always stopped when her child moved within her no matter what she was doing. She didn't want to miss a single part of this new beginning. A small crease grabs her brow, the movements seem to be getting less and less as of late. In fact, she didn't think she had felt her child move today. It was still early though, the sun had barely crossed the horizon into the winter blue sky. As wide as Lethy had grown, she was sure she would be due any day. Poor babe, there's probably not enough room for you to move in there. she gave a small chuckle and continued on her way. 

    Her mother, father, and adoptive mom all taken from her in the blink of an eye. She had no reason to stay where she had been before Beqanna. The water took her away and planted her here, and this had to of been why. Some interstellar being knew she needed a place to start over, a reason to live and now she would have a family of her own. 

    Lethy walked lazily along the river watching the water move beneath the icy cover. Even the trapped water had a place to go somewhere. She stopped as she pawed at a patch of green barely hanging on, taking shelter under the fresh laid snow. 

    Lethy bent her lean golden neck towards the straggle of grass at her feet as a sharp pain surfaced across the scar on her muzzle, down her neck, and penetrated deep into her sides. Her front legs buckled under the pain and she collapsed to to the ground, disturbing the fresh blanket around her. A scream parted her lips as if she were calling to the heavens above. this can not be happening to me, to my baby 

    The instant that everything spans away, and nothing seems to matter except survival. That moment you know everything is changing and nothing will be the same. A gut wrenching feeling that something isn't right. Your world splits in two and there is nothing you can do about it, nothing you can say. All you can do is let silent tears flood eyes, releasing like a dam to cascade down your face, leaving evidence of a catastrophe in its wake.

    As Lethy cried through her pain, her mind cracked with grief. She pushed when her body told her to push, pushing for eternity. All those countless hours watching her body grown and provide for her unborn child, the meticulous moments feeling her babe roll within her loins. Lethy bared down, teeth grinding against teeth, the taste of failure soaking her mouth. The metallic smell of blood and death wafted across a cool winter breeze under her nose as she felt the pressure pass through her body and just like that there was no more pain. Lethy squeezed her eyes tight as she sobbed, refusing to acknowledge that once again the idea of family had once again eluded her. Silent tears, dripped from her face becoming lost among the snow, melting away escaping into the river along with Lethy's last grasp to consciousness.     
    forget me not; but never remember

    occ - i was going to wait to do this later this month but I looked at my calendar and after this weekend it's crazy busy.

    Messages In This Thread
    birth::a single flame can penetrate the darkest darkness; until it blows out; Raed - by Izora Lethia - 05-10-2019, 11:49 AM

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