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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'm still not done; Arthas/Any Resident

    The two stallions draw up and Arthas pauses to draw water from the clear, wide river. Meanwhile, Darrow watches their surroundings in his steady sharp way that somehow manages to appear careless or unconcerned while he is truly intent and alert. In the forest around him lived Artha’s loyal subjects but Darrow is a complete stranger to everyone but the King and Queen...and loyalty, he knows how variable it can be in others. So he watches, and when Arthas raises his head Darrow returns his gaze, Lepis had told him a little of what he could expect here but there is no need for him to express this because the king continues directly. The red beast does not interrupt, a slight narrowing off his eyes is the only alteration in his expression as he considers the warring and diplomatic classes, thoughts slithering down these prospective avenues.

    Darrow is strong and as fast as any other horse of his size and confirmation, he is world-wise and intelligent but others are more so. He is not more suited to one faction over the other. He believes he knows this for a certainty. He cannot laze about Sylva and rust though, he meant to choose a place for his home but not to get fat and dull. Which means choosing. ”I can’t say that I’ve ever been much more than a rover.” He replies with a tilt of his head, something like a shrug. ”I tend to take things as they come and exploit opportunities as they arise.” A smirk tilts his lips and is gone again. ”Contract work will suit me fine.” He pauses, considers taking a drink himself but things better of it, choosing instead to avoid wasting Arthas’ time. ”I don’t come here with expectations outside what you’ve laid out. I’d like to establish myself as a diplomat. I’ve gotten used to being on the move.” Darrow doesn’t for a second think that his roadworthiness is a factor qualifying him for a future in politics, but he has a disarming personality that just might serve.

    In order to seal his allegiance in good faith the carmine stallion squares himself and says, ”I’ve no need for rest before I begin, if there is an assignment you have for me I would take it now. Otherwise I will take time to get to know Sylva so I can be better prepared to meet her needs.” He’ll be no good as a recruiter or liason if he can not present all of the autumn kingdoms charms.


    i've been a teacher and a student of hurt
    i've kept my word for whatever that's worth
    never been last but I've never been first
    no, I may not be the best but I'm far from the worst


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    RE: i'm still not done; Arthas/Any Resident - by Darrow - 10-14-2018, 02:13 PM

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