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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Quand on n'a que l'amour - Warrick

    Up until today, Amorette has yet to face real hardship in her life. She only has pleasant memories of her youth, which had been carefree and bright. In her memories, the Mourning Mountains was a good place. Perhaps a bit empty and bare, but good nonetheless. Back then she had been too young to see the truths hidden in plain sight, such as the hardship her sire had put her mother through.

    One day her father – not her sire, another hidden truth – had come spiralling down from the sky and then taken them all to live with him in Heaven’s Gates. She and Besra had started many adventures in the mountains, and they had been just as happy to end their stories in the Gates.

    The Reckoning had changed all. Perhaps that was the hardest thing Amorette had been forced to face in her life. All she had known had been torn out of her grasp and it was even worse learning that she’d missed the start of this new Beqanna. She still doesn’t know what exactly had happened, or why she had been stuck in a drift of time, but the dark woman cannot say she blames the gods for it. She might not had faced hardship herself, but there was no way she could’ve not seen all what had been wrong in Beqanna.

    Beqanna had also been good to her. It hadn’t taken her any trouble to find her father, and Tephra has been her home ever since. The start of Warrick’s reign also more of less signalled the start of Amore’s activity. It had been under Ellyse’s rule that she had been able to take a step back from the volcano and look at all of Tephra, but feels more at home in Warrick’s version of Tephra.

    His words keep her thoughts busy for a moment. Did the gods really give them what they need? In his case that seemed so true, and she cannot deny that his wings seemed to be god given. The navy span compliments him and Amore can already not imagine him without them. Her gift is so very different from his. Nobody would know, unless they were told about it or if she showed them. She wouldn’t want it another way.

    But did she really need healing? Thus far she hadn’t really needed healing either, even the burns on her own knees hadn’t really needed healing. And, last of all things Amorette wants is to display herself as something magical, something sacred. So no, she decides as she watches the bubbling magma is that she doesn’t really need it.

    The goods clearly disagree with her thoughts. She’s quicker to retreat from the threat the lava opposes than Warrick, which she only realises too late. Amore curses herself, for bringing him this close to the mouth, and with worry she eyes the wound on his shoulder. Compared to the little spots that had landed on her own body had been nothing. Her ears flick back and lips press together in a thin line, and Amorette almost feels his pain.

    But like that the purpose of her gift shines through too. She hadn’t been gifted by healing for herself, but instead it was meant to help others. Just like this gave her the opportunity to show Warrick, without feeling she is bragging. His questions make her nod her dark head once, and a smile slowly takes over the expression upon her features. Worry is still in her eyes, but soon the harm will be undone.

    ”It is not painless” she tells him softly, head tilted lightly to the side as she studies him. She had to be sure he understood. Amore hadn’t been able to warn Bragi, but he would be the first and last one to be surprised by her fire. Warrick reaching out to her is enough reassurance. A light bump of her muzzle against his and then she turns towards his wound side. Up close it is even worse than she’d thought, especially his shoulder and from there it works down his leg. An apology lies on her lips, but she doesn’t voice it. Amorette decides it is better to show him.

    It looks like a touch of her muzzle is all she needs to heal him. She doesn’t touch the wound itself, but just besides it. Her eyes close, that simply helps her concentrate better. A sharp flame comes from his wounds. First his shoulder, then down to the ground. Again Amorette cannot help it but to frown at the scent of burnt flesh. The sweetness is sickening  and she is thankful that the gentle breeze is quick to take it away.

    When the smoke clears she is relieved to find the patch of skin healed. Rather nicely too. Bragi’s shoulder still showed a scar, but then again, that had been an accident. Warrick’s shoulder showed the promise of healing without such resemblance. A relieved sigh escapes past her lips, but she is unable to hide her uncertainty. She is silent when she steps back, her eyes slowly moving to Warrick’s features. What did he think?


    Quand on n'a que l'amour.

    @[Radar] Sorry not sorry <3

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    Quand on n'a que l'amour - Warrick - by Amorette - 12-15-2017, 04:45 PM
    RE: Quand on n'a que l'amour - Warrick - by Amorette - 01-14-2018, 01:41 PM

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