Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry; Mast/Topsail/Any - Printable Version

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Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry; Mast/Topsail/Any - Seastory - 01-08-2016

There's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away.
Perhaps the buckskin mare was wrong to have told the girl things that were out of her comprehension but in her young mind she understands, perhaps not fully but her mother's words were all she knew.

Her mother was beautiful. More beautiful than the sun and the stars and Seastory could only smile at the grace her mother possessed and yearn to be like her one day. It seemed like everything October did was perfect in her child's eyes, always watching and always mirroring her. This brings great joy to the woman's heart even up to the day she walks her to the edge of the Gates (her once home with her mate, Sariel, a long forgotten king) and she gently places a kiss on the bay filly's brow, dipping her head and rustling the dark tresses.

October's thoughts start to sink back to the past of her young marehood along side the painted stallion. They begin to swarm and sink into her bones with every moment she spent longer in the Gates but the mare had sworn long ago her loyalty to the Heaven's Gate and so she still pays tribute by bearing the new king a daughter. This was her way of remaining loyal to her once home but from the outskirts for the buckskin mustang mare is scared her memories will shatter her if she should ever attempt to reside there again.

Mast had been a kind lover. He was gentle with her when he had placed his seed in her belly. Had the mustang woman loved him? Yes. It was a fault all her own for she had never asked the Gates' king to reciprocate it. They're union was one told in the constellations and October asked for nothing more than to fulfill her prophecy and bear the little bay girl. October knows her weakness for she loves too strong too soon and so she must stay away. Away from Mast, and away from the Gates'. The little girl reminds her everyday of him by the way she furrows her young brow when she watches the sea, trying to understands it's whispers.

And now the woman must give her daughter to the Gates, to fulfill her place among the golden ones.

The little russet girl gives her mother one last look over her left shoulder with her good eye. She gives her the biggest and best smile she can muster, "I love you! I'll be okay!" Her small voice high and girlish as she swallows and begins to trudge forward. The world was so big but Seastory had been prepared for this journey. She was a bright girl, quick to catch on when taught things and she knew her purpose and why she must go to the Gates' alone. Thankfully the walk was not very long for the leggy filly. Dark eyes seeking out the old, old tree that stood in the Gates' that her mother had told her to look the north star leading you home.

The girl possess a blind right eye. It's unfortunate but thankfully it was dark and not milky so it could be hidden. October use to tell the girl stories at bed time telling her how the gods' of Beqanna made her without the vision of her right eye because if they hadn't then Seastory would have been too perfect and would have remained among the gods instead of being being delivered to Beqanna and to October. The young girl would giggle and giggle. Oh momma! She would laugh.

Tears well up in her young eyes and she fights them back, burning. The young girl nears the massive tree her mother had described and sighs a much too big breath, racking her body slightly as she seemed burdened by too much weight from the world and her emotions. A few moments pass before she mustered her courage- "Mast? Dad? Father?" Her small voice growing bolder with each word as she calls for him, sensing his presence. The small delicate tiara swings to look for Mast. The slender build light upon spindly legs as she moves around the tree to look for a face that she hopes to recognize.

RE: Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry; Mast/Topsail/Any - Topsail - 01-26-2016

steady as a preacher, free as a weed…
--couldn‘t wait to get goin‘ but wasn‘t quite ready to leave

She was no fool, and she knew that despite her fathers smile that mother had disappeared. Mother had a tendency to do this, leaving more Mast to ebb in her wake and pick up the pieces. Perhaps that is where Topsail herself got the urge to wander. Topsail could never understand their love, for no matter how far or for how long her mother left for, Mast always welcomed her back. Topsail would be harder to sway. She didn’t feel abandoned, per say, as she was grown now and no longer needed the nourishment her mother provided. She felt scorned and hurt on behalf of her father, who despite his brave face, was crumbling inside.

She also knew what her father had done when he thought no one was looking.

Not that she was looking, of course. But she could hear the regrets he thought about, the self doubts and shame. Topsail had no problem with her fathers personal life, even less so because Mother had disappeared right as Mast and his kingdom were on the cusp of war. It was no one’s fault but Camelia’s that Mast had lain with another. He had needed comforts only a mare could provide, and so he had found it. Topsail knew that the mares name had been October, and that their relationship (for lack of a better word) had been the fly by night kind, though not cruelly so. Mast cared for her in the way any stallion cared for the mother of his children, but he doubted that he loved her. Topsail had gathered all of this quietly, not ever letting on what she was doing. Perhaps she shouldn’t have pried, and maybe she should have let him keep the doubting to himself, but she couldn’t bear to see him carry even more weight atop his gray shoulders. Though he didn’t know that she knew, she still felt better having a clearer understanding of his thoughts.

It had been some time since she had lingered under the Mother Tree. As a child it had been her place of solace and comfort, possibly even more so than against the flank of her mother. It was strong and unyielding, even in the face of fire. She could admire that quality, that strength. But as she grew she spent less and less time beneath the boughs of the Mother Tree, choosing instead to spend her time in the meadow. She had a reason for going there as often as she did. At least, that’s what she told herself. But princesses weren’t supposed to go searching for men with skin made of silver and the ability to transport her to the stars.

The young girl caught her eye almost immediately. Topsail had no doubt as to who she was. The product of the consolation. She heard the filly calling for their (the word felt strange) father and she raised a brow but did not make to approach. Their father had been busy as of late, and even Topsail had only caught rare glimpses of him flitting through the forest, usually with one diplomat or another. With a dramatic sigh she stepped forward, loathe to leave the warmth of the tree but supposing she ought not be rude. The filly couldn’t help what had happened anymore than Topsail could. She is at the girls side in no time, and for a moment she allowed whatever motherly instincts she possessed to take over. A quick bump of her muzzle, a whiff of her scent to make sure she wasn’t bleeding or ill or otherwise harmed in any way. All seemed well, though she was perhaps a bit lost and a bit confused. “Hello. I’m Topsail.” she said softly. By now she no longer looked into faces to make sure her words were being conveyed; she had practiced her powers and honed them. “And you’re Seastory, right?” She said nothing more, nor did she explain how she knew. She knew a lot more than she was letting on.


RE: Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don’t be sorry; Mast/Topsail/Any - Seastory - 02-23-2016

There's nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it's sent away.
The girl-child is standing erect. Alert to sight and sound but at first neither comes to her. The bay filly is alone and it inches deeper inside her till she begins to feel a tightness in her slender chest. Her eyes well slightly and darken the edges of the rims but blessedly (and much to her surprise!) the girl feels a nudge against her and Seastory spins about to meet the gaze of a mousy colored mare. Dark eyes widen with surprise before the thoughts trickle in.

The words form and Seastory can see them in her mind's eyes. I'm Topsail...and you're Seastory right? The young girl does not understand this magic and it scares her but she gently nods her head, scared of what else could happen if she fled. "Huh-hello Topsail. Nice to meet you." The tones are thin and high as she works to surpass the shriek that had bubbled up into her throat.

When a few moments have passed she realizes that Topsail is not attempting to harm her and so the yearling takes the liberty of smiling. It's a little crooked but genuine. "How did you do that? Do you know my father, Mast?" The innocence of her face is delicate like the finest porcelain. She does not know how to be any other way. Almost heartbreakingly pure in the corruption of what Beqanna has become in recent years.

The small crown cocks slightly so Seastory can fully see Topsail more better with her good eye, noting her features and the position of her ears, watchful if they should suddenly pin.


@[broken] it's short ant i'm sorry and you are gracious word goddess. my next reply with not be nearly as short nor take as long to write. beginning posts can be weird lol