cut me open - babies - Printable Version

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cut me open - babies - Harmonia - 11-07-2015

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They came when they called.
One, lost from her mother, stomach growling and eyes wide and fierce. She knew then, this would be her daughter. Oh, the loved daughter she never seemed to have! Instead cursed with boy after boy after boy. Surgery, with his palomino skin, looked enough like her to pass. He was standing then, blinking at the two new foals. His sisters.

His sisters! He welcomed them happily, extending his head, nuzzling them. Sister sister sister.

And Harmonia reaches her then, folding her into her small, able body. She is tiny and fragile, not too much larger than her foals, but her magic radiates in ways that make her seem large and capable and strong. Maternal. Those are words never used for the magical mare and her endless pits for eyes.

The second girl sees them as creatures, and she allows the illusion. Her magic reaches out and turns them into forest creatures and critters, welcoming her to the pack. Softly, quietly, the music of her call plays on the wind, alluring to the foals in the area. Any who wanted to come should, even those that did not want to come.

So she leads the way - over the brisk landscape and finally at the base of the volcano.
This would be home.

Once inside she closes her eyes and raises a barrier spell - only the foals may cross. Adults? They'd find themselves up against a thick wall of magic that would take some strength to break down. Only a fool would try to cross.
And the foals couldn't leave.

"Welcome home, my children," she coos.

harmonia. surgery.
when the pied piper calls, you come

RE: cut me open - babies - Tiny - 11-08-2015

We can not get out, as I slowly come alive

Its a tight squeeze, he didn't want to move. Didn't want to find out what lay on the other side, its not something that he can control though, being expelled against his will. The red coat gleaming wet under the new sun, its cold and he doesn't like it. Blinking his eyes he glares around himself. Its big, its open, its not home. Not the place that he has known for the last well the whole of his existance. Its dark, at least that much is familiar.

It takes him a moment, struggling to his feet, a moment to clean himself up, a moment to huff out all that crap in his nose. A moment to shake his head, and by the time he makes an effort to look around its impossible for him to see. He nickers for his mother, a soft whispy voice calling him forward. Stretching out his neck he casiously takes one step forward then another knobby knees wobbly with lack of usage. He whines slightly I'm hungry The voice just keeps traveling further and further away. As his nostrils flare to take in any familiar scents there is one that smells as sweet as candy.

Jowls water, and stomach growls. He follows not realizing that he is being led further away from his mother then closer. Eventually the trek leads him to a border, though he does not see it, not until he crosses and the sun peaks over the hills. He looks around blinking astonished, terror ruling him. The chestnut body quivers as he squeals dashing to the border only to be met with a wall. Where was his mother? Why were all these foals here? Who had called him here? His mind raced, before he catches sight of her...

Its a moment that he would never forget, a moment that he realizes truth for the first time. Standing amongst the lot of them a woman curls around a select few, and he wonders as to what is going on What are we doing here His words are bold, his voice commited, he had to know. No one was going to hide the truth from him. Not ever.


RE: cut me open - babies - Noroëlle - 11-08-2015

With every step towards her mother and brother make her feel less and less distressed and once she reaches them she cannot help but to feel jolly and secured. Noroëlle whinnies, to greet her golden brother, as their noses touches. They share their breaths, both to greet and to get to know each other, to remember each other. The sabino girl happily snorts and in a sudden playful mood she jumps up. After all, the burst of energy had to come out somehow, right?

Then it is her mother who comes to welcome her back and Roëlle sighs contently as she is finds herself in the golden mare’s embrace. ”Momma” she repeats to confirm it to herself. Driven by hunger – the aching feeling in her stomach – the dark girl dips her head, instinctively searching for Harmonia’s udders to nurture herself (if the Harmonia would let her, of course).

Then there is her beastlike sisters appears. Orange and black, fierce and wild. And yet she seems like to belong to their little family. Noroëlle nickers softly at her sister, following Surgery as he approaches her to greet her.

Mother leads them away and by the time they reach home the black sabino girl is all tired and worn down. But on instinct she had to follow her mother, as she had to follow the tune that lured her. Not aware of the barrier that is set up she lets herself fall on her knees. Roëlle struggles to keep her head up, finding it too heavy after their long trip. But they were home now, safely secluded from the big bad world.

RE: cut me open - babies - beastie - 11-09-2015

They arrive home, a boisterous pack.

Their voices come to her in grunts and whuffs and barks. She stands amongst them as they cavort, unnaturally still, her eyes darting wildly. She is learning, trying to comprehend what they are saying to her. The biggest one, the mother, coos to the children with a dangerous gentleness but the precise meaning is lost. The girl studies her packmates. They are a variety of colors, with no particular identifying strain among them. Instinctively her own coat changes, taking on a splash of gold here and a stroke of sabino markings there. She is blending in without conscious thought, gathering pieces of each fox-creature's coloring to appease them. It is a garish sight, looking for all the world like she is made of the pieces of other animals, but it settles her.

Beastie's stomach aches to be filled. She snatches at the grass and the dirt and bugs. Her packmates suckle from the mother fox-creature but the girl senses that she would not be welcomed in that way. She will make do with what the earth provides.

The sabino kit feeds and then crumples to the ground, exhausted. The reddish kit barks, a demanding tone for his mother while the other male kit greets each pack member in turn. The girl is cautious. They are letting her stay, even welcoming her, but she feels out of place with her too tall legs and her hair of different lengths. She knows she is made differently as surely as she knows that in her heart, she is one of them.

With a satisfied grunt, Beastie flops to the ground near the sabino kit and settles in for sleep.


all good things are wild and free