And at once I knew, I was not magnificent [Any/All] - Printable Version

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And at once I knew, I was not magnificent [Any/All] - Ledger - 07-27-2015

A straggly wanderer, tangled tendrils of flaxen hair whipping against his neck. Framing his face as the golden flecks in his dark brown eyes gleam within the beams of the setting sun. Everywhere was white, snow had fallen and covered everything from sight. Turning from autumn to winter in a single night. Here he stood, knee deep in the snow. A single speck of red in the illuminating world of white. He had returned. Not because he had found inner peace. There was no forgiveness for those that had taken the few things he had ever loved. Magnus’s death had been years ago and yet still left an empty void in his heart. The flaxen chestnut stallion was so young in the flesh but his eyes held the fatigue of one that had experienced too much of life in such a short time. So much trauma, pain, and grief.

He had wandered for so long, had seemed to explore to the end of the earth and back. He had seen much, learned much, grown wiser and kinder with each experience he had with complete strangers and every morning that he awoke alive in one piece. His wanderlust over the past years had given him the closest thing he had ever experienced to happiness. Yet he still longed for that he could never attain. The thing that had been so cruelly ripped away from him at birth and then later on when he had been reunited for that short, but wonderful, time with his father. Love. Family. It had been in the Gates that he had finally been able to tell Magnus who he was, the long lost son he had with Raaquel who had been so viciously murdered on the cold sands of the beach. Her murder he can barely remember although Chernobyl’s voice still haunted his dreams. Liberette’s betrayal might have been worse… She who had so many opportunities to bring them together and chose not too. Maybe because she didn’t want to lose him, he doubted it. It wasn’t as if she had been the best adoptive mother to begin with.

His breath hangs in the air, frozen mist as he exhales before the coldness fills his lungs. He had returned to the Gates because he had no other place to go, finally tired from his adventures. Travel worn. Exhausted and ready to take off his shoes and rest his sore feet by the fire. Trim down his beard. Take a bath. All the comforts of home. The Falls held too much pain for him to go back there. Heaven though was the place where he had once had a real father. Heaven’s Gates. He looks up to the clouded sky, swollen and gray with the threat of another snowstorm. A soft whisper from his parted lips. ”I see you Dad. You found love here once. Maybe I will too.”


RE: And at once I knew, I was not magnificent [Any/All] - Reuen - 07-28-2015

The cold had become knitted into my skin, strewn into my sinew and even deeper then. The cold bit into the marrow of my bones, the strings of my torn soul. I had been standing in the snowstorm, body rigid like stone. My weakened frame, scarred, healing skin, was berated by the winds, the gales that stung with icy bullets. The piles of snow had started to mound my hindquarters, as gaunt s they were, the snow still managed to settle. Sort of like the stalagmites that hang from tree branches, the icicles that sing in the morning sun as the crisp winter morning brings a new horizon.

There is no sun today, just the grey, the endless monochrome skies that overhang the gates with a sense of sorrow. I feel it, I feel the trepidation, the pain as sharp as needles, driving deeper and deeper inside of me. The memories are just as sharp, like the snow that drives against me. I'd been standing like the statue since dawn's first light. In the heart of the Gates, I was as sturdy as the magic tree. never shifting, even when the gales forced me from my feet occasionally. I was steadfast, but wish so much my eyes had been as steely. They were like clear marbles, grey as the skies, and as hollow as the endless cloud.

It was the eyes that spotted the russet figure as he strolled, knee deep through the burrows of snow. I watched him with a keen eye. Listened for any sound, for any form of threat. Not that my bony frame could do much. All out of proportion. A rounded barrel, that I was certain was not coming from grass (I had lost my appetite long ago and survived on nothing more than picking at the brambles and mint, occasionally the honeysuckle that decorated the summer brush.) Now winter's harsh season had hit and with it, Jack Frost's unfavourable rule. I had lost the condition I had gained. If my skin were not healing as much as it was (Thanks to Wichita and Jason.) I am certain you could see the white bone beneath, sharp angles jutting out from my skin. My weedy neck twists and I shake away the mountain of snow that had collected for the hours. 

Frostbitten and numb, I moved each limb, mechanical and achingly. My cocoa body, like tree bark, stands out against the winter white. My creamy tresses, matted with forgotten leaves and burrs, remains limp and lank against my lithe neck. I travel like a ghost, ethereal and hauntingly across the loam, until I meet up with the stranger. My worn ears capture the trailings of his voice; he sounds like the lonely owls that call in the night, lost, alone, wanting company. And like how I accept the lonely creatures and mimic their lonesome cry, I pull to a halt just by the stranger, tilting my head just so to the right, to observe him, twisting my nose, flaring my nostrils. All is such a mechanical action, I feel as robotic as the iron beast that had jumped me, taken from me something, something as precious as rain in a drought, and as sought after as green grass in winter. He had taken and yet had given, and I was still unsure as to what.

I say nothing, the wind insists on berating me, frostbitten fingers striking my flanks, entangling my limp mane. I watch him, all silence and mystery, all hollowed grey eyes, as empty and lost as the cloudy sky above. My lips purse tightly, dry and course, cracked from the cold, the ice. But always a mess, and always a mystery, I stand as silent and bearing as a tree, yet as weak and fragile as a weed lost in the wind.

the little ruined girl
resident of the gates

RE: And at once I knew, I was not magnificent [Any/All] - Tioga - 07-28-2015

talk talk talk

Winter greets with a raw fierceness. I trod idly through the frozen fields, the green of the Gates no longer present. The clovers my Mother and I enjoy so much, now an unfulfilled desire. Jack Frost had taken to the home décor and he had left it stark, white, and dull.  Which meant digging through the ice to find sustenance, not my favorite. This is what I am currently doing, a black whisp against the pale backdrop. My daggers rake at the ground over and over until it finally gives way, exposing the yellowed blades I am to eat. Well, it isn’t much I think to myself as I tilt my dial to look unappetizingly at my breakfast.

It is then that I take note of two horses, I don’t miss much with my eyes it seems. Their view is ever increasing, sharpening, while my ears are not of the same governance. Today is a good day though, as I did not awake to their common ringing. Just as well, the noise is irritating and sours my mood. I’m sure my herd mates have noticed, they chalk it up to adolescence. I know better, something further is wrong but I cease to bother them with my needs. One horse is someone I do not know, at least not yet anyways, a flaxen chestnut colored male. What interests me more is my friend Reuen who is now beside him. Reuen. The simple woman, I worry for her often, more so than I do myself. I worry for Mother just the same, they both seem to lack a common sense that I come by naturally. They were easy targets, and they did not seem to heed the fact.

The drifts cause little trouble for me, my limbs are as long as they are dark. I would be tall, having not even reached my year mark and I was growing rapidly, and I was certain the outcome. I would be spared my Mother’s slight build, but it was one more aspect of myself that took after my Sire. That, that I was not so quick to be pleased about. My coat had come in thick, a prize I am pleased with, I am warm and that is all that matters. What is more unwelcome to me is the fading of my color, it had spread across the top of my head and down to my muzzle already. A deep slate colored gray, hairs finding their way down my nape as well. A nicker frees itself from my ivory cage, before I vocalize her name. ”Hey, Reuen. Who is that you’re with?” I call suspiciously, approaching the two, my copper colored eyes narrowed at the newcomer. Mother would think I was rude, but she wasn’t here to chastise me for my guarded nature, my smart nature I thought.

html by Call

And at once I knew, I was not magnificent - Ledger - 08-02-2015

It seems Magnus has heard his son’s request and in response he releases the clouds of their heavy burdens. The snowflakes fall silently, calmly. Shivering slightly as they begin to cling to his fur, shaking his head as one comes to rest on the tip of his muzzle. Suddenly he is not alone, a mute stranger coming to join him. She seems worn out, too thin and yet too fat in the middle at the same time. Hollow. Tarnished eyes expressing betrayal and lostness. Like nothing was left inside. Nobody was home. His gold flecked eyes gaze at her questioningly and when she simply stands and says nothing, he gives her a small smile and says nothing either. He didn’t mind the company, finding that he preferred her simple way instead of the chit chat. So they watch the snow fall together and he wonders if this is what normal companionship is. Being together but not saying a word and it’s all fine, just fine.

Out of instinct he finds his larger body moving closer to hers, offering her warmth should she want it. And then a call breaks through the stillness, jolting him slightly out of the hazy peacefulness that the snow, silence, and mare had created for him. She is young, barely a yearling at that and she exudes youthfulness as she bounds over the drifts with ease. Accusation in her eyes and suspicion in her voice. ”I’m Ledger.” He responds gruffly, having not used his voice in quiet sometime as he made his way back to his homeland. ”I lived here awhile ago..” How long ago? Time was confusing to him. ”I’m back now if the Gates will have me.”


RE: And at once I knew, I was not magnificent [Any/All] - Reuen - 08-17-2015

how much heartache can we take?

The intricate makeup of the snowflakes makes me question how intricate my own life was. Was my life meaningful, meaningless? Why did this fleshy vessel of scars and wounds, why did it exist? Why did it trudge through the shadows, finding the light, try and push through the mire, only to fall into the mud? I question many things, and remain silent, even now, as the snow drifts upon my back in piles of ivory, I think, I question.

The stranger, he moves ever closer, pressing himself against my ice-cold pelt. He is warm, warm like the promise of an impending springtime, a summer that will soon reign thereafter. He brings with him a sunshine light, a blessing, a disguise of a knight, helpful for a damsel. I say nothing, silent, ever so silent, against the fall of gentle flakes, against the cold breeze that teases. I swallow a breath, and then another, until Tioga appears, a break in the snowdrifts. My tongue sticks to the roof of my mouth, words sound hollow, broken. 'Stranger.' I say, as it is all I can muster, adjust. He is just that, a wintry wanderer, a stranger, a knight. I nod, tearing myself away from the warmth, almost reluctantly, walnut eyes finding her copper tinged orbs, I smile, weary, as cold, as forgotten as the flakes that fall to the floor. 'He is a stranger.' I turn back to him, only to listen to his words. He is polite, as sweet as the succulent mint that grows in the spring, the softness of the honeysuckle bushes that smell so sweet, to enticing. If only they did not seem so far away.

'Ledger. The Stranger is Ledger.' I pause then, twisted ears sodden with snowflakes. 'Ledger is no stranger to the Gates. The Gates would bring him in, bring you in. the Gates are safe, safe.' I say gently, a voice quivering against the cold in billows. 'I'm Reuen.' I say, ears still, lips tight. 'This is Tioga.' I say once more, motioning my shoulder, angling it towards the young girl. And then, I turn my hollow hazel gaze back to the dear child, I remember her birth, her sweet mother's agony. 'Tioga. Ledger. Tioga. Ledger.' I say, over, over, again and again, as if the very mention of their names burn into my skull, my memory bank. Forever known, forever there, to haunt me, to hunt me...


little broken girl of the gates

OOC: I'm so sorry! I thought I had replied to this =[

RE: And at once I knew, I was not magnificent [Any/All] - Tioga - 08-17-2015

Short staccato words find my ears. The silver black mare is speaking to me, that brief way she does, sometimes barely a sentence.  My copper colored eyes trace the lines of her mouth, the movement of her lips as she speaks. Each word is its own roll of the tongue, the press of the pink flap against ivory teeth. Syllables pull and stretch the corners of velveteen lips. Stranger, Reuen tells me, as I nod and continue my approach. I don’t cow away from the newcomer, I am too smart, or too inexperienced to have the same caution my Mother did around stallions.

I place my graying head beneath the silvered woman’s maw, and nibble gentle at the whiskers I find there. Safe she says, once again expressing her thoughts in snippets, my ears flicker as her warm breath blows past them. Flyaway strands of ebony stray with static against the cold, I press my flesh to hers and turn my attention to the male. My stare is cool, calculating as I judge him, finding the curves of skin and wandering over each hair.Ledger, first Reuen says and then the stag confirms in his own bearish voice. The sound is crackling to my eardrums, something that does not match his toasty and rich colored coat.

He is the warm tones of the sun and summer, a honeyed hue that is quite different to what I am used to seeing. The silver that toned the It was more akin to the color of my cruel eyes, than to any pelt that currently graced our home. We were mostly a monochromatic color, drab and lackluster. Funny, I think, how I now conclude that this completely matched the outlook the other herds had of us. We were a bore, we were not a threat, we were to be ignored and tolerated at most.

Heaven’s Gates they called this place, and here we were, smudging it up with the mundane. Perhaps we could use some new blood, or some old blood by his next words. Not exactly a new comer, but still fresh to the Gates and all that had transpired since his departure. Surely this place had been something worthwhile, if only once, for him to want to come back. It was nice enough of course and it was my home, but it wasn’t necessarily exciting. I am sure that the Gates would have him, the Gates would have many and more, including the corrupt mind I stored in my own head. I decide that this male is no threat to my friend, no threat to our home. A curious thought finds me and I speak, ”What was it like? Before?” What was enough to bind him here?

html by Call

RE: And at once I knew, I was not magnificent [Any/All] - Ledger - 08-22-2015

The silent mare is silent no more and he looks at her almost in wonder. The way she talks is lyrical and in all his travels he has never heard anyone speak the way she has. So blinded by the snow that for the first time he can see his new companion clearly, covered in scars. Everywhere. Velvet lips brush gently against the scars on her shoulder, his breath hot on the raw skin. It’s an action he does unthinkingly, wanting to bring something soft… Something kind… To those ugly blistering wounds. ”Ledger. The stranger is Ledger. The Gates are safe. Safe.” Her words wrap an invisible blanket around him, his heart swelling in his chest. Suddenly wrought with internal emotions. Safe. The one thing that had long evaded him. His gold flecked eyes blaze with sudden intensity. When he had finally found the one person who ever truly cared for him, the one who could have protected him so long ago if he only knew of his existence, one of the first things he had said was.. You’re safe. His eyelids flutter quickly and he is the solemn stallion once more. Everything pushed back down in the lock box. Not today. It wouldn’t slam open today.

The scarred female continues to speak, introducing herself and the filly. Her bones are protruding through her flesh, how did he not notice it before? Then again, he was quite thin himself thanks to the exertion of long time travel. In fact he looked much the same as he did the first time he had ever shown up here. Thin, dirty, and looking entirely worn out. Not much had changed. Not at all. The youngster has seemed to determine him non threatening enough, he can’t blame her nor is he offended, and asks him a simple question. Simple for her. Anxiety ridden for him. However he offers his gentle smile and looks around quietly for a moment, remembering and enjoying the strange quiet noise of snow fall. ”Well.. That tree wasn’t here.” For he has noticed the “mother tree” that had absolutely not been here when he had first come home. ”And there was a war on the horizon…” His voice has taken on a dreamy tone for now he is starting to recall things he had long forgotten. It had seemed so important back then, not at all now. ”My father had ruled here once with his true love. I wasn’t here then… But he had been a warrior and they had been quite respected.” He pauses, considering Tioga for a moment. ”I came here later on after my father died because I knew how much this place meant to him and what it had given him. The Gates has always been kind to me.” He trails off, lost in thought once more.