The Prodigal Son ( KAVI ) - Printable Version

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The Prodigal Son ( KAVI ) - Bergamot - 07-21-2015


My silence is a roar...

The golden colored stallion picked his way almost mincingly through the spindly forms of giant pines, their needles tickling along his back and catching in the cream strands of his mane.  The sky was dark overhead, a black void that sucked all of the color from the world.  No moon rode in the sky tonight, the only light came from the starlight, their forms like tiny prickles of ice glinting in the velvety darkness.  Hazel eyes well adjusted to the dark, Bergamot continued his slow trek through the trees until they thinned and he found himself in a large open space.  Calling it a meadow would have been too polite.  It was more like a bare patch on the slope that had managed to cover itself in a thin blanket of lichen and moss, stones protruding like the hands of drowning men.

The cold wonder of the Chamber had always intrigued the palomino stallion.  It was so different from his birthplace in the Jungle.  He might have chosen this land for his home if not for his singular talent, the one he feared to lose more than anything else.  Typically a burnished gold, his pelt was currently illustrated with the night sky, he might have been a horse shaped piece of the galaxy fallen to earth.  His paintings replaced his words, gave him a voice to speak with to replace the one he'd been born without.  Still, there were limitations.  His paintings were as silent as he was and could not call out for his father any more than he could himself.

Instead he lifted a single rear hoof and kicked a stone sharply, the sharp crack ringing out until the echo answered him back.  He struck the stone twice more and waited in the dark, a breeze lifting up his mane and tail.  From afar one would see a blackened Quarab stallion painted with a thousand stars, his age unreadable.  Perhaps only three years old, his hazel eyes looked a hundred as he peered into the gloom that surrounded him.  Though he was painted in light, he could not produce it.  He would wait in the dark and see if his sire came.

 photo Pomona_1.jpg

RE: The Prodigal Son ( KAVI ) - Kavi - 07-28-2015

Do you believe you're missin' out?
That everything good is happening somewhere else?

The cold wonder of the Chamber never suited me at first. After the flirtatious embrace of the meadow and the security-blanket warmth of the Jungle, this place hit me like stones from the mountain’s top. Thump, thump, goes the Chamber’s heart, but often I find myself second guessing whether that heart remains true and red, or if it has rotted and turned black. Surviving here? Difficult. Thriving here? Nigh on impossible, and I only succeeded because I had someone to look up to.

Perhaps history will repeat itself; perhaps family will return to family, and Rhagerou’s blood shall run thickly here, and the Jungle, too.

The sharp clanging rouses me from rest; I would not venture to call it sleep, for sleep in these pines reborn from the ashes is uneasy at best. The embrace of the ancient trees had lulled me to sleep many a night, reminding me of the Jungle, of ‘home.’ Now in the emptiness, the old ones have begun growing again, but the ash clings to them as well as us. The Chamberlings.

Intrigued by the echoing summon, I roll to my well-bred legs, shaking myself out once equilibrium returns to me. A cloud of ash rises, only to settle upon my Arabian shoulders once more. Pleased with my golden-soot appearance, I take off in a graceful canter towards the ‘large open space,’ my mane and tail streaming behind me like grass in a ferociously strong wind.

No really, I appear to be the wind, images of trees, grasses, flowers, rocks and more flowing over my skin as though I command the invisible force. The scene continues until I discovery who awaits within the lichen-covered clearing; then, it disappears, replaced by the night sky.

“Bergamot,” I exhale. The use of his full name points towards my growing excitement, despite my quiet tone. Closing the space between us with an unfortunately flamboyant canter-stride or two, I meet my son’s hazel gaze with my amber one. The cool night-wind catches in my throat, but I push past it, too eager to deliver what news I bear. “The wind of fate has changed directions.” Upon the galaxy of my coat, the sun slowly, cautiously begins illuminating the front of my body, a spectre of colours moving gradually across my body; a sunrise. “You can stay here now.” And now I close up, lips sealed, anxiety causing my heart to flutter beneath my ribcage. The lights continue playing across the front of my form, while stars glimmer along my backside. If ever I have yearned for the light, it is now; for if he answers ‘no,’ surely a storm shall overcast the miracle of the sunrise.

Kagerou x Rhaego

This post is an example of why I love Kavi SO FRICKEN MUCH. It's like poetry from my fingertips.
Too bad he's a stubborn old man who never gives me muse >Sad