[open] there's no remedy for memory; any - Printable Version

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there's no remedy for memory; any - Erinys - 12-09-2016

I'm lying in the ocean, singing your song
your face is like a melody, it won't leave my head.

A mistake is what she was.

She had been born from an abomination—a creature not even from this world. It had been her mother though (strange, adorned in purple armor) in some sort of way that allowed nature to birth her. Her mother had shown nothing towards her when she had been born. It didn't even seem like compassion or love was capable for such a being like her mother. Her mother’s specie had only seemed to want one purpose—more of them.

It had left her there in the pouring rain on that spring morning. She was left with no guidance in this world, not a hand to hold to comfort her in times of need. And she was alone, but did not stop her from living. It perhaps had been her biological nature that kicked in, pushed her to survive, and live through this terrible turmoil.

Erinys—that is what she called herself.  It was a name from some story she had heard a mother tell her twin children one day in the meadow. She never knew what it meant truly, but she had liked the sound of it. It rolled off easily and yet had a sense of harshness to the ring of it. It gave her some sense of feeling like somebody when she felt like nobody.

The black filly eventually grew into an adult. She could’ve been a pretty thing with her darkened skin and bright amber eyes but she was not. She was not perfect—if that was the nicest way to put it.. She has an ewe-neck, slab-sided body, and is missing her left ear. Erinys was defective—not perfect or pretty.

Company is what she craves most right now. The disaster that spread across Beqanna, affecting all of them, did not bother her. She did not miss things that were gifted to her. Then again, she had never been given a gift, only things that made her ugly and unwanted. She sometimes wonders how she even is still alive, breathing and accepting who and what she is. It was a mystery to her, but somehow and someway she is still here.

Erinys slowly makes her way across the meadow. Her amber eyes pay no attention to others. If she is caught looking at another she acts like she never saw them there. She had no one—no friends, no family. It’s not that she had never wanted someone; it’s just that she never had found someone to accept her for who she was. She had never found someone like her—until they had come into her life.

Her bright, amber colored eyes light up at the memory. It overplays a million times each day that passes by. She wonders where the four have gone after their meeting together only what seemed like yesterday. It's been more than a couple days now, but Erinys has lost track of time as she always has. However, she is back here in the meadow—hoping, waiting for them to come back. She is not sure if she would ever see them again, truly. 

pazuzu x ripley
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