Following the Wind -open- - Printable Version

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Following the Wind -open- - RadMads - 08-01-2016

[Image: blue_roan_stock_9_by_tragedyseen.png]


Her tail swished in the light breeze that was dancing across the fields. Striking blue eyes drank in everything surround her, ears twitching, staying cautious and alert, remembering the words her mother told her. "You can be brave Xiomara, but never underestimate anything. That will be your downfall if you do." Those very words had stuck with her throughout her entire childhood, saving her life several times even. The oddness of her coat attracted many interests, unwanted interests. Xiomara was always on the lookout, learning to never trust any stallion for he would forget his promises at the drop of a hoof. 

Powerful legs pounded against the dirt as she galloped across the fields, searching for shade. The heat was unbearable and it wasn't even summer. She had always preferred the cold rather than the heat. But for now, this oddly populated area would have to do. All she needed was a break, a few days rest, before she would have to move again. Her eyes lit up as she found a lone batch of tall, mature trees that would provide her ample shade. Slowing down to a trot, she snorted and pawed at the ground, claiming this little spot as her own. Too bad there was no water source nearby, alas that would have been too easy. Her head hanging low, she sighed and relaxed slightly for the first time in weeks. 

RE: Following the Wind -open- - Misra - 08-01-2016

stay close to me while the sky is falling

  The warmth of day had yet to hit its peak, but it was impossible to ignore - so often she hid away within the canopy of pines, soothed by their sweet shade and the delicate breeze that wafted between their tight crevices, and now the weight of sunlight held so much more of a burden on her. 

   Her dark coat glimmers gently in the light, and her feathers bristle in the rather uncomfortable heat as she extends her stiff wings to each side of her slender body. Though a gentle sheen of sweat begins to cover her body and tickle along the nape of her neck, she presses on, her doe eyed gaze curious as the stench of sex and testosterone overwhelms her mind.

  It is not often that she ventures out away from the coastline, and yet something pulls her to the wavering golden wheat that laps so gently at her long legs, bathing her beneath the rays of sunlight that beat down mercilessly. She gives a brief toss of her tresses, much of which sticks to her damp coat, while several strands fall in the way of her bright eyes. 

   A low chuckle rumbles from her throat as her gaze lingers on the mousy blue roan female tucked away beneath a few draping branches, and for a long moment, she wonders why she chose such a wretched, blistering day to spread her wings. 

   She tucks her chin close to her neck for a moment, the heavy, curved horns atop her head gleaming in the light as she observes her. Quietly, she steps forward, rustling the lapping grasses as she nears her. Her voice rings out through the air long before her body can reach her, her tone gleeful and kind, albeit amused. "You must not be from around here - never turn your back to the open field," Her dark eyes glance out onto the open plain, the feathers on her wings bristling once more. "there are few that you can trust. My name is Misra, and I am from the Chamber - what is your name?"

RE: Following the Wind -open- - RadMads - 08-02-2016


Her surprised body whipped around to face the stranger. She gritted her teeth in aggravation and her tail swished from side to side in a displeased manner as this other creature had managed to encroach on her without her noticing. Lifting her graceful head, she took a half a step back after her first true look at the creature. It looked just like a horse.. but it had wings and unusual horns atop its head. "You must not be from around here - never turn your back to the open field", the strange creatures words flitted through her head, sounding oddly close to her mothers words. Her lean, yet muscular body was tense with anger, surprise, and mostly irritation. "there are few that you can trust. My name is Misra, and I am from the Chamber - what is your name?". 

The first thought that crossed through her mind was if she should entertain this strange thing.. or just ignore her and hope she goes away. Her curiosity got the better of her as she stared at the mare unashamedly. "Misra... an interesting name for an interesting creature... I am Xiomara from nowhere. Why are you here."  Her words were straight, and to the point. Hopefully she would learn some information as to where she was and then she could ditch the mare and claim some place as her own. 

RE: Following the Wind -open- - Misra - 08-02-2016

stay close to me while the sky is falling

  The sudden shift in agitation does not go unnoticed; her eyes glance back to the young female and with some hesitance, she steps back. Her shoulders roll as the tension begins to build within her muscles, made wary by the aggressive stance taken by her.

  The warm breeze that carries through the plain caresses her damp skin, and it would be soothing if not for the rattling pounding of her own heart within her chest. Deep within, hidden away within her womb, a life grows and shifts within her, and for a long moment she contemplates the heavy question given to her. Why are you here?

"Admittedly, I was hoping to spread my wings - the velocity of the wind is less than it has been in previous days, and so I thought I might .." Her voices lowers as her words taper off, a faint smile tugging at her whiskered lips as she dips her head slightly towards her.

  "I did not mean to startle you, Xiomara - I apologize. I come from a land with dense trees, a flowing stream and many thickets and rocks. It is a quiet one, run by a fair King and his Queen. It was a sanctuary for me," She pauses, her mind drifting off to a place and a time she did not often like to think of. "a refuge in a difficult time in my life. It is a wonderful place to live, should you desire somewhere to go. If not, there are many lands in every direction, rich with life and with opportunity. Welcome to Beqanna."

RE: Following the Wind -open- - RadMads - 08-02-2016


She noticed the way the mare shifted at the sharpness of her tone, her point had successfully gotten across. The odd part was as to why this mare shifted the way she did, her orbs studied Misra very carefully, looking for any clues. When Misra said that she could fly, her interest was peaked. Maybe this mare could be of use to her after all. All Xiomara needed was a cold place to call her own and where she would be promptly left alone. Xiomara had no problem obeying authority, as long as the leader proved themselves first. She would also be willing to protect such leader if the time or need every arises. As a matter of fact, becoming a warrior was something Xiomara had dreamed of for a very long time. 

Ah.. this mare was here to recruit her, her presence finally made sense. "Unless your so called Chambers is cold and has little living things, then I have no interest in going. I do not need refuge, as I can take care of myself. " Although Xiomara knew she sounded extremely rude, it couldn't be helped. All she wanted was her own little cold place to rest. Her head sharply nodded at the welcoming and she stared a the mare, not uttering another word to her. 

RE: Following the Wind -open- - Misra - 08-02-2016

stay close to me while the sky is falling

  "You are a bitter little wench, aren't you?" She muses suddenly, her eyes darkening slightly. Though demure and patient, her tone was growing quite agitating to listen to - perhaps it was the surge of hormones that pulsated through her limbs, but she was suddenly immensely grateful for the declination. "Most unattractive." 

   Xiomara would be of little value, she decides, and she would be much better shirked elsewhere as someone else's blistering thorn. Her nostrils flare with a low sigh as she draws her thick, heavy wings to each side of her slender body, flexing the stiff muscles and fragile bones once more. Her feathers catch again in the sunlight, and she pauses to bury her teeth near the tip of her left wing, preening the tucked feather that lay there.

  "There is only one place as cold as you seek, run by a King as kind as my own in the North - he does not take kindly to sharp tongues and cheekiness, so be warned. His land is an ally to my own, so perhaps we will see each other again - though I dare say, I should hope not. Goodbye, Xiomara." She says with a trill in her voice as her slender legs carry her several paces off.  With agility and grace, she lifts up, her heavy black wings pounding against the warm and heavy air, and soon she is long gone - soaring in the sky.

RE: Following the Wind -open- - RadMads - 08-03-2016



She snorted as the mare talked. Her mind focused on a million other things, which included getting rid of this mare. All she wanted was peace and quiet. That short moment had lasted no more than five minutes, and Xiomara was wondering whether or not she was ever going to get a break. Her tail continued to swish from side to side, exaggeratedly, and her left front hoof pawed at the ground every now and then. This conversation was over in her mind and she was simply waiting for this mare to take her leave.

A bitter wench.. an interesting choice of words. Cocking her head to the side, she uttered no words in remarks to the comment. Her interest and patience was waning, and very quickly. Snorting loudly as the mare tried to put her down. Xiomara did not care about her looks. Not even one bit. She knew that her beauty wasn't outstanding but she had been involved in a fight or two regarding her ownership. She had won both fights and proved that neither stallion was worthy of leading her. 

She had no problem submitting... when the stallion or mare proved themselves worthy. Being to prideful to admit defeat would only get a horse killed. As the mare took off into the sky, Xiomara mulled over her words. A place full of ice.. how wonderfully delightful it sounded. She must make an effort to visit there at some point. But for now her main priority was finding a small stream or creek to drink from and then resting with one eye open. 

Cold Soothes All Wounds